“It’s nice.” I held the ends of the sleeves up to my face. “Warm and soft, and smells of Will.”

Justin made a gagging noise. “We all know Hearst smells, Phi. It’s not a good thing. What are these drugs you’re on? They’re obviously fabulous.” He tweaked the offending knitwear. “But I suppose this will have to be tomorrow’s problem.”

Will lifted me up, and Aleks left abruptly.

“Know how to pick ’em, don’t you, love?” commented Justin in the elevator. “I mean, he’s better than the last nightmare, but… Sorry. I’m lowering the tone of the evening.”

It lowered further a few moments later when, crossing the entrance hall, we met Michelle.

“Still sucking up all the male attention in the building, I see,” she said as she passed us.

“Do you actually want to be sued?” Justin asked her.

Her heels didn’t miss a click on the black and white squares of the floor as she walked on.

“There’s no doubt about what we have to watch,” said Justin, through in the theatre. “A documentary about her.”

“Such a thing exists?” I asked, smiling at Holly as she arrived with popcorn and then laughing at the name of the horror film that Justin had brought up on the huge screen.

“Fanatical foot-crippling harpies: let this be a warning to us all,” Justin urged everyone, the majority of the students having joined us for the cinematic evening.

Tales of my affliction had buzzed round the castle. Everyone was so nice that tears kept threatening. Sadie brought me rubber toe protectors that she said were superior to the ones I usually used. She sat down on the other side of Will, and they shared a whispered conversation.

By the time the mad woman on screen held her sledgehammer aloft, my feet hurt and I felt a bit sick but insisted on walking back upstairs myself. “I’m not a complete invalid.”

“Let Will carry you,” said Sadie. “Make use of his strong arms.”

Justin, Will and I piled through my door, and I went straight for the pain meds.

“Quite the little junkie now, aren’t you, sweets?” noted Justin.

“I’m sore. They’ll help me sleep. Don’t want to have bad dreams after that film.”

“D’you want any more help, Malph?” offered Will. “Like getting changed or whatever?”

“From you two? No thanks. I’ll manage. But hey…” I held out my arms for a group hug. “Thanks. You know, for today.”

“No problem,” said Justin. “Though I do expect you to bear my child.”

“I think we established there would be no bearing of children?”

“No,” he said. “As I recall, the issue was not satisfactorily resolved.”

“Consider it to be so now.”

“Come on, I found you a sexy doctor. He could fix us up nicely.”

“Goodnight,” I said firmly, and they went.

I stood by the bed and sighed. What a day.

“Can I help?” Aleks stepped out of the bathroom, causing me to turn too fast and get dizzy.

“You scared me! And no. I’m too tired and sore for sex, so if that’s what you’re here for, you might as well just go away again.” Facts, all.

“I am sorry it has seem this way.”

“There’s no filter between my brain and mouth just now,” I told him.