She needed to remember that too.
She breezed out of the bathroom, determined to keep her chin up. No more getting lost in the fantasy of Josh. Sure, it stung that her years-long unrequited lust for him wouldn’t turn into something grander and better, but that was how life worked. She didn’t have time for a relationship, and she knew it. She should be thanking him for not being the man of her dreams.
When she rounded the corner into the wide hallway leading back to the restaurant, she nearly crashed into Colin.
“Amelia! There you are.” He had a used-car-salesman-style smile on his face. “I wanted to talk to you a bit more about the job opportunity.”
She gaped at him. “Are you serious?”
“Very. I wasn’t kidding when I said that I was impressed by what I know about you. I saw your profile on LinkedIn, looking for just the type of job I’m offering. I’ve done my research on you. And I’m prepared to offer you more than what you’d be making at Denton.”
She could only blink in response. She’d forgotten about the LinkedInsearchingaddition she’d made to her profile. It had happened one night last month on a weekend when she’d been tipsy and feeling stuck. She hadn’t even told Josh about it and it was probably why Colin was approaching her now.
He pressed his business card into her hand. “We’re based in Chicago, but we’re looking to expand into New York and New England. I’d love someone with your expertise in the industry on our team. Promise me you’ll think about it?”
Amelia was nodding before she could even think better of it. It also seemed like the easiest way to get out of the situation. But once Colin headed back to the restaurant and she trailed behind a moment later, incredulity and shock began to swirl in equal measure.
What a bold move. Trying to scout your competition’s fiancée? It almost seemed like it could be illegal. Except it wasn’t. And maybe Colin could sense they weren’t a real couple. Or could sense that something was off between them.
Before she got back to the table, her phone pinged with a text message. It was Rob.
Got time for coffee?
She bit her lip. Josh wouldn’t mind if she took some time away.
Two hours. You know where.
See you then.
She swept back to the table with renewed vigor. She was more than ready to put some space between her and Josh.
To let the confusing dregs of this situation settle and form something even slightly recognizable.
“Thank God for coffee dates.” Amelia sighed as she hugged Rob inside the cozy coffee shop in downtown Cedar Grove.
She’d often spent hours holed up here, nursing chai lattes and barreling through detective novels as a young girl. The place had barely changed through the years, still featuring the same homey dark wood accents and the bearskin rugs. They did have a new wine bar that looked like it was doing well. A fireplace crackled in the corner and they sank into overstuffed armchairs near the fire.
“I’ve been wanting to catch up, the two of us,” Rob said, raking a hand through his short, blond hair. “It’s been so long since we’ve been able to do this.”
“And it’ll be even harder once the next little nugget gets here.” She winked at him from over her chai. Part of the homage to her younger self.
“You ever think about giving them some cousins?”
She laughed, almost spilling her tea. “No. Sorry. I just—I don’t think so. I don’t know.”
“Josh seems like a family man.”
She started to snort, but then she remembered the ruse. The blatant lie she was expected to uphold with her closest family members and loved ones. The one she’d agreed to. “Yeah. He is. We’re just…I don’t know. We haven’t decided yet.”
Rob looked down at the mug of coffee in his hands. “I really like Josh. I think you found a good one.”
She smiled wanly. “Yeah?”