It was more difficult than Scarlett thought it would be to deflect the hurt those words created. Not even Annabel thought she was going to stick it out. When she’d arrived almost a week ago, she’d thought Annabel would be the one who would stick up for her.

She swallowed hard and nudged her elbow into Annabel’s side. “I’m staying. Promise.”

While Annabel smiled, the expression she wore seemed to say that they’d just have to see how it went. Her friend turned to the bag in her lap.

Around them, several people ranging from teens to adults about her age were flocking to the entrance of the country club. Every time the door opened, music filtered through the air. Most of the people in attendance came with dates. She couldn’t imagine they were all going dancing, but then a lot had changed since she’d left.

Annabel seemed to notice her interest and she chuckled. “This place is more than it seems. I don’t usually come.” She made a face. “The people here are too happy.”

“Then why did you agree to come?” Scarlett laughed.

“Because Luke made me feel guilty. He said you really wanted to come tonight and that I was being ridiculous when I said he couldn’t ask you out.”

Scarlett rolled her eyes. “Lucas is messing with me. I don’t think he has any real interest in me.”

“Do you have any interest in him?”

Her question caught Scarlett off guard. She stared at Annabel with surprise. “What? No.”

Annabel lifted a brow and the corners of her lips quirked upward. “I don’t know. You were flirting pretty hard with him at dinner. Please tell me you don’t have a crush on my brother.”

Scarlett fought the blush she knew was coming. “I don’t have a crush on Lucas.”

“Scar…” Annabel drawled. “You can tell me.”

“Okay, maybe I entertained the idea of going on a date with him when we were younger.”

“Scar…” she repeated.

“Fine! Maybe I thought about going out with him when I got back, too. But that changed real quick.” It changed because of a certain kiss she’d shared with a certainotherbrother. “Itchanged,” she emphasized.

“Good,” Annabel said with finality. “Because even though Lucas is cute and he can be really charming, he’s definitely not the kind of guy I would want you dating. And not just because he’s my brother, either.”

Scarlett couldn’t help but wonder if Annabel would feel the same way about Elijah. That brother seemed to have a better handle on his life and where he was going. But was he interested in settling down?

It didn’t matter. She had to remind herself of that. Even if Elijah was ready to settle down, he’d have tofirstbe interested in her.

“Scarlett! This is beautiful!” Annabel retrieved a simple gold chain with a small horse pendant. It was something Scarlett had purchased just before she’d decided to come home.

“The second I saw it, I thought of you. I know you might not wear it a lot, and it’s kinda cheesy, but—”

“It’s perfect, Scar. I love it.” Annabel wrapped her arms around Scarlett and then pulled back to put the necklace in her hand. “Help me put it on?”

The chain was no sooner clasped than they were interrupted.

“Hey, guys. I didn’t think you would make it.” Lucas leaned against the side of the truck and winked at Scarlett.

Annabel laughed. “Give it a rest, Luke. She’s not interested.” She held out her hand toward Scarlett and hopped off the tailgate. “You might as well waste your efforts on someone else. We’re going to have some fun, just the two of us.”

Luke’s confident smile faltered. “But I thought—”

“Thanks for the fun idea tonight, Luke. But Annabel and I are going to spend some time catching up.” She gave him a little wave, and they hurried inside.

The first few dances, Scarlett could forget about Luke and Elijah. She threw herself back into the friendship she’d loved as a teenager. All the time they spent apart seemed like a blip in the grand scheme of things.

When a slow song came on, they hurried over to the bar to grab some waters. Out of breath but happy, they found a place to watch the couples dance like it was their last night together.

Annabel motioned toward the group of couples. “You can’t tell me you really wantthat.”