Page 25 of Watch Me, Daddy

I didn’t glorify him with a response, but my body certainly did. My pussy clenched hard, and my nipples hardened into tight little bullets within my bra. Heated desire swirled within my core, building in power like a summer storm strengthening into a raging hurricane. In an instant, I could feel my arousal dripping onto the seat of my panties.

Fuck my life.

He stood, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a key.

“This is the key to your room. You may lock your door if you like, but you should know that I’ll be waiting outside.”

“Why?” I asked, my voice trembling with uneasy anticipation. What was he thinking?

Aidan’s eyes sparkled with a dark, mischievous glint. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

What was he up to?

I think you know what he’s insinuating…

He cleared his throat and somehow, I knew whatever he was going to say next would take my breath away. My body tensed, as if instinctually I knew to prepare myself.

“If you want me to give you what you’ve beenbeggingfor since yesterday, all you have to do is open your door. If you need to, you can even pretend you’re trying to escape so you don’t have to admit to yourself that you wantmy cockeven more than you need abright red bottom.”

Without another word, he put the key down on the side table beside the couch, strode away, and disappeared upstairs.

I blinked in shock, just sitting there while his words repeated over and over in my head.

What the fuck just happened?



I stared at the key he’d left behind, the simple object becoming something much less innocent in a matter of moments.

“You want my cock.”

Was he right?

Deep down, a part of me knew that he was, that he’d seen right through my frustration and veiled anger easily enough to figure out the source of it. My thighs pressed against one another as I imagined what it would be like to have him touch me, let alone fuck me.

My body burned with fire.

In stunned silence, I sat there for several minutes before I managed to push myself up off the couch and wrap my fingers around the key. The cold metal burned against my palm like coal from a blazing fire. As I squeezed it tight, the edges dug into my skin, and I gritted my teeth as I tried to grapple with what had just happened.

“You need a bright red bottom.”

Did he really mean what I thought he meant, that I needed to be spanked?

His hands were enormous, broad, and unmistakably rugged. The memory of his calloused touch held a tantalizing allure. Would it hurt if he smacked my ass? Would I like it, or would I want to claw his eyes out the moment it made contact?

Why did my pussy clench at the thought?

Even as I struggled to contend with this unexpected change, my body surged with heat. I felt too hot in the leggings and form fitting tank top I’d put on this morning. My breasts ached with desire, and my nipples were so hard that they hurt. My clit had been throbbing relentlessly since he’d come into the room, and it hadn’t stopped. Truthfully, it had only gotten worse in his presence. I knew that my panties were really wet, so much so that I’d soaked through the thin material of my pants.

You’re a fucking traitor, pussy.

I tried my best to ignore it all as I stomped upstairs to my bedroom with the key firmly gripped in my palm. I slammed the door behind me and locked it, but I turned back and gritted my teeth as I stared at it.

Would he really be waiting outside my door?

You know he will.