“Oh, come on. However, you could come in handy. What’s that old saying? The best way to get over one idiot is to get under another.”
I stared down at my lunch, unable to eat, or think, or feel.
“Is your bloke being a prick, or something?” asked Will.
Justin nodded. “An astute assessment, young William. Look at her. What’s she left with? A handful of magic beans and a head full of confusion. At least they were good beans; no throwing them out the window now, Phi. We don’t want a beanstalk that grows the latest phones or a tree that sprouts designer watches and T-shirts… Wait! What am I saying?” He waffled on, allowing me to remain silent and stare fixedly at the table for the rest of the meal.
Afternoon pas de deux class introduced us to another teacher. Mr. Timms, who must have been at least eighty, exuded olde-world English charm in a dithering way. He said nice things about my line as we tried out lifts with different partners.
Then came the rehearsed piece with Aleks, the sexySarabande. The room was collectively gobsmacked as we demonstrated the balletic metaphor of lovemaking. The wonderful music of Bach filled the huge cavernous room, and I concentrated hard to get everything right. As ever, Aleks partnered chivalrously, a charming gentleman, but this time it felt cold like everything else in the castle.
Michelle interfered. She wanted Will with me, and Simone with Aleks.
“This is not your class,” Aleks reminded her.
“Funding takes precedence over everything, Aleks. Read your contract. I need to see this piece, these partners.”
He threw up his hands. I walked happily over to Will. Our partnership was simpler, easier, or in fact: “Awesome,” as Will declared afterwards.
We were sent to have a swim after pas de deux, which would have been a pleasant way to end the day had circumstances been different. Simone glided up as I paused for breath at the edge of the pool, having just done seventeen speedy lengths. “Have you heard, Amalphia?” she said. “I’m going to be having private lessons with Aleks instead of you now. Things are so much better now we’re here, aren’t they?”
I managed twelve more lengths before Paul called for attention. “We have a surprise for you all tonight,” he said. “Keep your brain monitors on if you can. If they come off, see me at dinner. We maybe didn’t think the swimming through.” He looked at Michelle who shook her head as if he spoke nonsense.
“Girls, make your way to the first floor,” she ordered. “Boys, you head through to the theatre.”
Chapter 13
Simoneranahead,andwe soon heard her shriek. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!”
One of the first floor studios was full of clothes. Dresses hung on a portable railing, and shoe boxes were piled against the wall. Holly smiled, as did the two young women with her. “We’re having a traditional Scottish Ceilidh tonight, quines,” she said, and I got the feeling she was trying to speak very correctly. “Dancing, music, whisky and wine.”
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
We’d only been here a day. And parties were happening already?
Numb with horror, and hoping events like this weren’t going to be a regular occurrence, I chose a black dress with no frills or complicating detail. Simone looked striking in many-seamed red velvet. It accentuated her pale blonde hair which she wore loose, as if she weren’t beautiful enough already. The two women, introduced as hair and make-up artistes, did my hair up with clips and hairspray. I watched them put red lipstick on Simone.
“Dinna worry. We’ll do subtle and sultry for you,” one of them told me, and I closed my eyes to endure.
Sun, Sadie, Simone and I walked down the stairs arm in arm, followed by the hairdressers and Holly who were all attending the party too. “Everybody is,” Holly told us. “Aye, you’ll hae some bonny loons to dance with tonight.”
The boys (bonny loons?) waited in the entrance hall, the quick upturn of their faces giving the impression they’d been there a while. They were likewise transformed, all in smart suits except for Ruaridh who was resplendent in a green-and-grey kilt. Aleks surveyed us. He looked so handsome, and so at home in formal wear, it felt somehow shocking.
“Well?” said Simone, assuming a hip-tilting pose.
“Beautiful,” he replied.
“We’re to escort you in to dinner,” said Justin. “I’m starving. What took you so long?” He held out his arm, and I grabbed hold.
Aleks was already paired with Simone, and he looked at home there too.
“Phi, you look like a proper girl,” said Justin, inspecting me. “Did they give you some tit-pushing-up bra, or something?”
Simone released her vice-like grip on Aleks’s arm and marched over to us. “For just one night, Justin Bevan, could you stop with all the crassness?”
Justin was open-mouthed in his offence and whispered, “What a bitch,” as Simone walked back to Aleks, and we all headed into the great hall.
The huge room was painfully busy with people. When had they arrived? Presumably while we were swimming, or changing. It was all very unnerving.