Page 6 of Destined Soul

“Who the fuck is that?” My brother hisses through his teeth as his eyes settle over my shoulder onto my new friend.

“Will someone just tell me what happened,” I ignore him and look to Levi for an explanation.

“We went to bust the Steaderman place, and they were waiting. Someone was hiding in the trees waiting to pop off shots.” Levi looks mad at himself, and he should be, he’s my brother’s Sgt at Arms, if anyone’s taking bullets it’s supposed to be him.

“I’ll ask you one more time, Mia. who’s the fucking dick, brave enough to step intomybar withmysister.”

“Thedick’sa doctor.” I’m shocked as hell when the handsome stranger steps in front of me. “Well, almost. I know how to take out a bullet and stitch up a wound, which I’m figuring is the kind of help you could use right now.”

I watch my brother’s eyes flick between the two of us. He doesn’t look happy, but he’s also not in the position to be judgemental. When he eventually nods his head I stand back and watch the cute guy, I just met, take charge of the situation.

“You.” He turns his attention straight to Joel. “Grab a bottle of the strongest shit you got.” Joel takes his order and dashes off behind the bar while Handsome moves closer to my brother to assess the damage.

“You got a dislocated shoulder,” he tells him.

“I did it when I fell off. Ain’t the first time it, should slip right back in,” Declan assures him.

“You might wanna get one of those to hold me down though.” He gestures his head toward Skinner and Levi.

“Why’s that?”

“Because I know it hurts, and I’m gonna use my good arm to swing at that pretty-boy face. I don’t want ya to be knocked out before ya get this bullet outta me.”

“Gotcha.” My new friend laughs to himself. “How about we make it a two-man job, just to be sure?”

Skinner throws me an unimpressed look as he helps my brother onto the pool table where Beth has already laid out some blankets. He holds down my brother’s legs, while Levi takes the upper half of his body and I close my eyes and wait for the loud crack.

“Fuck!” Declan hisses after it comes, snatching the bottle from Joel and knocking it back.

“Get some more of that shit down your neck, and if you guys stock any blow around here, I’d get some of that in you, too. Anywhere I can find a sterilized needle?” he asks.

“We keep a first aid kit in the kitchen, and I can boil you some water. Follow me.” Beth quickly leads him through the back door and into the kitchen.

“Who is he, Mia?” My brother keeps a firm eye on me as he knocks back a huge swig from the bottle and waits for Joel to finish tapping him out a line on the tray they keep under the bar.

“He’s just some guy. That’s not important right now.” I move towards him to take a look at the damage. I can just about see where the bullet’s wedged, and he’s lucky it hit where it did.

“He was the guy waiting with you, earlier.” Skinner opens his big mouth.

“Yes, he was, and he’s just passing through. I was being friendly.” I snap back, pissed at the fact I have to explain myself.

“Well, you just make sure that his version of friendly matches up to yours,” my brother warns and when Beth returns from the kitchen, with thealmostdoctor following behind her, the room falls silent. Levi and Skinner retake their posts and hold my brother down while he gets to work and removes the bullet

It doesn’t take him long to get it out and stitch up the hole and my brother at least shows his gratitude by offering him a drink after.

“You gonna tell me who he is?” Beth sits beside me while I watch the stranger talking with my brother and mixing with the rest of the club.

“Don’t give me those dopey eyes, he’s just passing through.”

When he glances over his shoulder at me and smiles, my stomach actually flips.

“Oh, my god.” The volume of her voice and the amusement on Beth’s face has me quickly hushing her.

“You aresointo him.” She laughs.

“I am not. He’s just a nice guy. He’s sweet and handsome. And he’s moving on in the morning so I’ll never see him again.”

I’m surprised at how much that thought hurts me.