Mitch took his phone back and pocketed it. “Only if you’re okay with it, because there’s no way I will do the job without you by my side. So what do you say?”
Jules threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Yes, of course I will. I’m so excited for you. Wait, does this mean we have to go back to the gala?”
He frowned, shaking his head. “Definitely not. If you’re willing, we’ll stay here tonight and head over there tomorrow morning. All of us. Together.”
Jules liked the sound of that. “All of us. Together.”
“Jules! Come here!”
Mitch’s voice boomed through the penthouse. She looked up from where she’d been playing with Noelle on the carpet of the living room. Their little squirmy eight-month old was more inquisitive and exploratory than ever, which meant Jules couldn’t turn her back on her for a second. She scooped her up and followed the sound of his voice.
Her brows shot up as she stepped onto the expansive balcony. A dinner table had been set up out here, complete with a highchair for Noelle. The table was set for two, with a covered dish in the center.
“What’s all this?” Jules asked.
“Just my secret service elevator missions while you were occupied in the living room,” Mitch said, a knowing grin on his lips. He took Noelle from her arms to get her settled into the highchair, and Jules looked out over the city. Her breath caught as it often did, beholding the incredible sight. She’d never tire of this city or this view.
Or this family.
“That’s my little love nugget,” Mitch cooed as he strapped Noelle into the seat. “Daddy cooked something very special for you.”
“He did?” Jules asked, easing into her chair. She’d been entirely unaware of this happening, but she blamed that partially on being a little tired from Noelle’s recent nighttime teething pain, and just generally getting lost in playing with the child-size xylophone their daughter loved.
“Oh, yes. But he did it secretly, in the kitchen downstairs, so as to not alert the family.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Noelle’s head, and then turned his attention to the table. “Behold!” He uncovered the plate in the middle of the table, revealing an array of cooked vegetables—asparagus, potatoes, purple carrots and more—alongside an incredibly juicy looking steak.
“This looks amazing,” Jules said, gaze darting between the food and Mitch’s apron. “Though I’m not sure what looks better. The food, or you in that apron.”
“I’d understand if you choose the food. After all, I’m still wearing clothes.”
Jules snickered, unfolding her napkin. Mitch settled into his seat, reaching over to Noelle to tweak her button nose. The baby giggled, slapping her hands against the highchair table.
“I got some news today,” Jules said once they’d both filled their plates with food. “I’m getting a promotion at work.”
Mitch paused, his eyes going wide. “That’s amazing, honey. You’ve only been there for a few months.”
Jules grinned as she cut up her steak into very tiny pieces for Noelle to try. “It is. But I turned it down.”
His brow furrowed. “You did?”
“I did. I’ve decided I want to start my own business.”
A grin crept across his face. “Do you now?”
“Yep. Learned some good business tricks from this guy I know, plus there’s that whopping bonus I got for that Christmas event, so decided it might be time to take a stab at the ol’ entrepreneur thing.”
“I’m proud of you, Jules. Either way. You have my full support.”
“I know.” She transferred the tiny bits of steak to Noelle’s tray, grinning over at Mitch. “And I love you for that.”
“I have some news foryou,” Mitch said as he chewed. He leaned back in his chair, looking over at Noelle. The evening sun had just sunk low enough so that the entire balcony was bathed in red-tinted light. “I spoke with Donovan and Jenna, and Noelle’s biological mother has agreed to terminate all parental rights. We just need the judge to sign off on the adoption, and Noelle will officially be ours.”
Jules’s heart leapt into her throat. The police had no luck trying to track down Noelle’s biological family, and a social worker had arrived at the hotel prepared to take Noelle from them, but they’d been ready. Thanks to Mitch’s connectionsandmoney, they were able to cut through the typical red tape and gain temporary custody of Noelle. Then he’d hired a private investigator who scoured the security camera and surrounding CCTV footage from that fateful December day. He’d been able to find the young woman who’d left Noelle in the manger, allowing them to began a formal adoption process.