Page 18 of Destined Soul

“She shouldn’t have been on the damn thing in the first place!” Declan cuts Levi off.

“Calm down, this isn’t good for her.” Beth stands beside my brother and strokes his arm to try and cool him down.

“I can’t believe what he’s saying is true. Skinner wouldn’t do this.” Levi shakes his head, looking confused.

“You’d be surprised at what Skinner will do to get what he wants.” I put a little pressure on my brother, making sure my eyes are fixed on his when I tell them that.

He looks up at the ceiling and lets out a long, deep sigh.

The door bursts open and when Jamie rushes inside, he places the laptop he’s carrying on the bed tray in front of me.

“It’s all there. Your proof.” He looks at Declan and then waits until we’re all crowded around the screen before he hits play.

The video is clear and shows Skinner crouching down and loosening the front wheel of Jamie’s bike.

“When was this recorded?” Dec asks, scrubbing his face and looking even angrier than he was before

“8:30 this morning, before I got into work.” Jamie points to the time in the corner of the screen.

“And before he came to see me to tell me you had to leave.” Dec shakes his head and walks over to the window.

“Toldyou?” Levi stares at his President in shock. “Since when hasanyoneever told you what to do?”

“Since he’s been blackmailing me,” Declan confesses, and I see the shame on his face.

“Mother fucker!” Levi shakes his head in disbelief.

“I’ll explain it all to ya, but right now we gotta make things right. Beth, you stay with her.” Declan starts moving toward the door, and Levi kisses a worried-looking Beth before he follows.

“I’m coming with you,” Jamie calls after them, and they both stop and turn around at the same time.

“This is club business,” Levi informs him, but my brother holds up his hand to cut him off.

And as he steps closer to Jamie, I can’t read the look on his face. I hold my breath when he takes one of the guns from the shoulder holster he wears under his cut, and shoves it into Jamie’s chest.

“Come on, Jekyll, let’s go.” He nods his head toward the door and Jamie quickly rushes back to kiss me before he follows after them.

* * *

The time they’re gone seems to drag on forever. Last we heard, Skinner rode out to Salt Lake City, so I guess that’s where they’ve headed and I can’t help worrying about Jamie being with them. Skinner’s a hard bastard. I’ve heard a lot of stories and seen him in enough fights to believe they're all true.

“I hope they skin that bastard alive!” Beth breaks the silence, hopping onto the bed and lying beside me.

“I’m scared,” I admit. I hate showing weakness, even to my best friend but I need to talk this out. “Look what happened last time a guy tried to protect me. I can’t lose Jamie too. I know it’s only been a little while, but I love him. I love him so much, it hurts.” I swallow down the sick feeling in my throat.

“He’ll be fine.” Beth wraps her arm around me and pulls me closer. “And on the plus side, your brother didn’t seem all that mad at Jamie when he kissed you earlier.”

“I don’t care about what Declan thinks, Beth. I’m gonna be with Jamie. Whether it’s here or not.”

“I know ya are.” She laughs. “But I don’t think it will come to that. Your brother loves you, he’s been so worried. There’s no way he’ll risk losing you again. You’re gonna get your happily ever after.” She kisses the top of my head and we both settle together and wait for our men to come back to us.

“How we handling this?” Levi crushes the cigarette, he’s finished, under his boot as all three of us stare at the trailer in the scrap yard. We’re watching from a distance, but since Skinner’s bike is parked outside, and there’s a light on inside, I figure the plan to get him here worked.

Dec called Skinner a few hours ago and ordered him to stop here on the way home and wait for a drop-off.

He’s alone, and we’re in the middle of nowhere. I can really make this bastard suffer.

“He’s gotta die.” I grip the handlebars of the bike I’m riding. Dec proved he’s got some respect for me when he offered to let me ride one of his Dad’s old bikes out here.