Page 15 of Destined Soul

Stay strong. Stay free!


“He’s really gone.” I stare at his words and it isn’t until my tears drip onto the page that I realize I’m crying.

“Why would he leave?” I read the words over and over again.

“He’s fallen for you hard, anyone can see that. He was in pretty bad shape when he came here.”

“I’ve got to speak to Declan.” Shoving the keys in my pocket, I storm out of my best friend’s house and rush to my car.

My tires screech when I pull to a stop outside the clubhouse and rush inside. The bar’s empty but I find my brother in the back room packing guns with Levi and Locke.

“What the fuck happened, why has he left?”

Declan looks to the others and nods for them to leave us.

“He left because I told him to, he doesn’t belong here, Mia.”

“You’re wrong. He fits in, he’s been working his ass off. Don’t bullshit me any more. What’s going on with you?”

“Move on, Mia,” he warns, continuing to pack his weapons and trying to ignore me.

“I’m done playing around, I’m done acting up to Skinner. This club is built on loyalty and trust. And right now, I can’t even trust my own flesh and blood.” I turn around and start to walk out, but his voice makes me halt.

“You remember the night Brian Denton died?” he asks, his voice is scratchy and when I turn around to look at him, he looks shattered.

“What the hell has that got to do with anything?” I was so young back then, but I remember how much of a hit it was to the club.

“Our dad is part of the reason he’s dead.” Dec grips the crate he’s packing in his fists.

“How? He wouldn’t…” I shake my head.

“Pops told the man who killed Brian, where he would find him that night, and he did it because he wanted the power over this charter for himself.” Dec stares at the guns in front of him to avoid looking at me. “Do you know what Jessie would do to him if he found that out? Do you know what that would mean for me…?”

“What’s this got to do with Jamie?” I interrupt, I can’t even think about my dad being the reason Brian died. He was a great leader and loved by everyone, he still is.

“You’re the price, Mia. Skinner knows and if he has you he stays quiet.” I step up to my brother and stare at him in disgust.

“You're using me!You were prepared to have me be with him…”

“You’re stronger than that. I just needed you to go along with it while I figured something out. I had to tell Jekyll to leave. I did it for his protection, as well as ours. And you’re doing a real shit job of hiding what’s going on between the two of you. If Skinner found out you were sneaking around behind his back, he’d kill him.”

“Fuck you!” I slap my brother’s face and storm out.

“Where are you going?” he calls after me.

“I’m not gonna be the solution to your problem, Declan. I’m going to be with the man I love.” I rush out of the club and over to the garage. Skinner won’t be there; he'll be on his way to Salt Lake City with Bulletproof and Cobra. I try the door but it’s locked up. Luckily, I know where Skinner keeps the spare key.

Stretching up on my toes I feel behind the outside light until the keys are in my hand, then using all my strength I open up the shutter.

Jamie’s bike is in the corner, and I smile through my tears when I think that he wants me to have it.

“You ain’t getting away that easily, handsome,” I say to myself, as I grab the bars of the bike and push it out onto the road.

“What are you doing, Mia?” Levi comes charging across the street at me, and I hop on the saddle and kick-start the engine.

“Stop! Your brother’s gonna kill you,” he yells over the noise of the engine, and I manage to flip him off before I pull the throttle and take off.