“It’s a little out of left field,” she said. “The family fun center with a rock-climbing wall is probably the only thing on it that makes sense. But hosting presidential galas? A couples-focused hot springs addition with romantic massages? I mean, they’re cool ideas, but…”

“But what?” Josh asked, irritation sparking. He looked at the list again. “I need to close this deal, and fast. The bigger the better.”

Amelia sighed, shifting in her seat. “This is like when you showed up at my apartment in a limo.”

Realization began prickling through him. “Is it?”

“You’re losing sight of the goal,” she said calmly, in the way she was so good at. The way that made them a perfect pair, at least in business. And maybe in more ways, not like Josh would ever get there to know. “Focus on the parts that you loved about this place as a kid. Becausethat’sthe spirit of Cedar Grove. These galas and extreme vacation experiences are nice, but it’s not right forhere. You know what I’m saying?”

She had a point—a very good one. He could feel some of the tension from his conversation with his father unwinding, allowing clarity to return. The wheels began turning, and he revised his list with family in mind.

Hours slunk by so stealthily they barely noticed; the breakfast table was slowly picked clean. Josh and Amelia had thrown a couple more grapes at each other. When only a dribble of coffee remained in the pot, Josh checked his phone and realized their time to meet with Stan was fast approaching.

“We need to get ready.” He set his laptop aside, then stood up and stretched. Amelia’s gaze sizzled on him as he scratched at his chest before wandering back into the bedroom. Let her take him in—all of him. If the sight of his bare chest would make her crack, then he’d use it to his advantage. At this point, though, it seemed like nothing would make her crack. Had he really read everything all wrong?

“Okay. It’s go time.” Amelia hopped up and followed him into the bedroom. They were quiet as they picked out clothes. Josh hazarded a glance behind him at Amelia’s side of the bedroom, finding her in just a bra and panties, facing the closet. His chest tightened, and he dropped the clothes he was holding. The past two nights, she’d changed in the bathroom. Now, she was bold enough to change in front of him. His fingers twitched, and he forced himself to finish picking out his clothes.

He shoved his sweatpants down out of sheer defiance. If she could do it, then so could he. Heart thudding, he wandered past her in only his boxer briefs on his way to the bathroom. He glanced over at her as he passed, adjusting his junk.

“Sorry,” he said with a grin and then stepped into the bathroom.

The look of shock on her face seared itself into his brain. He waited for her to follow him inside, but she didn’t come. Josh gripped the edge of the marble countertop and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Not like they had time for a premeeting quickie anyway. His cock twitched in his pants from the thought alone.

There wouldalwaysbe time for a premeeting quickie with Amelia…if only she wanted it.

Josh heaved a sigh, splashing cold water on his face to clear his head. Time to focus. No more teasing and coquetries. He pulled on his clothes in the bathroom, dark gray slacks and a white button-down. Casual and comfortable. When he breezed out, Amelia had slid into a long-sleeved floral print wraparound dress. She was just slipping her feet into pumps.

“Oh, good, we match,” she said then went into the bathroom. He finished getting ready, snapping on his watch and sliding his feet into his shoes. As he worked with his hair in the mirror, Amelia breezed out.

When she glanced his way, her dark lashes and ruby-red lips stole the air from his lungs. Yes, she was ready. But she’d been ready before, too. He loved the different sides to her he was getting to know while sharing a space with her. The makeup-free Amelia was just as beautiful as the carefully curated version she presented every day at work.

In fact, if he was being honest, he was desperate to have more mornings like the one they’d shared today—relaxed, in pajamas, tossing grapes at each other.

On their way to the conference room, Josh spotted Stan and his wife in the hotel lobby.

And shaking his hand was Colin Forest, the owner of Forest Family Hotels. Denton’s biggest competitor.

“Shit.” Josh stopped walking, grabbing Amelia’s wrist. “Do you see him?”

“Wh—” Her mouth rounded. “That’s Colin.”

“Yeah.” Josh raked a hand through his hair, facing Amelia. “Okay. Look over there. Is that his wife and kids with him?”

Amelia peeked over Josh’s shoulder and then nodded. “Yep. Confirmed wife and kids in tow.”

“Shit.” Josh had upped the ante by bringing his fiancée and about-to-form family on this trip, but Colin could easily demolish that effort with his fully-formed family. His mind went into overdrive, trying to regroup.

“Stan is laughing at something he said,” Amelia reported, still peering around Josh.

“Let’s take things to the next level,” Josh said, gripping Amelia by the arms. “Let’s say that you’re pregnant.”

Amelia’s eyes went wide. “Josh,” she hissed, “are you out of your mind?”

The suggestion crashed through him, and he pinched his eyes shut. “You’re right. Bad idea.”

“We’re being deceptive enough with the engagement,” she went on. “I’mnotadding an unborn baby into the mix.”

Hearing those words from her lips didn’t sound as weird as he’d expected. In fact, it settled rather nicely. But now wasn’t the time to dig into that.