“I can’t do that. Why are you being so nasty? This is over the top, even for you,” the woman told her, pleading.
“Give. Me. My. Shirt. Jules.”
“Okay. Fine.” The woman set the binder down, pulled the shirt from her waistband, tugged it over her head and tossed it to Miranda inside out before hugging the binder to her chest again. “Are you happy now? You’ve thoroughly humiliated me.” Mitch quickly pulled his suit jacket off and handed it to the woman who gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”
Before Miranda could say anything else, security arrived, and Mitch pointed to her. “If you would be so kind as to escort this woman from the premises.” Speaking directly to Miranda, he said, “We’ll send you a bill for the items you’ve damaged. You’re banned from all Denton Hotels and we will never do business with your organization again.”
The woman screamed, stomping her feet like a child and kicking things over. Security quickly stepped in and grabbed both her arms before escorting her away. She continued to kick and scream as she struggled to pull free. “Do you have any idea how many followers I have on Insta? I will ruin you. No one will want to come here ever again.”
Once she was gone, they all blew out breaths and Mitch worried that she might follow through with her threats. “Any idea how many followers she has on social media?”
Patrick was already tapping at his iPad. “Personally, ninety-six. Her company has more than five thousand.”
“I can live with that. Patrick, let PR know what’s going on and we’ll let them deal with it.”
“Yes, sir.”
As Patrick walked away, Mitch turned back to the woman who was still standing in the middle of the carnage. Holding his hand out, he smiled. “We haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Mitch Denton and you’re…”
“Jules Cardwell.” Her handshake was firm and she gave him a wan smile. Her eyes were still wet, but any sign of embarrassment she had moments ago had been replaced with what looked more like relief.
“Jules. Let’s go find you something to wear and then I’m hoping you can help me salvage my Gala.”
Leaving the ballroom, Jules followed Mitch over to the gift shop still in shock over what happened. Miranda had always been hard to work for but her rage level had been over the top. She couldn’t help smirking at how quickly Mitch Denton had checked her attitude, and she sincerely hoped that her former boss learned something from this expensive lesson.
They stopped in front of the closed gift shop, and he reached for his master keycard and let himself into the shop before looking over his shoulder at her with a too attractive smile, considering she was half-naked under his jacket.
“One of the perks of being the boss, even when we’re short-staffed because of the snowstorm.” Turning on the lights, he pointed to the side wall where they sold hotel wear. “Pick something out.”
Jules didn’t question him and reached for a polo in her size with the hotel logo on it. Looking around for a dressing room, she didn’t see one and decided that expediency trumped modesty. Pulling his jacket off, she slipped the shirt on before handing his jacket back. “Thank you for lending this to me.” She was not going to mention that his cologne reminded her of a trip she’d taken to the mountains or that his suit jacket was nicer than some of her better formal wear.
“My pleasure.” Frowning, he told her to turn around and snapped the tag off her shirt.
“You can deduct the cost off my final bill,” she told him.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Pocketing the tag, he gestured to the exit. “Let’s grab a seat and discuss our options.”
Directing her over to the closed coffee cart, they took seats across from each other.
"So, Ms. Cardwell—”
“Jules. After everything that’s happened, call me Jules.”
“All right. Jules. Thank you for agreeing to stay on. I have to confess that I’m in a bind now…” He gestured toward the ballroom. “We’re a week away from one of the biggest events of the season. Well, the biggest for Denton Hotels. My father, the current CEO, wants this year’s gala to be the best yet, and between this snowstorm and a skeleton crew for who knows how long, I’m hoping you can perform a miracle.”
"Mr. Denton—”
Jules could feel her face heat in a blush but she nodded and kept speaking. “Mitch. There was supposed to be a whole team working on the setup in the ballroom. I don’t know how you can expect me to get everything set up on my own.”
She looked around feeling increasingly overwhelmed. When Big Apple Events got the contract for the gala, Miranda was excited. The Denton Hotels Christmas Gala had a long history as one ofthepremier events for most New York City socialites, and having their name attached to it would be a major accomplishment. Miranda had immediately started eyeing both Mitchell Dentons, who often appeared in the society pages with mentions of their wealth and single status.
Jules had been leery of taking on and event of this size, but Miranda had insisted they could do it, knowing that it was a major stepping stone for bigger and better events. Except that the owner of Big Apple Events had a temper and had no qualms about taking her anger out on anyone who might be in her way.