“Right, so here’s how you play.”

For the next several seconds, I watch Zack demonstrate the basics of the game. Or, at least, I watch as closely as I can with only the moon and the light from the emergency exit signs glowing around us.

After I watch him a few times, I take one of the offered quarters hesitatingly. Moistening my lips, I try not to feel the heat from Zack’s stare as I make my first attempt.

The coin hits the table and flies off to the side.

I wince. “Crap.” I go again with similar results.

Wrinkling my nose, I shake my head and offer the coins back to Zack. “It’s no use. I’ll never figure it out.”

“Oh, come one. We both know you aren’t ready to give up now. You just need a little coaching.”

Rather than taking the coins, Zack springs out of his seat to stand behind me. “You just have to get the flick of your wrist right.”

He takes hold of my right hand, and a jolt of desire hits me right between my thighs. I take a few short, shallow breaths.

Apparently unaware of the effect he’s having on me, Zack places a quarter between my fingers. “Line up your shot. Keep the mug in your sight.”

Easy for him to say. He isn’t the one having the back of his neck tickled by someone’s warm breath.

Swallowing hard, I do my best to take his advice, focusing on the cup and ignoring the sensations warring inside of me. I take another breath, this one deep to fill my lungs. And I take my shot.

The quarter bounces off the table and plops into the cup.

I gasp. Eyes wide and jaw dropped. I turn to Zack. “Did you see that?”

He’s watching me closely, his lip curved up on the side. “See, you’re a natural.”

“Let me try it again.”

Grasping the quarters, I go again and again and again. I still miss every third or fourth shot, but I get better.

Zack sinks back into his seat, watching me with amusement plainly written on his face.

“Thank you for showing me how to play. This is… Nice.”

He smirks. “Don’t get used to it. I promise to go back to being an ass tomorrow.”

“I have no doubt.”

But I am doubting my ability to resist him and his charms. Whether or not he’s an ass to me. Which is bizarre. I swear, the second I’m out of here, I’m calling my therapist for an emergency session.

“You know…” He cocks his head to the side. “There is one thing that would make this game a little more official.”

“What’s that? A timer? Because I’m sure we can use the one on our phones.”

“No, not a timer. Booze.”

I pause before taking another shot. “Booze?”

He nods. “Quarters is a drinking game after all.”

Now that he mentions it, I know he’s right. That would explain why I’ve never played before. Not because it involves alcohol. But because I never frequented the kinds of parties in high school or college where drinking games would’ve been played.

I was too busy spending my weekend nights working on my college application essays and studying for tests. I was always so busy worrying about my future that I didn’t give myself time to be a kid.

I just judged people like Zack for enjoying their youth while I sacrificed mine. Not that I regret it. I got where I am today because of my hard work. But…