Page 13 of Rekindled Soul

I’m gonna keep trying Isaac, Jekyll here will try Bulletproof, and there’s plenty of people we can try from the Nevada chapter too.”

“I’m just so confused,” I tell her, starting to feel dizzy.

“Here, take a seat.” Jekyll slides a stool over to me, and I take it.

“You watch her while I go get my brother,” Mia tells him, quickly rushing out the door and heading over to the clubhouse.

“Hey, don’t worry, it's gonna be okay.” Jekyll taps me on the leg, looking kinda awkward, “You want me to grab you a water or something?” He tries to be helpful.

“Water would be good.” I manage a smile at him before he heads to the office at the back of the garage to get me one.

“You know, I think we may have something a little stronger stowed away back here.” He calls out to me over his shoulder, and when I see the tall, dark figure step in front of the door and block the sun from shining through, the scream I wanna make gets trapped in my mouth, and I start to run.

Scott launches at me, wrapping his strong arm around my body and dragging me close. He looks so different, almost wild, and when he slams his free hand over my mouth, I bite it hard and make him yell.

“Feral bitch!” He backhands my face, and when I see Jekyll rush out of the office ready to help me, I panic when his hands go in the air, and I feel something cold press against my temple.

“I wonder ifhe’llcare if I shoot you?” Scott whispers into my ear and laughs.

“Scott, what are you doing here?” I hear my voice tremble.

“You’ll see, sis.” I close my eyes when he fires the gun, and when I realize I’m not in any pain, I open my eyes and see Jekyll on the floor. His hands are covering a wound in his stomach that’s oozing with blood, and he’s got a very shocked look on his face.

I scream for help, but when something sharp digs into my neck and turns my veins cold, I feel myself start to go under. I don’t hear my heartbeat in my ears anymore, and suddenly everything goes black.

“What do you mean he shot Jekyll and took her?” I yell. “Whofuckin’ took her?!” I almost grab my President by the scruff of his neck to shake the words outta him, but remember to hold off. Last thing I want is a warning from Levi.

“Mia’s at the hospital with Jekyll. Said Ava mentioned some guy called Scott. The girl spoke to her mom and somethin’ didn’t add up.” He tries to explain, and I can feel myself losing my fuckin’ mind.

“She’ll have her phone with her; we’ll track it.” I made the two-and-a-half-hour ride back from Nevada in less than two, and the whole way back, all I thought about is killing the fucker who’s taken my girl and shot Jekyll.

The look Dec gives me back ain’t positive, and when he pulls a cell with a glittery phone case out his back pocket, I realize why.

“Found it on the ground, bro,” he tells me, looking as pissed as I am.

“Then we track fuckin’ Scott.”

“Already did, his phone’s been static in a motel just outta town for the past five hours. The last call made to him was from your girl this mornin’.”

“Fuck!” I kick my boot at the wall and growl in frustration. I wanna tear out my hair and punch the shit outta something, but none of that is gonna do Ava any good. She’s gonna be so scared, and I need to put all my focus into finding her.

“Did anyone see this guy or what he was drivin’?” I look for something,anythingthat might help.

“Only Jekyll, and he’s in surgery right now.” Dec looks pale like he’s worried our prospect won’t pull through.

“We need to go to the motel. He could have her there, and even if he don’t, there might be somethin’–”

“Already done, I sent Lucky and Slingshot there as soon as Maddy got it tracked,” Dec informs me.

“We’re gonna find her,” he assures me, grabbing my shoulders and trying to get me to focus.

“Her watch!” I speak the thought, that springs into my mind, out loud.

“She’s got a watch that’s connected to that phone. We can trace it.” I snatch the phone out of his hand and try to unlock it, but it’s not happening.

“I can get Mad–”

“Wait.” I try 0423, the date we met, and when the phone screen unlocks, relief and sentiment hits me all at once.