But the tendrils of lingering pleasure were all too real. And as she slid to the floor on wobbly legs and almost fell over, Chris’s sturdy arms around her weredefinitely real.

“I might not be able to walk anymore.” She laughed weakly.

“Same. My legs feel like I’ve just scaled a mountain or run a marathon.”

She tugged up her pants and smoothed her hair, looking around at the kitchen workspace. The place was still a disaster from Chris trying to get set up, and now? The countertops were smeared with flour and a very obvious ass print from her own derriere.

“Oh my god,” she groaned, clamping a hand over her mouth. “We made a real mess.”

“We should probably sanitize everything,” he said with a laugh.

She looked up at him, the humor in his gaze sparking a giggle fit.

This whole thing was absurd. But now that she’d gotten him out of her system, she could continue forward.

All the way to winning the competition.



Chris had returned to his rental last night still feeling and tasting Mara and ended up masturbating to fantasies of taking her again and again—on the set, in his condo, at her place—and even fantasized about roleplaying under the school bleachers like when they would make out in high school. As angry as he’d been with her all those years ago, being with Mara last night felt like coming home in a way he hadn’t experienced since his parents were alive.

Showing up on set this morning, he had no idea what he was expecting but it certainly wasn’t seeing Mara act as though the previous night’s intimacy never happened. She’d arrived before he did and was already directing her team on today’s activities. From the setup for her station, it was clear that sharing a workspace was going to be problematic. He frowned, watching her go about her day as though nothing had happened between them—like she hadn’t gotten her ass absolutely caked with flour the night before. It irked him more than it had any right to.

A quick check of the kitchen area confirmed that they’d managed to clean everything up before leaving last night, and the counters were extra shiny this morning, more so than yesterday. Chris hoped the director would simply assume that the cleaners put extra effort into cleaning the work areas. His own area was clearly not functional. He still didn’t have a working oven or any electrical, and from the looks of it, part of the counter area on either side was also impacted. He couldn’t even work there and transfer the gingerbread to her oven to bake. They’d still have to share a single work space among eight people, which was doable provided everyone was willing to cooperate. But judging by how his supplies had been pushed to the side again, it was going to be a difficult morning.

Paul called everyone together for a quick peptalk before shooting started. “All right, everyone, listen up. I know this isn’t ideal for either team, but I’m asking everyone to act like adults and please cooperate with each other.” He paused to look at Mara, who was looking downright mutinous, before he looked at Chris, who made sure to school his expression into what he hoped looked like a willingness to cooperate. “We’ve brought in some extra workspace for everyone to use, but you’ll still have to share the appliances and the sink area.” He paused for a beat and no one said anything. Clapping his hands, “All right. We begin shooting in ten, so let’s get to it.”

As Paul was walking away, Chris tried to catch Mara’s eye but she was studiously ignoring him. Well that wouldn’t do. Blowing out a breath, he stuck out his hand, making her startle.

“Good luck today.”

She frowned, looking at his hand as if he were about to bite her. Then she carefully set down the binder she was holding and reached out to shake his hand. “You too.” Her hand was cool to the touch, and Chris would consider it limp, at best. She quickly pulled away to answer a question from one of her helpers.

"Well, this feels awkward,” he murmured loud enough for her to hear based on the scowl she gave him. Truthfully, he didn’t know what he was expecting. For her to fall back into his arms after more than a decade and shower him with kisses and apologies? That wasn’t either of their styles.

Granted, neither did he anticipate Mara acting as though last night’s orgasms didn’t happen.

He was enough of a pro not to let it bother him when they were filming. She wanted to play that game? Then he was more than happy to play it too.

Even though part of him wanted to cast the game aside and just get back to that sizzling connection he and Mara had always shared.

When they paused filming for the midday break, he was pleased at how much they’d been able to accomplish. His team had arrived prepared to work, and they’d managed to get caught up on everything they’d lost with the fire, which didn’t put them that far behind. Before they could eat, the director herded him and Mara toward the lobby for a mini press conference. A few reporters hovered near a long table, where both Chris and Mara took a seat.

The questions started immediately, and most of them had little to do with the competition. Chris smiled wide as one question after another came his way, covering everything from what his main show’s schedule would look like in the coming year to whether or not he still planned on opening his own bakery in Brooklyn, as he’d once mentioned years earlier. One journalist even asked him if he had any comments on his cousin’s epic annual Christmas gala scheduled for December, the one that Mitch’s new wife Jules had personally helped send into the stratosphere since she’d joined the family the year before.

A late arrival jerked at his attention, a man in a bomber jacket and trendy sunglasses. As soon as the journalist approached the table and took off his glasses, Mara gasped. The newcomer beckoned for her to step aside and greet him.

Chris was mid-answer when she stood up and went over to receive the newcomer, but he didn’t interrupt his sentence. He watched as she glided toward the journalist, arms out, and then hugged him.Hard.Chris swallowed once he’d finished his thought, leaning back in his seat before another journalist jumped in with a question.

Mara was flushed as she returned to the table, still smiling over at the newcomer. Chris watched as he took his place among the journalists, and then something about his beady eyes and stupid smile clicked into place.

Dan Montey had arrived.

Mara’s ex-boyfriend who had been the whole cause of their falling out at their high school dance.

Chris rolled his head in a slow circle, forcing himself to look away from him and focus on the incoming question. Finally, someone had asked something that included Mara, all for the better. He needed to figure out why his neck had gotten so hot and why his hands were balled into fists.