“Still harassment,” he said, flexing so that his cockhead dragged along the nub of her clit. A shiver wracked her body, and another sigh escaped her.
“I guess it wouldn’t have mattered,” she said, looking down between their bodies as Josh lined up their parts. She still couldn’t believe it. Boss. Josh. Dick. Inside her. It was the most beautiful equation she’d never imagined possible. “Even if I’d have asked you to fuck me two years ago, you wouldn’t have.”
He gave an incredulous snort. “You don’t think?”
“Come on, Josh. You’re only horny right now because we’re two grown adults sharing a bed,” she said, the words a tactical defense against her fears. “Pretending to be a couple, on top of that.”
He grunted, easing his fat cockhead inside her. All the air in her lungs hissed out, and she melted against the mattress.
“You are so wrong,” he groaned.
It was hard to remember what they were even talking about. The rush of stretching and heat and steel was overwhelming. All-encompassing.
“Am I?” She dug her fingernails into his back as he pushed himself deeper. A low moan escaped her.
“I’ve wanted you since the day you started as my assistant,” he grunted, and then surged forward, claiming every last inch of space inside her.
She arched back, fisting the comforter as he flexed against her, finding even more depth. His confession filled her as much as his cock did. If her head was spinning before, now it had rocketed out of orbit.
But she couldn’t think about that now. Everything shrank to an intense roar, which filled every inch of her limbs as Josh started a brisk and determined rhythm. He rocked into her, over and over again, his blue eyes so intense it felt like something inside of her broke in half. But she didn’t dare break this connection, the juicy way he sank into her, the heartbreaking depth of this union. It was everything she’d ever fantasized about and that much more.
Amelia wasn’t surprised to find herself falling over the edge—again. She pinched her eyes shut and clutched his biceps, crying out as yet another orgasm washed over her. Josh stilled against her, a gruff cry escaping him as he found his own peak.
Chest heaving, Amelia searched his face for something to grab onto. Some sign that their joining had been just as intense for him.
Josh surged forward and kissed her tenderly, far softer than she expected after getting fucked like that.
He rolled off her, quickly taking the condom off and tossing it in the trash by the bed, before pulling her into his arms.
“Hope you’re a cuddler,” he said into her ear, and she dissolved into giggles.
He was the only man who could make hergiggle.The only man who’d ever made her come twice in twenty minutes. The only man who she could spend days with at a time and not tire of. The only man who she knew better than anyone else, and now, knew him just a little bit more.
This was the afterglow. And damn, she’d been missing feeling like this.
Time to enjoy it.
Amelia snuggled up into his chest and let her eyes drift closed.
The next morning Josh couldn’t stop smiling. They’d had an amazing night together and he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t readily admit that he wanted more. Now, all they needed to do was seal the deal on Cedar Grove Hotel and this would be his best acquisition yet. And if he got the girl on top of that, it would be a Christmas to remember.
With the holidays nearing, they had a light schedule, which pleased him. Amelia was still in bed, mumbling something about being kept up all night, so he sat comfortably in the sitting area answering emails when a Skype request came through. Looking to see who it was from, he grinned as he answered the call.
"Elkin. Been a long time. How are you?”
His old college roommate grinned back at him. “Good to see you, Denton. Busy as usual. Especially this time of year. Once the snow starts falling Elk Lodge fills up. How’s business? Your brother still have all his hair?”
Josh snorted out a laugh. His older brother Mitch had always been the serious one growing up and their dad had started grooming him to take over the family business before he’d finished college, which had led Jonas Elkin to tease him about premature balding. “No combovers yet. But you didn’t answer my question. How areyou?”
Jonas shrugged and Josh could see him look off to the side as though someone came in. “My grandmother has cancer.”
Josh stiffened. His grandparents had raised the brothers after their parents died and on the few occasions that he’d visited Elk Lodge, it was clear that Elin Elkin was the matriarch of the family. “She’s asked us all to come home for what might be her last Christmas, so we’re doing what we can to make it special.”
Rubbing at the sudden ache in his chest. “Oh damn, I’m so sorry to hear that. Please give her my regards and I’ll try to make it out after the new year for a visit.”