Page 73 of Savage

He was clearly blind to his son’s bad deeds—though Viper had fixed that real quick when I had gotten the text from Hallie. And the thought of my beautiful, sweet Hallie in the clutches of Robbie made me sick.

I have to get to her.

I pushed my bike to its limit, the speedometer pegging out at one-hundred-forty miles per hour. I hadneverridden this fast anywhere other than a racetrack, but this was desperate circumstances…

And the risk paid off when I caught sight of his truck up ahead.

I pulled the gun from my waistband, and as Robbie stomped the gas, I fired shots into his back tires. I was risking wrecking the vehicle, but it was worth it. I’d put the damn thing in the ditch if I had to.

The tires blew and it slowed him down, but he kept going, cruising at amucheasier speed for me to deal with. I saw the gun in his hand before he ever pointed it out of the window, and I fired off a few more rounds into his front driver’s side tire. It caught him off guard, obviously having been expecting me to shoot athim.

And the truck veered hard to the right, sending it into the ditch.

The front end crashed into a barbed wire fence, and I cringed. The driver’s side had taken most of the impact, but I knew Hallie wouldn’t go unscathed.

My bike skidded to a stop, and I was comforted by the sound of sirens and motorcycle engines in the distance. Sergeant Johnston was coming for his son…

And I was going to let him take him.

It was the ultimate gesture of humiliation for Robbie.

“I’ll f-f-fucking kill her,” Robbie groaned, dragging a kicking and screaming Hallie out from the driver’s side. Blood was pouring from his nose, and I knew he’d gotten himself a hell of a concussion.

“Just let her go, and I’ll let you go,” I said, my tone flat as I met Hallie’s gaze. “Or you could just kill her. Either way, your daddy is on his way here.”

His eyes widened and his face grew a deep shade of purplish red. “You might as well have just fuckin’ killed me.”

“Nah,” I shook my head. “This is way better.”

Viper, Will, and Axle came to a stop behind me, and I knew they had their guns drawn along with me.

“I’ll just pull the trigger,” Robbie slurred, his eyes coming in and out. He pushed near unconsciousness, but his finger was still on the trigger. If I tried to storm him, there was still a high chance that he’d pull it—and then all of this would be worthless. If there was one thing I had learned, very quickly, it was thatnothingwas worth losing the woman I loved…

Not even her lying to me about our daughter.

She had her reasons, and Ihadleft her heartbroken for years—and then terrified her with the hard truths about me when she returned. I was willing to try again.

I just needed to get her out of here.

“Just let her go, man,” Viper reiterated from behind me. “You might be able to make a deal over Francis, but you won’t get that with her.”

“Shut up,” Robbie grunted, squinting up at Viper. However, the moment of distraction was all it took. Hallie used her leg to knock him in the back of the knee, shoving the gun out of his hand. She took off at a sprint, and I met her halfway, letting her collapse into my arms.

“Fuck!” Robbie bellowed, grabbing his head as he lay on the ground. “You’re such a little bitch!”

Hallie sobbed into my chest as I pointed my gun at Robbie, anger causing my arm to shake. I wanted to pull the trigger, I wanted to fuckingblowRobbie’s brains out…

“Don’t do it,” Viper called to me as he rushed down the hill. He kicked the gun further from Robbie, a cloud of sand puffing up into the air. “His daddy is here.”

But I didn’t pay attention to the police rushing by to arrest him.

I didn’t pay attention to Sergeant Johnston handcuffing his own son to a stretcher.

All I could do was inhale the sweet scent of Hallie’s hair, holding her close as her sobs settled into mere sniffles. “I love you, Hal,” I murmured. “And I’m so fucking sorry that this happened. I never should’ve let you go. I should’ve stayed—and we should’ve worked it out.”

She tipped her head back, her lip quivering. “You—you forgive me?”

I kissed her on the forehead. “I do. I already had. I just… I was mad, and I was hurt. But none of that is worth losing you. I don’t wanna go another decade without having you.”