“Everyone sees it, except you,” he said. “Michelle, she is jealous. You are young and beautiful, and all is ahead of you. She trained as a dancer, but injury ended that for her at an early age. She has done many scientific degrees after this – she is triple PhD – but I do not think it has made up for the loss.”

I needed him to take his hand off my shoulder, and yet didn’t want him to. I glared at my reflection in annoyance.

He went on. “The other one, Colin, he is notice everything. The way you move, smile, look. Always, you will attract attention from men. Is something you will have to get used to.”

“You’re saying it’s my own fault?” I turned, breaking the physical contact.

He shook his head. “They are awkward people. The dance world is full of difficult, unpleasant persons who see nothing past their own agenda. Is good training to learn to work around them.”

“Learn to accept abuse as normality. That’s your advice? Your sole contribution to my training now?”

“Why?” he said, as furiously as I felt. “Why do you always do this?”

“What do I always do? You know what, don’t tell me.” I held a hand up to silence him. “I’ve had enough of this nonsense.”

The elevator doors betrayed me, refusing to close and giving him plenty of time to catch up. We leant against opposite sides of the tiny room.

Just breathing. Just glowering. Just us.

By the time the doors opened in the foyer, I was pressed against the wall with my legs wrapped round his waist. His hair was in my grip, and I whined into his mouth. Somewhere, a militant feminist fairy fell down dead.

He pushed the button for the tower, but I wriggled free and staggered out onto the chessboard floor.

Bekah came hurtling down the stairs crying, and ran through the doors to the theatre corridor.

I followed her, hugged her, listened to her terrible tale, and wondered if there was any way that the day could get worse and what should be done about it.

One thing at a time. I located Justin in the big hall. He got up from his dinner at once, and went to see Bekah.

Weak and jittery, I needed food before braving anything else and turned towards the canteen.

Michelle spoke loudly from the staff table. “Amalphia’s been having another little strop, has she?”

Had Aleks told her something about our argument? A glance at his impassive face revealed nothing.

Michelle hadn’t finished. “You’ve found another baby,or maybe pet is a more apt word this time, to care for with Mr. Bevan, have you?” she asked with a laugh.

It was actually unbelievable. “You really think you can get away with anything here, don’t you?” I said to her.

The red lips smiled.

I spoke on. “You can hang as many medieval torture implements on the walls as you like, Michelle. It doesn’t mean we live in those times. Or Nazi Germany. You’re not queen of the castle. You’re a teacher, and there are certain lines you can’t cross.” The smile was unnerving. It was like speaking to the Cheshire Cat. Blurting everything out in front of everyone would be unprofessional. I’d been a teacher before I came here. I might be again. Wanting to keep my own conduct as it should be, I tried to use exact and legal language. “You’ve been exhibiting bullying and threatening behaviour towards the students.”

Will stood by my side and held my hand.

“Well, isn’t this just precious?” laughed Colin.

“You’re not much better,” I told him, then just listed facts. “You’re foul-mouthed, lecherous and the most ineffectual teacher I’ve ever encountered. You’ve indulged in inappropriate touching, and everyone hates you.”

He feigned horror but also managed to convey a patronising air, as if letting a charming child off with a misdemeanour.

“Miss Treadwell,” said Paul. “I really cannot allow you to talk to members of my staff like that.”

“Your staff?” I said. “So you’re the most senior person here?”

“Well, we all have our own roles,” he said, glancing up the table at Michelle. “But I’m as senior as anyone, yes.”

“Then I need a meeting with you about a very urgent matter. Right now.” I squeezed Will’s hand to steady myself, appreciating the immediate return action.