“She’s looping, Hearst,” said Justin. “I think she needs drugs.”

“Where’s Zolotov?” Will asked as he lifted me, the gentleness of his hands contrasting oddly with the angry way he spoke.

“Wasn’t here,” I sighed, leaning against him, smelling the Will smell. It was comforting to be carried by him. He was just right. Not too rough, not too soft, just perfectly warm like a bowl of porridge in a fairy story.

The doctor’s small white room on the first floor was cold and deserted. The sound of piano wafted through from Aleks’s class. Will placed me on the high bed, and a horrible teeth-chattering shivering started. He took off his top and dressed me in it like a child, lifting my arms through the sleeves. I observed all this as if from far away, and then lolled against him.

The doctor arrived, all smiles and concern, and asked the boys to wait outside. “How did this happen, Amalphia?” he asked.

I gave a garbled account of the last few days as he put a thermometer in my ear and then cleaned my feet, a process that stung. He handed me a tissue, my eyes having become very wet.

“You’ve a serious infection,” said the doctor. “Your temperature’s very high, and you’re clearly in a lot of pain.” He scribbled a prescription for antibiotics and painkillers. “I’ll get your boyfriend to run down to the housekeeper with these, and you should start taking them pronto.”

“Not my boyfriend,” I said, as a sensible thought occurred. The pill. I would need more of it soon.

Dr. Duthie prescribed it, and I chatted with him while he dressed my disfigured toes. I was ordered to rest and take no classes until better. He would come and see me before he left the castle in the afternoon.

Back upstairs, Will and Justin stayed with me, slagging off Colin and Michelle, missing their ‘crap anyway’ classes and generally being nice company.

Holly arrived with soup and drugs at lunchtime and sent the boys away. “Has dancing boy bin up to see ye?” she asked, giving me no time to reply, already knowing the answer herself. “Ye need to open yer eyes, lassie. He’s got his toast buttered on both sides, hasn’t he? Sitting doon there with her, and you being affa accommodating up here.” She patted the paper bag from the chemist.

“It’s not like that.”

“Aww, dinna take on, quiney. I’ll see if I can catch him before he heads back upstairs to his class.”

The drugs soon worked their magic, and I woke later to the sound of the door, a darkening room and absolutely no sympathy.

“Malphia, what is happening?” demanded Aleks. “Michelle says you are sulking about the pointe work.”

My head wasn’t clear enough to be suitably outraged, but I made an attempt. “Oh well, if that’s what Michelle says.”

As if on cue, there was a knock, and the door opened to admit the doctor. “How are you doing now?” he asked me.

“Better. Sleepy.”

“I’m glad to see one teacher taking this seriously,” said Dr. Duthie, eyeing Aleks. “The others don’t seem to appreciate the gravitas of the situation at all. That’s a strong painkiller I gave you. It will make you feel drowsy.”

Justin and Will came in and exchanged a glance on seeing Aleks.

“The dashing young men from this morning,” said the doctor. “I leave you in good hands. I’ll be back to see you tomorrow, Amalphia, after my morning rounds.” He gripped Will’s shoulder on his way out. “She’s in need of some TLC. Look after her.”

“We plan to,” said Justin, and the doctor left.

“So, you two knew of this.” Aleks was angry. It wasn’t good. “Why are you not saying something to me?”

“Would you have been interested?” asked Justin.

“What is this meaning?”

Justin’s voice was cold. “That if you gave a fuck beyond an actual fuck, you would have known anyway.”

I curled up, unable to cope with the confrontation or the implication.

“Stop it, Bevan,” said Will. “You’re upsetting her. It’s all good, Malph.” He crouched, bringing his face level with mine. “We’re taking you to the cinema. There’ll even be popcorn.” This all seemed very unlikely. “Paul’s letting us use the screen in the theatre to stream any film you want. So, up you get.” He made as if to pick me up.

“Wait,” said Justin. “She can’t go like that. What d’you go putting that on her for? She looks all dancing cuckoo’s nest.” Justin indicated my top which was Will’s from earlier.

“She was cold,” said Will.