Page 70 of Savage

I nearly exploded at the passive accusation. “I didn’t kill the stupid fucking cop, Hallie. Someone else did—and it wasn’t the club. But just for the record, this,” I gestured between the two of us. “Is over.”

“Gunner, please,” she sobbed, taking a step toward me.

I shook my head. “No, I might love you—I mightneverbe with another woman for the rest of my life, but I can’t do this.”

“I’m so sorry, I just wanted to protect her from getting hurt,” Hallie continued as I spun around, heading for the door. As I ripped it open, I saw a familiar truck pulling into the driveway—and I froze. “What thefuckis Robbie Johnston doing here?” I growled.

“H-h-he asked to hang out, and my mom basically made me agree—it’s just as friends—”

“Nah,” I cut her off. “Fuck this. I’ll be in touch about Iris.” With that, I stormed out, leaving her in tears. Seeing Robbie at her house was too much, and my heart felt like it had been ripped into shreds. Friends or not, I knew what Robbie’s intentions would be.

And I knew that Hal was just trying to get over me…

“I’ll tell him to leave,” I heard Hallie behind me. “Please stay. I want to work this out.”

I ignored her, shaking my head as I shoved right into Robbie’s chest on the way down the porch steps. “You fucking touch her, and I’ll kill you,” I seethed.

“Whoa,” Robbie threw up his hands. “Just friends…”

“Fuck off.” I headed right for my bike, knowing I needed alongride to clear my head. Hallie might be asking me to fix things, but I couldn’t even see straight at the moment—and fixing things would mean going against what I had decided.

And I wasn’t sure if I could do that.

Chapter 29


“You know he’s just kind of an asshole, right?” Robbie chuckled as we headed back from dinner at the café. “Those guys only care about themselves, mostly.”

“I guess so. I still made a huge mistake.” Naturally, Robbie had asked what the hell had happened with Gunner, and I was just… honest. He had been nice enough when I had texted him, telling him I only wanted to hang out as friends, and so I figured it was fine.

“Yeah, that probably was a pretty big shock to the system,” he nodded, shrugging his shoulders. “But to me, it would be cool to find out that you have a kid, you know? It alleviates the pressure of knowing that you still need to reproduce.”

I gave him a funny look. “You make it sound like having kids is some kind of requirement.”

“It is in my family,” he said with a sigh. “My dad is fucking determined to have grandkids. My bet is on my sister, though. She’s always said that she wants a family and all that. Once she’s grown, I’m sure she will.”

“That’s good.” I shifted my gaze out of the window, feeling uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong, Robbie was fine—I’d known him for years…

But I really had no interest in even friendship.

I knew he wanted more, and that was the last thing I would be giving to anyone.

“Dinner was nice,” Robbie said, obviously trying to fill the awkward silence that had filled his truck cab. “And it’s good to know that you got that tire fixed, like I told you to. It’s never smart to just run on your spare.”

I didn’t get my tire fixed…

“Yeah…” my voice trailed off, racking my brain forwhowould’ve taken off the spare and had it fixed when I was sick.

Did Gunner do that?

“Anyway, you know there are better men out there than your biker ex-boyfriend, right?”

I glanced over to him, hating the fact that Gunner had been the subject of our conversation all night—and not because of me. “You’ve said that a lot this evening…”

“I just want to make sure you understand.”

“Yeah, thanks,” I muttered, my eyes drifting toward the floorboard of his truck.