Karl was saying something on the phone, and I wasn’t listening. I felt like a ghost in the sun–lost and blind. Karl’s tap on my shoulder broke my reverie.

“Hey, I just spoke with the heads of the various social media companies that have allowed the photos to circulate on their platforms. They’ll be bringing it down immediately and suppressing any news. It also goes against their guidelines, so it’s enforceable. This should mitigate the problem, though it won’t change the public discourse for a while.” The pain in his voice almost broke me. Going out of his way to do this touched me.

“An idea just occurred to me.” I looked up at him, a smile slowly forming on his lips. “We are officially in a relationship. Although what happened comes at the wrong time, overshadowing our success, we can still steer the online conversation. We should tell the world that we are together and express our annoyance at someone invading our privacy. What do you think?” I asked, hopeful that he’d agree.

“Just perfect. How do we go about this?” I laughed, happy at how we complemented each other. Maybe things aren’t going to be so bad after all. I took out my phone and went live on my personal account. The show was quickly filled with thousands of viewers. I smiled, feeling assured despite all that was happening and the disgusting comments I had seen. I brought Karl into frame, and we officially announced to the world that we were together.

Immediately, the comments changed to more appreciative and congratulatory. After condemning the actions of the leaker, I ended the live podcast.

“That was...something,” he sighed.

“Dealing with the media is a tricky business. At least, we are able to turn this into a favorable situation...”

He gave me an apologetic smile as he answered a call. His smile changed into a mask of shock, then anger.

“Get the damn lawyers immediately and get this situation under control!” He ended the call. He squeezed his phone so hard, I thought he would break it. He saw my perplexed look and huffed out a frustrated breath. “My designs have been used by rival companies for their clothing line. There was a leak, and I am sure it was Laura. This time she isn’t going scot-free.”

I sat stunned, feeling as if the world was after both of us.

Chapter 22


Iwasdoingmybest to keep a lid on my anger. I said goodbye to Marie and drove swiftly to the company. When I arrived, I saw a horde of reporters waiting for me at the entrance. I pushed past them, ignoring their questions and attempts to grab me.

I headed straight to the elevator and rode to the top floor, then I made my way to the conference room. Unceremoniously, I entered, and the conversation died down. The head of the legal department, Walter, rose from his seat, while Blake stood to the side, clearly nervous. The table was packed with several papers; I recognized some as my original designs.

I stopped Walter from talking and moved past the other lawyers to my seat. Blake immediately handed me an iPad. I scrolled through the photos, looking at the knockoff copies of my designs on several models. Narrowing my eyes, I went over them again, careful not to miss anything. These were copied from my works—designs I hadn’t released to the public. I recently brought out these designs to have a select few designers work on them. They are under strict contracts and dare not sabotage me like this.

The pirate companies would have had these designs for a while now, which meant they had gotten them a few weeks ago. The real designs had been sitting in my study, until...Laura. Yes, she was the one who was sneaking around my study. But I’d need more than my suspicions to prove it in court. I needed evidence.

I looked at the lawyers and their assistants. They looked away, reading the files in their hands. The room was silent. Walter gave a polite cough. I nodded curtly and he spoke.

“Sir, to an untrained eye, these designs are quite similar. Therefore, a case can be made. Also, with the help of a fellow reputable designer, your testimony, and original designs, we can take this to court and secure a possible win.”

“Possible?” I asked.

He sighed, looking embarrassed. “We have a lot to prove, and we also have to fight the legal teams of both companies involved, Dell’ Arte United and Camp Wears International.” My silence prompted him to continue. “The judge could halt these companies from producing and selling these designs for the duration of the case. However, we have to prove that you made the designs first and at the very least show that someone from their company had access to your sketchbook or heard you discuss the designs and the creative process.” Walter looked defeated.

“We are going to do our best, but with matters of intellectual properties such as these, proving it to a jury is difficult. We need evidence, something concrete that can link someone with access to you or your sketchbook from these companies. Or else, the case might get thrown out. So...”

Everyone’s eyes were on me. It was like the room held its breath. I spoke, much calmer now. These guys were some of the bests in the country. With what I knew of Laura’s action, it could increase the likelihood of winning this case. “This revelation might help, though it’s still within the realm of possibility.”How do I ascertain Laura gave these companies the design? I can only prove that she entered my study and rifled through my things,I mused. Shaking my head, I continued.

“The rest of you get out. Walter and Blake, stay behind.” The others quickly walked out. The crowded room suddenly felt spacious. “Laura, a woman I was once involved with, might be behind this. She had access to the original designs in my study. After we fell out, she threatened to hit me where it hurts. I’ll have you get this to court as soon as possible. I’ll get you the necessary evidence. And Walter, don’t fail me.”

He nodded gravely.

I left the room. In my office, I saw Norris.

“Good day, sir. I was asked to wait for you since you were busy. I have something interesting here. I kept tabs on Laura as you ordered.” I nodded, going to my seat. “She suddenly received a whopping sum in her account and paid off her debts. She now has enough to live a good life. I investigated the source of this wealth and discovered it was sent by the COOs of both Dell’ Arte United and Camp Wears Intl. I believe this is important. Here.”

I chuckled, feeling quite lucky. “Good job, Norris. This comes at the right time. You’ll be handsomely rewarded.” He grinned, patted his jacket and inclined his head in a bow. As soon as he left, I called Walter to my office. With this evidence, it was now possible to get Laura charged and stop these companies from using my designs.

Within the week, I tried to spend time at home and give more attention to Marie. I was grateful that she understood what I was facing, though I wished I could have solved her problems sooner and, more importantly, introduce her to Jason. It was high time I did that.

“Sir, we’re here.” Blake left the driver’s seat and walked to the door on my side. He opened it, and I stepped out. The courthouse was busy. Adding to the fact that today was the day this case was being tried in court, the media was positively glowing with anticipation of the verdict. I scanned the faces of the crowd for Marie. She said she’d be here today. I didn’t see her.

“Let’s go,” I said to Blake. We walked up the stairs leading into the courthouse, doing our best to avoid the frenzied reporters. They needed a soundbite from me. It was laughable.