“Yesterday afternoon,” I explained. “Michelle shouted at Bekah about her make-up and clothes—”

Michelle interrupted. “Even you don’t turn up to class looking like that, Miss—”

I spoke over her. “She then pulled Bekah across the room by the arm – it left a mark – and slapped her face.”

“Photos of both marks already sent to our solicitor,” added Justin.

“Well, it’s not true,” said Michelle, incredulous, looking to her colleagues for support.

“The most talented girl in each class,” said Aleks. “I know this kind of spite. You are threatened, so you aim all your anger their way.”

“Oh, she’s got you expertly sucked in.” Michelle looked at me as she spoke. “I’m starting to think you’ll do more or less anything to get your own way, Treadwell. You’re even training up a demonic little protégé to join you in your endeavours.”

“A very serious allegation has been made against you, Michelle,” Paul pointed out.

“This is to deal with first,” agreed Aleks. “But also will need complete overhaul of timetable, sacking of unsuitable staff, a system of communication so students do not have to take huge problems on themselves. There should be a school counsellor.”

“Oh, is pillow talk not good enough?” snapped Michelle. “Perhaps if you didn’t spend so much time with your cock in her mouth, you’d be able to think clearly. We all know she’s your WHORE!”

Paul cleaned his glasses. Whatever Will and Justin said was drowned out by Aleks. He spun Michelle’s chair round and shouted into her face about how a loving relationship was beyond her comprehension. She was a cold creature who found warmth between people to be a shocking thing. His voice thundered and it was terrible.

I ran round the table and touched his arm.

“I will not work with you again,” he told Michelle, more calmly. “This is it now, finished.”

He took my hand and we walked away from them, out of the studio, down the corridor and onto the stairs. We hugged. He said sorry repeatedly into my hair. I shook my head because it wasn’t his fault.

“Well, that was fun,” said Justin, arriving beside us with Will. “I told her about the informed consent, said she couldn’t use any of the data already gathered. That upset her more than the telling off you two gave her. She kept saying ‘what?’ really loudly. I think she still is.” He cocked his ear towards the corridor, and we all listened. There were raised voices. I hoped they weren’t getting nearer.

“We need to go,” said Aleks, looking at me. “We can visit the pub you are liking. We get a break; they calm down. Wait here, and I’ll get our coats.”

I glanced back down the corridor.

“Okay, not here.” He pulled keys out of his pocket. “Wait in the car, maybe reverse out?”

He took off up the stairs and Justin, Will and I made our way outside to the outbuilding that acted as a garage.

“Ballet pays some people!” exclaimed Will on seeing Aleks’s car.

I pointed the key and pressed the lock button, liking the flash of lights it elicited.

“You gonna back it out?” asked Will.

I looked at him as if he was mad. Why Aleks had suggested such a thing when I didn’t know how to drive was beyond me.

“Can I?” asked Will.

I handed the keys over a little hesitantly, not quite sure how Aleks would feel about it, and we all got into the car. Justin screamed as Will backed out at great speed, taking us into a long backward curve over the crunchy gravel. I laughed, having quite enjoyed the experience.

Aleks opened the driver’s door with a smile, but also a thumb that indicated ‘out.’

“Bet it can shift,” Will said as he joined Justin in the back seat.

“On way back, you can have a go,” promised Aleks. “But for now…” He wove his fingers through mine over the gear stick. “We all need to just...” His other hand finished the sentence, thrusting forward on an audible out breath, and we tore round the side of the castle and shot off up the track.

It felt so good to be leaving, escaping to brighter places. We paused at the end of the tree-lined road, the old metal gates and the stone mermaid and bear releasing us to the wider world.

The pub was wonderfully warm and welcoming after the cold shouty castle. Old wooden beams, plush rugs and a crackling fire greeted us in the lounge. Aleks and I sat on the sofa by the fireside.