Page 50 of Savage

“I’m so fucking sorry,” I exasperated, the guilt of this much worse than anything I went through with Robbie. “I should’ve been there for you.”

“It was just a stomach bug, she’s fine.” Hallie didn’t sound angry or upset with me not being there, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

“I’ll be there in half an hour—maybe sooner,” I said, pressing my foot to the gas pedal. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, really. See you when you get here.” She hung up, not even giving me a chance to say anything else to her.


I tossed my phone onto the seat of the truck and headed to the store, picking up flowers for Iris and pizza for Hallie. I knew the woman would never turn down a late-night pizza, and as much as I wanted to fuck her until she was sore, I knew this was not probably going to be a night full of action.

It took me a little less than thirty minutes to make it to her place, and I pulled right behind her car, killing the truck as soon as it was in park. I slid out of the truck, and before I even made it to the steps of the front porch, the light kicked on and the door opened.

“She’s in bed,” Hallie said softly, eyeing the flowers and pizza in my hands. “And pizza is terrible for a stomach bug.”

“I know that,” I laughed, holding out the cheese pizza to her. “I didn’t bring it for her, I brought it for you. These are for her, though.”

She took the pizza, her face softening to me as she opened the front door again. “I’ll give them to her in the morning. I don’t want to wake her. She needs as much sleep as she can get.”

I nodded, catching a whiff of her sweet perfume as I walked into the living room. There were still boxes stacked in the corner, but I knew that she was more than likely still in the process of unpacking—and that was probably way more difficult with a kid.

“You can just sit it on the coffee table. We can eat in here.” She gave me a light smile as she plopped down on the couch, immediately reaching for the pizza box. “Oh, you got the extra thin crust.”

I laughed, setting the flowers down beside the open box and taking a seat beside her. “I think I still know you.”

“Yeah, I would say so. Some things never change.”

I nodded, not sure what to say. She made me feel like nothing had changed, but at the same fucking time,everythinghad changed since we parted ways a decade ago. But as I sat there, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, everything felt like it was right in that moment.

“Are you okay?” Hallie looked up at me, her blue eyes glowing under the lights in the living room. Her brows were furrowed, but not enough to cause any frown lines on her face.

“Yeah, it’s just been a day, like I said on the phone. We got some shit going on—and don’t get me wrong, seems like there’s always some shit going on, but this one is more related to me.” I glanced at my knuckles, rolling my wrist to hide them. I didn’t want Hallie to see them and ask questions.

It would just lead to more frustration on both ends.

“I’m sorry that you had a rough day.” Her voice was sweet as she finished the rest of her piece of pizza and let out a sigh. “I don’t think either of us had it that great today.”

“Have you showered?” I asked, getting a jolt of excitement through my body despite knowing that nothing would be happening.

“I haven’t.” She gave me a sly smile and then stood to her feet, holding out her hand. “But I was actually going to take one before you got here.”

“Ah, did you wait for me?” I shot her a smirk as I took her hand.

“I might have taken my sweet time.” She led me toward the stairs, tugging me along, and I couldn’t help but smile at her…

And then I stopped, information flooding my brain.

“Hey, wait.”

“What?” Hallie gave me a funny look. “Is something wrong?”

I shook my head, though actually, I couldn’t be sure of that answer. “I… Did…” I stumbled over the words, not sure how to ask what I needed to know.

Her face filled with confusion and then something that resembled…fear.

“I just need to know if you loaned Robbie Johnston any money.”

Hallie blinked a few times, her head tilting as she studied my face. “What are you talking about?”