“Dear, there’s some antacid in the hall bathroom. Help yourself,” her mom told her as she waved to the hallway.

Her mom and dad cooed over each new photo unearthed from the stack, which was immediately passed around Amelia and into Josh’s hands. Amelia watched with narrowed eyes, shaking her head at the worst ones.

“And here’s our little Meel in band,” her mom said, handing over the individual band photo from sophomore year showing Amelia clutching her clarinet between her hands.

“Oh, wow, Meel.” Josh clucked his tongue, nodding. “You were a band geek.”

“Hey—” she started.

“No, no. Don’t worry. No shade here.” He smiled at her. “I was too.”

Her eyes widened. “No way. What did you play?”


Rob snickered across the table.

“Are you serious?” Amelia had the beginning of an incredulous smile on her face. “That’s so…cute.”

“I was first chair even.” Josh sniffed, receiving another picture from her mom. Sure, playing flute had been a way to learn music, but as the buff, sports-inclined guy he also was in high school, it had been a new angle for him to get laid. He didn’t need to go into all that over the dinner table, though.

They all laughed over old pictures and memories until dessert was cleared and Josh felt the buzz through his body. When he looked over at Amelia, she had a heavy look in her eyes. One that told himit was time to go.

“You ready to head back?” he asked in a low voice.

She nodded, then reached to pull up the rideshare app. “Let’s do it. Hey, Mom and Dad, we’re gonna head out. There’s still some work waiting for us in the morning, so…”

A chorus ofaww’serupted.

“Why don’t you let me drive you?” Her dad stood up, pushing the photos aside as he did. He headed toward the front hallway and slid into his shoes.

“We can call for a ride,” Josh said.

“Nonsense. You’re my children. I’m taking you.”

Josh grinned at Amelia and found her smiling into the heel of her palm. They got coats and shoes on, while her mom sighed that she didn’t want to see them leave, insisting they should have stayed in the spare bedroom upstairs, and why didn’t they have the wedding in the backyard already. By the time they’d hugged their way through the family and out the front door, Josh had Amelia’s hand in his, more than ready to get back to the hotel.

But he had to play the nice-guy part a little bit longer. They climbed into the back seat of her dad’s car, laughing as they did.

“Why do I feel like I’m back in high school?” Amelia teased.

“Because I’m not allowed to touch or kiss you right now,” he whispered into her ear. That prompted more laughter, and a quizzical look from her dad through the rearview mirror.

“I’d say hands off my daughter, but it’s too late for that, isn’t it?” he mused, blinker ticking as he pulled out onto the road.

Josh kept his grip on Amelia’s hand the entire drive back to the hotel, keeping the conversation fun and lighthearted, even though desire streaked through him.

Despite last night and this morning, he was hungry for her, again. He had no idea how things would be once they left Cedar Grove, but he would enjoy their time together now and tackle that potential hurdle later.

By the time they’d reached the hotel, Josh was half-hard and ready to bolt to their room. He’d simply been holding Amelia’s hand, proving to himself even more that she’d turned him into a horny teen somewhere over the course of last night.

After a friendly goodbye and lots of waving, Amelia’s dad finally pulled away. He cinched his arms around her waist, bringing her jolting against him.

“Upstairs?” he asked.
