“I could, but we both know that you wouldn’t come as hard for me,” he answered, his cocky grin growing wider.
“You’re such a fucking bastard!” I exclaimed.
“I know, but that’s what makes your pussy so wet, doesn’t it?” he mused, his gaze penetrating my own with dark intensity. I gritted my teeth and moved back into my doorway. While keeping his knowing stare locked with mine, I slammed the door in his face once again.
With an exasperated shriek, I smashed my back against the solid door, a deliberate attempt to use it as an anchor as I battled with myself over whether to open it again and give into that cocky, infuriatingly sexy arrogance. Every fiber of my being longed to bridge the gap, to surrender to the desire that simmered beneath my heated skin and just give into him. Yet with a determined exhale, I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to cross the threshold and succumb to his intoxicating magnetism once and for all.
I only made it fifteen minutes.
A strong surge of need overcame my fizzling resolve. I held on as long as I possibly could, but it was too much. With a trembling hand, I reached out and turned the doorknob, the faint clicks seemingly announcing my reluctant surrender. I pushed and the door swung open. There he stood, still waiting for me just like I had known he would be.
“Congratulations. You win, asshole,” I spat, needing him to know that even though I’d decided to give into my body’s needs, I hadn’t surrendered to him. This would just be sex, at least that’s what I kept telling myself. It would be nothing more than that.
“You need a good hard fucking, don’t you, little girl?”
I needed to take back some sliver of control, so instead of swearing at him or insulting him, I said the only thing that had gotten to him since I’d met him two days ago.
“Yes,daddy,” I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
The same dark glimmer that I’d seen before burned in his gaze with vivid intensity. His eyes bored into mine, searching down into the depths of my soul and sending a shiver down my spine. Just meeting his gaze incapacitated me in a way I didn’t understand. Time seemed to stand still as we stared into each other’s eyes. In the charged silence that enveloped us, it was clear that neither of us was willing to yield first in this battle of wills. Our eyes remained locked in a fierce standoff, sparks flying in a clash of desire and restraint.
“Ifuckinglovethe sound of that,” he growled, his voice rampant with his own desire.
The sound of it reverberated all the way down to the pit of my core, and I let out a soft moan of arousal. Immediately, I covered it up with a sneer. The truth was Ilikedcalling him that too, but I was never going to admit it, especially not right now.
I was in over my head. I needed to pump the brakes, retreat back into my room, and press my fingers between my thighs. It would be better for both of us that way. If I was honest with myself, though, that’s not what I wanted, and that’s not what I did.
Instead, I pushed him harder.
“You would,dickhead,” I snapped.
He grinned wider, my insult glancing off of him without a single effect. His calm demeanor was maddening.
“You should know that little girls with mouths like yours get spanked hard before they’re fucked even harder,” he replied, his confidence cool as a cucumber.
A strangled cry escaped me, and I glared back at him with as much open defiance as I could muster. I was already practically begging for him to fuck me. Wasn’t that enough for him? Why did he have to threaten to spank me, too?
Even as we stood there locked together in a tense standoff, I could feel the heat between us. My clit pulsed incessantly harder, like it was begging him to take me in hand despite the war going on in my head. Did I want him to? Did I not?
I stiffened and lifted my chin. I wasn’t going to give into him on this. He could fuck me, and that was it.
“Don’t you dare. I don’t want a spanking,” I scoffed.
“I know. That’s why my cock is so hard.”
His penetrating gaze held a darkness that sent a thrill of anxious anticipation down my spine. The weight of his stare seemed to insinuate a silent promise, a forewarning that he was poised to seize control at any given moment. Those smoldering depths gave way to a knowing smirk, and I realized that we had reached a breaking point.
It was now or never.
My heart raced as I took a step back, my initial instinct to retreat and regain my composure overcoming my desire in an instant. I reached for the door handle, my fingers trembling with a mix of expectation and apprehension, but he didn’t allow me to escape again.
In a few powerful strides, he was there, his hand effortlessly catching the door before it could close. The mere act of his presence, of him not allowing me to run, sent a shiver down my spine, and I cried out in aroused alarm.
The hallway suddenly felt constricted, his towering form commanding every inch of space. The doorway framed his silhouette, and in that moment, my heart seemed to echo the rhythm of my rapid breaths. His eyes bored into mine with a fusion of determination and something else, something that stirred with both longing and dark intent.
In that heart-stopping moment, his gaze held mine captive, the intensity of his stare igniting an inferno of emotions within me. A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind, a whirlwind of nervousness and anticipation that seemed to pulse through my veins with every beat of my heart. And then, he was stepping over the threshold, his presence a tidal wave that threatened to consume my senses completely.
Without pause, he reached out and his fingers found mine, a touch that was both firm and tender, sending a shockwave of sensation through my entire being. It was a bold move, a declaration of intent that sent my nerves into a flurry.