Checkingonthestatusof the designs, I was satisfied with the progress they had made. They were almost complete, and in a few days, we would be able to begin shipment to the various warehouses for public access as soon as fashion week concluded. I was still inspecting the finished collections when I beckoned Blake over to me.


“How are the other preparations coming up?” I moved about, and he trailed behind.

“It’s all been handled. The film crew are done with recording the creative process of the project and have begun editing. Other than that, we are set. You can look forward to a flawless show.” His eyes flashed with pride.

He wilted under my gaze. “We can’t rest until that day comes. On your way out, tell the designers to ensure they keep in touch with their models. I’d hate for any issue to occur.” I waved him away. Truly, he wasn’t wrong. I had supervised the process from start to finish, so I wasn’t worried, but I had a perfectionist streak. I wouldn’t tolerate any mistakes.

I went back to my office finally breathing easier, although I couldn’t relax yet. I still had Marie on my mind. Whoever did that to us didn’t deserve a modicum of respect. I tried to understand the person’s motive. It wasn’t targeted at me but her, so I ruled out a rival. But if those images were to leak out, it could devastate my company’s new rollout.

I sighed. This was getting complicated, I had to solve it immediately before it caused more harm. It was just frustrating the interior cameras had caught nothing. Only a few cameras were in the building to keep the guests' identities private.

It could be anyone, a staff member or a guest who stayed back after the party. Howard was the most likely person to have a motive. This was all speculation, and I’d need more evidence. I pulled out my phone to call Norris.

I laid out my suspicion to him, then sent him the list of people who remained after the party. It was a small list, and I expected him to go through them easily. If any of them were involved, he’d fish them out, but my bet was on Howard.

I left the office sometime later in the evening. I thought I should head to Marie’s before I went home. Smiling fondly at the few times I’d spent at her place; it seemed like our relationship was progressing well despite the threat posed by the anonymous person. I decided against it. The show was in two days’ time; I’d see her then. I had a surprise for her. I wanted to officially define our relationship.

I drove home without incident. Walking past the door, I saw Rose with Jason, watching something on an iPad. I went to her and picked Jason up. “Hey, son. Happy to see me?”

“Yes! We can eat together tonight, right…. dad” I nodded, making him grin. I felt guilty. I had spent most of my time at the company or with Marie. I hadn’t given him much of my time. That had to change.

“Rose, kindly set the table. Come on son.” I went upstairs with Jason and had him sit on my bed while I went to change in my closet. When I got back to the room, he was already making snow angels on the white bed sheets. I sat on the bed. His leg hit my thigh and he stopped.

“Jason, would you like to have a mom?” I wasn’t sure he understood the gravity of the question, although he knew whatmommeant. A year ago, he asked about her, non-stop. When I didn’t reply, he stopped. I noticed that he took Selena as the maternal figure he needed.

His eyes wavered, finally he held my gaze. “Like Aunt Lena?”

“Kind of, I want to bring home…someone you’d like. Daddy likes her, and I hope you will too.” If all went as I planned with Marie, I would bring her home to meet Jason. I felt they’d hit it off.

“Really? Yay. Yes, a new mommy.” I hugged him, keeping the more complicated thoughts to myself. It would be for the best if Jason accepted Marie. Being young should help, I guess. Leading him out of the room, we went to have dinner.

Later that night, I called Marie. I smiled when I heard her voice,

“Karl, you do your best to make me miss you. It’s working.”

I chuckled. “I’m flattered. The evergreen proverb says, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I want to be in your mind always like you’re in mine.” Cheesy, I know, but feelings did that.

“Then you have me where you want me, Karl. What plans do you have for me then?”

“Something awesome is in store for you after the show. Therefore, you must be in attendance.” I warned.

“I won’t miss it, but I can’t promise I won’t be in a playful mood. You excite me. Like right now, my clothes are slipping off. You’ve gotta do something, Karl.”

“I’d love to play with you right now, but I’d like us to reserve this for after the show. You won’t be disappointed. In two days, I’ll pick you up.”

“No. I also have a surprise for you. Don’t ask, a woman must keep her secrets. If you pick me up, it would no longer be a surprise.” I was amused and looked forward to this surprise of hers.

“Very well then. I’m looking forward to this. Goodnight, my love.” I heard her sigh her farewell. I went to sleep in a dreamy haze.

I stood at the entrance of the show, waiting for Marie to arrive. The sides of the red carpet were cordoned off and surrounded by journalists, news photographers and fans. I kept my distance, watching various guests walk down the carpet before they entered the venue. Some spoke to the journalists and fans. I checked the time, the show was about to start soon. She ought to be here by now.

At that moment, a sudden hush fell over everyone. A silver Aston Martin vintage parked in front of the carpet. The driver stepped out and opened the door. A pale heeled leg stepped on the ground, followed by the other. She gave her hand to the driver and stepped out fully.

Marie looked ethereal; her white gown showed much of her bare chest. She had adorned it with a simple diamond necklace, like a star resting on her bosom. Her hair fell beautifully down her back. She stepped on the red carpet, waving and smiling at the crowd.