Chapter 1


“Ma’am,Mr.Howardandhis associates are waiting for you in the conference room.”

I looked up from my computer noticing that my assistant, Morrison, was addressing me. I checked my watch and was alarmed at how much time I’d spent on my laptop. He looked at me with curious blue eyes, waiting for my reply.

“Thank you, Morris. I’ll be there in a minute. Also, please get the lawyers in the room. I want everything set before I get there.” He nodded and left the office. Sighing to myself, I eased out of my seat and stretched, the satisfying crack making me smile. It was time to finalize this deal with Howard. We’d been in one too many conversations on it. Finally, he was willing. Brushing through my auburn hair with my fingers, I left the comfort of my office and headed to the conference room.

It felt good to walk and stretch my legs on the way. It helped clear my mind, especially since I’d been trying to distract myself from the recent failings in my romantic life – not like it even existed. I gave little notice to the view through the panel of windows as I walked to the conference room. The staff gave curt nods and stayed off my path; they knew better than to bump into me. I found the door to the room open. I entered and closed the door behind me.

The room was large; its circular shape made it seem more spacious. The large oval glass table dominated the room with several people sitting patiently, waiting for me. Before I could say anything, Howard rose from his seat with a grin on his face.

“Marie! You look amazing. Wow!” His voice boomed in the room, and he quickly walked over to me. I flinched internally with goosebumps rising on my skin. His arms were wide open. Out of courtesy, I gave him a side hug. I knew his goal was to press my body to his, and I wasn’t going to give him that chance.

“It’s nice seeing you. Sorry for keeping you all waiting.” I disengaged myself and walked to my seat at the head of the table. I felt the ghost of Howard’s palm on my waist, and I stopped myself from glaring at him–that bastard! Morrison pulled out my seat, and I gave him a small smile to show my thanks. He nodded and took a seat beside me. He was a quiet man but quite observant and reliable. Howard, looking a bit annoyed, unbuttoned his jacket and slouched in his seat. His eyes were fixed on me. I didn’t look at him, knowing what he was thinking.

This deal we were about to sign was important to both our companies. If not, I wouldn’t tolerate this attitude from him. I was comfortable with people admiring my beauty, but Howard was just creepy about it. Still, for the deal to work, I’d have to sacrifice something, I mused. “Thank you all once again. Please, bring out the contract and have Mr. Howard’s lawyers review it.” I gestured to my lawyers, three men who looked bored being here. They snapped to attention and the lead attorney fished out the contract from his briefcase. He slid it on the table over to Howard’s lawyers.

“Dear Marie, we’re past titles, don’t you think?” Howard’s voice was suggestive.

I didn’t take the bait. I waited for his lawyers to finish going through the contract again. We had sent them a soft copy earlier, but to do away with any suspicion they’d need to go over the hard copy.

“Mr. Howard, I could show you around if you need a friend here.” Morrison spoke softly by my side. Howard snorted and looked away while Morrison chuckled to himself. The lawyers were done with the contract and showed it to Howard, who skimmed through it and nodded.

“This satisfies me. I’m sure this will be the beginning of a long working relationship, Marie.” He flashed me a smile as he brought out a pen. I spared him a glance. My media house, DRP, had been seeking to expand into more households in rural areas in America, and with Howard’s help, it would be much easier. He had the resources to carry it out while he stood to get free advertising on our roster for his real estate business in upstate New York.

Howard finished signing and passed the contract to me. Morrison handed me a pen, and I signed it as well. I gave the signed contract back to my lawyers. “Morris, help these gentlemen out. I’d like to have a word with Mr. Howard here.”

“Yes ma’am.” Morrison rose and the men followed him out of the room.

I rose from my seat as well and faced Howard. “This was a win-win situation, and I’m glad we could finally come to an agreement. I hope we can work together in faith. I had more than good faith in mind. Such a win deserves to be celebrated. How about this? Do me this favor and let me take you out for a drink. We can begin to explore our new professional relationship.”

Who the hell does he think he is? I carefully eyed him, taking in his height and sly green eyes. He wasn’t the kind of man that appealed to me. However, I wanted to keep it professional and perhaps a celebratory drink would not hurt in cementing the deal.

“That sounds great. I will meet you at the garage.”

I was already leaving the room and walked quickly to get his eyes off me. A few minutes later, I retrieved my purse and left the building. The sun was already setting so I planned to get home after this. Howard brought his car to the entrance.

I contemplated whether or not I should get in. I need to drive my own car. I wouldn’t have to listen to his unwelcome advances, and I could leave whenever I felt like it.

Another part of me thought to give him the benefit of the doubt. So, against my better judgement, I entered his car. Willing to forego his constant flirtations and forge a business relationship instead. After all, we just signed a contract to work together, and this is an opportunity to celebrate the beginning of a successful business arrangement. As the saying goes,start a relationship as you expect it to continue.

“I thought I said the garage?” I heard myself say.

“I couldn’t let those pretty legs walk that far.” I rolled my eyes. He laughed and drove off. The ride was smooth except he kept on talking. Bragging about his privileged lifestyle, his wealth, the women who do anything to be with him, of how successful he was – he must have been overcompensating for something, I thought. I was glad he did all the talking because I was in no mood myself.

The car parked in front of a high-end bar that sat comfortably between a French pastry shop and a boutique. He comically races around from his side of the car to open my door. I got out, not needing his help. He coughed to hide his embarrassment when I didn’t take his hand. “Let’s go in,” he winked as he opened the large glass door in front of us. Despite my distaste, I had to admit that the place was a thing of beauty. It had a medieval Britain look to it. We walked in and took our seats.

A waiter came over to us; he spoke with a slight Scottish accent. “What would you like to have today?” His smile was congenial.

“Scotch neat and?” Howard looked at me.

“Prosecco Margarita,” I replied. The waiter returned within a few minutes. I took a sip of the drink and barely paid any attention to Howard, who was staring unabashedly at me.

“I found this place by accident. From the look on your face, you like it too. I’ll be honest with you, Marie, you’re the first woman I’ve ever brought here and that says a lot.” Did he say this to any woman to impress her or what? If he thought that would work on me, he’d better think again.

“I see.” I gave a curt reply. He looked stunned and his eyes flashed with annoyance. For God’s sake, I am a damn Rosii, not some young impressionable girl. I am a twenty five year old woman for god’s sake.