She huffed, turning back toward the bed. Colin’s offer still weighed heavily on her, and she hadn’t decided whether it was a good idea to tell Josh. But the truth bubbled below the surface. Like it was planning an eruption, no matter what she decided.

“Colin made me an offer today,” she said quietly, unable to look him in the eye. “He wants to hire me to be a location scout for their East Coast expansion.”

Josh stepped closer, touching the side of her arm. “And you said no, right?”

She backed up, finally daring to meet his eyes. “I agreed to think about it.”

Josh’s blue gaze hardened into ice. “Youwhat?”

“I was so shocked. When he asked me to think about it, I just nodded. I couldn’t evenbelievehe had the balls to ask me that.”

Josh scoffed, raking a hand through his hair. “Wow. That’s rich. What do you want, Amelia? More money? I’m already paying you a fucking arm and a leg on this trip and giving you a promotion. Do you want me to sign over my stocks too? What is it?”

Betrayal shone through his words, and for a moment, Amelia could only watch him, shell-shocked. But she remembered then that she wasn’t the one in the wrong. She had simply been approached. She hadn’t accepted. Not like Josh would really care. He only saw her as the perfect assistant, anyway.

“Yeah. Keep it coming. I noticed you’re really good at giving people whatever the fuck they want,” she spat. She turned, storming to the bathroom. Before she shut the door, she leaned out and added, “You’ll buy off anyone as long as it gets you what you want.”

She locked the bathroom door behind her and turned the water on before he could come knocking or get in another word.

She needed to cool off. She needed to think.

She needed to get her head straight so she could survive the rest of this trip.



The next day dragged on, frostier than ever, which had nothing to do with the weather. Amelia was distant with him only responding to work-related issues, which annoyed Josh. He couldn’t stand the growing divide between them. He could fix this, if only she’d let him.

And he wanted to fix it. Because she mattered to him. Her opinion of him mattered. And he felt like she had it all wrong but she had steadfastly refused to talk about their argument.

That evening, they had caroling and a bonfire scheduled. It was one of the hotel’s biggest holiday events, after the tree lighting, and the grounds were packed with carolers and spectators. Josh and Amelia wove through the crowd, winding down the brick path toward the grove of aspen trees where the singing would commence. Everything and everyone around him was festive and spirited.

Everyone except the woman on his arm.

Colin sauntered up to them, looking as smarmy as ever. Tension tightened Josh’s muscles, and he tightened his grip on Amelia’s hand.

“Josh. Amelia. Great to see you again.” He grinned wide at the both of them, but his gaze zeroed in on Amelia. “Have you given any more thought to my proposal?”

Josh recoiled slightly. The nerve of this guy. In front of him, no less.

“You’re very nice to check in, but I’m still thinking about it,” Amelia said, laying on the sweetness. After Colin wandered off, Josh led her off to the side.

“Are you serious right now?”

“What?” she snapped, yanking her hand out of his. “Colin actually seems to value me, unlike you. Why shouldn’t I think about his offer?”

Josh narrowed his eyes. “Oh, cut the crap. I value you more than he does.”

“Do you though? He’s known me two days and wants to pay me more than you do.”

“I told you. Money is no issue.”

“You’re right,” she hissed. “It’s not. It’s just everything else that’s the issue.”

Josh’s nostrils flared. “Don’t convince yourself that Colin is some noble businessman who wants to offer you a job because he’s some sort of super fan. He’s not. He’s making a power play. I’ve seen this sort of thing before.”

“Whatever. Even if I’m a pawn in the game, he’s still willing to recognize my worth.”