Page 11 of Rekindled Soul

“That’s crazy, but it’s true. I love you.” She laughs like a fuckin’ vixen at her own words, and as much as I love the sound of it, I love the taste of her even better, so I silence her by kissing her again.

“I’m never gonna see you again, am I?” I keep his hand in mine as we stand in the airport. This man standing in front of me has changed my view of the entire world in just three days. I’ve learned that you don’t need material things to make things matter. I’ve tried to imprint every moment of the time we’ve spent together into my memories so I can relive them. Me and Isaac are from different worlds, and I know we won’t cross paths again.

“I doubt it, darlin’, and as much as it pains me to say it, that’s probably for the best.” He looks as sad as I feel, and I can’t help thinking that fate is cruel. It may have only been three days, but the connection between us was instant.

“Now, if ya ever find yourself in trouble, Princess, ya come find me. Springdale, Utah. It’s a small town; you won’t struggle to find me.” He smiles, sliding his rough palm over my jaw and making me close my eyes and absorb the scent of him one last time.

“If you ever wanna get a decent espresso martini, you can come find me at—” His finger presses over my lips to silence me.

“That’s a bad idea, Princess. You tell me where to find ya and chances are, one day I will. Things are better this way.” There’s a sadness in his tone, one that makes me want to cling to him. I don’t want this to be a fling that gets forgotten; every part of me wants to beg him to take me with him, but I can tell from the look on his face that it’s not an option.

“That’s my final call; I gotta go.” He kisses me one last time, and I savor it, trying to hold back my tears. He eventually pulls away, turning his back and walking away from me, and I wait until he’s reached the security gate before I call out his name.

The whole airport seems to silence as he turns around, and as I run toward him, I reach into my bag and take out what I want to give him. I don’t care how pathetic it is. I can’t have him leave without it.

“I never knew the true value of a moment until it became a memory.” I quote Dr. Seuss as I place the broken-off shoe heel in his palm, and when he looks down at it and smiles to himself, all the embarrassment I’m feeling becomes worth it.

“Ain’t no way I’m ever forgettin’ you, darlin’,” he promises, squeezing it tight in his fist and kissing me for what really will be the last time.

“Wake up, Princess.” Isaac’s low, raspy voice disturbs me from my sleep, and when I open my eyes and see him looming over me, I can’t help the dreamy smile that creeps on my face as I stretch.

“I gotta leave. It’s a seven-hour ride to Cali, and Dec wants us to make a drop-off in Nevada.” His words remind me that this is really happening, and it puts a sick feeling in my stomach.

“I don’t know about this, Isaac, it doesn’t add up.” I think about everything he told me last night. Josh doesn’t even live in California, to where the call was traced, and my stalker was in New York just a few days ago. I know that because whoever it was left their artwork on my balcony.

“I know it’s hard for you to take in, but it all checked out. Maddy’s fuckin’ good at what she does. The call was traced to a burner cell that was last used in Cali. She looked into Josh, and his credit card is being used at a motel less than two miles from where your apartment is.

“Wait, how do you know where my apartment is?” I ask. I can’t remember giving that information to him.

“Like I told ya, Maddy’s good at what she does.” He looks back at me confidently, and my skin shivers cold when I realize that isn’t what should be disturbing me. How does Josh know, and why is he there now? He really might be responsible for all those letters and that awful picture. I’d lain beside him for three years, planned a future with him. I would never have guessed he could be so dangerous.

“It’s okay; I’m gonna handle it,” Isaac assures me, stroking my hair and putting me at ease. I don't know what kind of person I’ve suddenly become, but I won’t stop him from protecting me. I believed the threats were real; that’s why I came here. Just because I know who they come from now doesn’t make them any less valid.

“I’ll be back tomorrow night,” he promises, kissing my forehead, and after sliding a duffel over his shoulder he tucks a gun in his jeans and heads out the door.

I lay back on my pillow and absorb everything that’s happened over the past 24 hours. I need to talk to someone about all this, and I’m surprised that when I take my phone off charge, the number I call is Scott’s.

“You were right,” I blurt out as soon as he answers.

“What?” He sounds confused, but then, it is early, I must have woke him up.

“About Josh, you were right, It was him all along.”

“Man, I wish I wasn’t too hungover to gloat.” He groans down the phone. “Where even are you?” I ask.

“At home, the folks went to the Hamptons for a long weekend. I had a few of the boys round for some beers. It got a little out of hand.”

“You better not have trashed the house. Mom will kill you.” I manage a smile, although I can’t help feeling a little upset that Mom and Jeremy haven’t made any attempts to call me.

“I thought you said they were worried about me,” I mention trying to make light of it instead of sounding hurt.

“They are, but Dad’s trying to sweeten up a new client, so he’s taken him and his wife to the lake house. He’s managed to convince your mom that she can worry there just as well as she can worry here. I told them I spoke to you; they know you're safe,” he assures me.

Maybe them being preoccupied with Jeremy’s new client is just what I need. Mom is gonna want an explanation, and I don’t have one. I also have no clue what I’m going to do next; all I do know is that whatever it is has to include Isaac.

“I gotta go, it looks like Jasper’s taking a piss in the pool. Let me know what you're gonna do about the Josh situation.Oi, man! That’s not cool!” Scott screams as he hangs up the phone, and I feel a little overwhelmed when I realize I cannevertell him the whole truth about the Josh situation. A loud knock at the door shakes me out of my thoughts, and before I can respond, it bursts open, and Mia dives onto my bed.

“I’ve been tasked with the job of distracting you.” She pulls no punches and smiles.