Throughout the latter part of the Christmas holidays, the great work with Michelle had continued late on into the night, every night. I had stayed awake and waited for his dramatic rush across my room that always ended in a fervent kiss and a hurried scramble out of clothes. To be so wanted was wonderful, and I met him in that desire, our usual gentleness exchanged for a kind of frantic desperation. It was sexy and exciting, but also unsettling, for what had wrought this change?
I, who had been used to crying and screaming in love, now wiped his tears and sought to reassure. He spoke impassioned words in his own language, and sometimes fell asleep on top of me. I cradled his head and gazed through the ceiling window at the stars and the dark sky, at the frost and the rain.
Thoughts and questions intensified when I had lain in bed for three days of period badness at New Year. I looked at pictures and videos of Aleks on the internet and wondered many things: had he been in relationships with all the dancers he’d partnered? Had he known every inch of their bodies too? Were they the ones he’d promoted, the ones the man at the Christmas party had mentioned? Aleks’s career had ended nine years ago. What had he done in all that time? How long had he been with Michelle? Was she the reason he arrived at the top of the tower in such a state? And why did she hate me so much? She appeared to regard Aleks with some disdain, so it seemed unlikely that she was jealous or wanting him for herself. Unless they’d had some sort of enemies-lovers thing going on.
The largest of the Matryoshka dolls looked back at me from her place on the bedside table, appearing similarly perplexed. The smaller ones smiled on, happy and naïve, protected by their rotund mother.
The rest of that first day back passed quickly. We joined the younger class in the theatre to watch a film of the Christmas show and had fun clapping ourselves. ‘Blown away’ had been a good description for the effect of theCirclepiece. Will, Justin and I looked at each other in shock after seeing it.
“I’d no idea it looked so…” I searched for words.
Justin found some. “Like you were about to be inseminated by a faulty donor.”
“I could get the job done, Bevan,” countered Will.
Justin shook his head. “Your boys would reflect your dismal attitude, Hearst. Totally unenthused sperm.”
It was unfortunate that Aleks chose that moment to cut the film and the sound of applause. Justin’s last three words echoed round the quiet auditorium and heads turned. We were soon surrounded by fans,Circlehaving impressed our younger counterparts greatly.
A little more talking than usual took place that night at the top of the tower. “I love you so much, is drive me mad,” said Aleks, words that sounded hollow and disingenuous when replayed in my head later. He didn’t like that I’d learned to say ‘I love you’ in Ukrainian, telling me I had far better things to be doing with my time than learning a language I would never need. “And I will have no secrets left,” he said, attempting to add humour to the strained moment.
“I miss talking with you, Aleks,” I told him as he sped away the next morning.
He stuck his head back round the side of the door. “Is only for a short while, this… this madness.” His smile looked forced. “You will have your new teacher today. Already there is change.”
“I doubt it’s for the better,” I called after his retreating form, grieving the lack of a goodbye kiss.
Chapter 30
Downinthedungeon,for that’s where every class on our new timetable was to take place, Colin McKen rubbed his hands together. A strip light buzzed and flashed above him, giving the impression of lightning and horror, as if the place needed extra dramatising. It soon became clear that Colin had an unusual method of teaching.
“Little Miss Double Ds,” he said to me. “Your arms are either too high or too low. I will show you the clearest marker you have. Everybody watch and learn.” He took my hands and placed them over my breasts, leaving his sweaty fingers there just a little too long. “See?” he continued. “That is the perfect level, out to first position with them at that height, and then to second. Tit level. That’s all you need to know about arm positions, not called port de bras for nothing, are they? Bra? Get it? Ha ha.”
We got it. But nobody else laughed.
Colin walked round the class. He flicked Sun’s tricep and called out, ‘Bingo Wings!”
Sadie was repeatedly referred to as the ‘Mayor of Cankle Town.’ Colin then got down on his knees to apologise and correct the wording to ‘Mayoress.’
But the real jewel of the morning was saved for Justin.
“Mr. Bevan,” said Colin. “You are not pulling up correctly. There is a secret here too.” He turned his head to check that we were all listening. “Shut your eyes,” he told Justin, who, warily, did so. Colin went on. “Now, you spend a lot of time with the luscious Treadwell, so this should give you no trouble at all. Imagine her on her knees before you.” My friend’s eyes shot open. “That’s it, perfect,” declared Colin.
After what seemed a very long lesson, with much reference to tit level and encouragement to feel various sexual sensations, there was Michelle’s research. It hadn’t changed at all, except for the presence of Colin who stood uncomfortably close to me for the duration.
“Just your type, Treadwell,” said Michelle in a low voice as we headed up in the elevator to lunch. “I see you’ve worked your wiles on him already.”
We made our collectively affronted way to the great hall. Simone did not seem to have heard anything Colin had said, and accused the rest of us of starting a vendetta against the ‘poor man.’
“Did you hear what he said to me?” Justin was still very upset. “It was very offensive towards you too, Phi, suggesting you’re some kind of slut. Or maybe, hoping.”
“Don’t,” I said in disgust. “I can kind of see tit level.” I pointed my hands in towards my chest and then out to first position. “But wouldn’t it vary hugely person to person?”
That perked Justin up a bit. “Yes. Saggy ones, and you’d be down here. Wonky boob job: one up, one down, and… Oh bless. Simone didn’t understand any of it, did she?”
The younger students filtered into the room with Aleks who approached the table. “How was your new teacher?” he asked us all.
“Litigiously obscene,” stated Sun.