She smiled at that.

“When my manager brought a baby to me, saying he had been abandoned, I looked at him and knew that he was my son. I did my best to find his mom to no avail: Nobody knew who left the baby. The video footage didn’t show a clear picture of the woman’s face.

The manager brought a note she had pulled from the baby’s meager belongings.“He was conceived here on July 15th2018.”Reading those words caused mysuspicions to heighten. I decided to do a DNA test and the rest is history.

Many nights, I’d go out and get wasted. The revelation finally came back in the form of Jason. It was a cold reality check and I vowed I would be the best dad to my son. That was why I allowed Laura back into my life and into my son’s life.

I knew she wasn’t, but I hoped nonetheless, she’d be the mother Jason needed or at least function in that role. She’s gone now. I sent her away before she could cause any more harm and after discovering how much of a fraud she is.

“Rest assured that I have nothing else going on with any other woman, other than you. You seem to have a thing against single fathers” I stated, chuckling…. attempting to lighten the tense air between us. She wasn’t looking at me. I touched her shoulder, getting her attention. Her eyes were wet, and she had a faraway look in them.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, shocked. She hugged me abruptly, crying. I held her, trying to comfort her.

When she got control of herself, she gave me a sad laugh. “Look at us, all in our feelings. I admire you, Karl, for taking the responsibility of being a father. I am ashamed of myself.” She looked away and I didn’t press on. She was thinking about something.

“A few years back, I had a reckless night out. I rarely ever did that, just to discover I was pregnant…my first time ever. I hid from everyone, my family included. It was a hard time in my life and an even harder time during labor. When I gave birth, I felt like I had no feeling left in me–I was hollow. It was a terrible feeling.

Feeding the child hurt: everything hurt. I feared that I was going to hurt him. In my sadness, I dropped the child off at the same place where I had lost my virginity. I still wonder who the man was. Right now, I’m dealing with this terrible guilt. I’ve hired a private investigator to try and find him. I had a beautiful baby boy; there is not a waking moment when I am not thinking of him. So, it’s not a stretch to say that you’re a better person than I am. I hope this doesn’t make you think less of me.”

I made her face me, wiping the tears off her cheeks. She looked frail. “I don’t think less of you, Marie. We’ve all made mistakes. No, listen to me, we have all had bad moments and done things…it doesn’t define us. It’s who we are and what we do about it that matters. I don’t care about your past. I am still making amends for mine. I accept you, Marie. Do you accept me?”

A resolute look entered her eyes. She stood straighter, smiling through her tears. “Yes. I accept you, Karl. I want to be your woman. Maybe we could make this work.”

“You don’t know how happy that makes me. I believe together we can make it work.” I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

“I didn’t know you were such a great motivational speaker. I almost feel invincible.”

“There’s more to learn about me and you. I think right now, I have your permission, huh?”

Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed me. I hugged her close, closing my eyes and feeling her lips as we deepened our kiss. The sound of the ocean waves and cool breeze filled the air. Marie could not keep standing like that. I led her back to the sofa. The food was now cold. Calling the servers, I had them serve us new dishes.

I took the opportunity to feed Marie, sharing this intimate moment slowly. She stuck close to me, her breasts and legs plastered all over me. It was hard to keep my focus since I was getting harder by the second. We acted nonchalantly in the ambiguous air between us.

We finished eating and the servers came to clear the table. It was late in the night, but I had boundless energy–feeling younger and lighter Marie was tracing shapes on my chest when she spoke.

“We didn’t ask Selena for her permission. Do you think she’d be against us being together? I mean, she warned me against being around you, but I didn't listen.”

The way she said that it showed that she wasn’t distressed by Selena’s stance. “If you met the old me, I’d say take her advice. I was a heartbreaker. But not the new me. I understand her concern; it’s just that Selena is not convinced. Especially since you’re her best friend, she doesn’t want you getting hurt.”

“Will you hurt me, Karl?”

“No…” I added, “I’ll do my best not to hurt you. We should be honest if we do hurt each other. I believe this will strengthen our…love.”

“That’s all I need. And I’ll do my best not to hurt you in turn.”

“See, we’re working out fine already. About Lena, she’s not a hateful person, when she sees us so happy, she’ll be happy for us.”

“I know. I just hate confrontations and don’t want to come between siblings…or for anything to affect my relationship with her.”

Lightly flicking her nose, I kissed her forehead. “You worry too much. It won’t come to that.” Sighing, we sat comfortably together for a while. I checked the time, it was a few minutes past ten. “It’s getting late. Let me get you home.”

She agreed, so we left the resort a few minutes later. In the car, Marie played a few songs—singing softly as I drove to her home. In no time, I was in her neighborhood. Ahead, I saw the gate of her house. As I turned the car toward it, the headlights illuminated Laura with a baseball bat, standing at the entrance.

I stopped the car, keeping the lights on. Marie turned off the song. Laura’s presence troubled me, considering that she had intentionally come to Marie’s place with a weapon–she meant to harm her.

“Why’s she here?” I could hear the anger in her voice.

“It’s quite obvious. I didn’t know she’d resort to this.” She was about to open the door, but I held her back. “Don’t do it. Let me talk to her.”