Page 10 of Savage

I rolled my eyes at the sight of the man on payroll, plopping back down on my stool. His shadow of a son, who was also working for the police department, followed him in, glaring around the clubhouse. I didn’t really have a problem with either of them, but out of all the civilians on our payroll, Sargent Johnston was my least favorite…

Probably because he had been the reason for my arrest all those years ago.

“What can we help you with?” Viper remained standing, folding his arms across his chest. “I can’t think of anything going on in town that’s our problem. Things have been quiet.”

“Have they?” Sargent Johnston narrowed his eyes. “Because I seem to keep getting complaints from concerned citizens about your heavy presence in town. They read the fucking papers, Viper. They know something happened to all those Silent King bikers. Don’t try to lie to me and say that your club didn’t have a hand in that.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The president of the club shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “I think you’re just up in here blowing smoke, and I’d find that to be a problem since you get a nice check from us.”

Johnston’s jaw tensed. “I hear what you’re saying, but I’m not here to cause a bunch of problems. I need you to get your shit worked out and get on the right side of the town’s opinion. Have a charity event or something. People are wondering where the Silent Kings are.”

They’re all fucking buried in the desert.

“Yeah, okay. Well, I guess we’ll arrange something then.”

“I can do you one better,” Robbie Johnston, Sarge’s son, offered up. “There’s a cookoff coming, and all the proceeds go to help the children’s unit they’re opening up at the hospital. Maybe you guys could set something up for that.”

“Bear does smoke some mean brisket,” Axle commented, his black hair looking gray beneath a cloud of smoke. “We could have him and Ginger cook a bunch of shit up.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Sargent Johnston added, nodding his head. “But leave the smokes at home.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Axle pushed to his feet and headed toward the hallway.

“We’ll do what we can,” Viper said, glancing toward Axle with a disapproving look. “I get what you’re saying, but there’s nothing we can do about what happened to the Silent Kings. For all we know, they rode out of town and never came back.”

“That would line up real well with the warehouse of theirs that we found abandoned with millions of dollars’ worth of drugs…” Johnston’s voice trailed off as his eyes bore into Viper’s. “I can cover a lot of shit, Ronny, but I don’t know how to keep the feds out of this one.”

“Maybe it’s time to get off the biker trash payroll,” Robbie grunted, warding glares from all in the room.

“Ignore my dumbass for a son,” Sargent snapped. “He doesn’t know what’s good for him yet.”

“I think we can show him.” Will took a step forward, his eyes darkening.

“Nah, he’s not worth the broken knuckles,” Viper stopped him. “What do you want us to do about the warehouse?”

“I don’t know. A straight officer found it, and that’s why I’m in some hot water right now. Had it been anyone other than Francis, I wouldn’t be worried about it. I’d just have you guys clear it up. But this… This is a fuckin’ wreck. He’s wanting to know why the fuck I haven’t called the feds about it.”

“And what have you told him?” I asked, more curious than concerned.

“I told him that I was working on it.” Sargent didn’t ever look away from Viper. He was a strange guy, and despite the alliance, he still hated my guts.

Viper let out a sigh. “Your officer saw all the drugs?”


“And did he collect any evidence?”

“He took a shit ton of pictures. They’re on the cloud and his phone. I haven’t bagged anything.”

“It looks like we need to move some drugs then,” Viper grunted. “And get those pictures.”

“I still have a decorated officer who’s got more credibility than all of you fuckers put together. If I don’t come up with something, then we’re all going to be in hot water. All it takes is for him to go over my head, and we’re done.”

“Well, I think we have our answer then.” Viper flashed a wicked grin. “We’re going to have to pay this officer a visit and change his mind.”

“You’re not going to change his mind,” Robbie quipped, his buzzed dark hair reminding me of just how fresh he was out of the military. “The guy is rock solid. He’s a fucking saint, really.”

“You don’t think he’d buckle under pressure? Or money?” Viper’s facial expression shifted quickly, his concern evident.