That was also way too close for comfort.
The curved beak of the thunderbird’s mouth digs into the throat of a demon before he’s quite unceremoniously tossed over the rocky ledge of the mountain.
Echo curses from somewhere in the melee.
“Friend,” the bigfoot says.
I don’t know who he’s talking to, but I spin around and yell, “I’m ready.”
My shadows dance over the fae and, once again, my magic believes he’s not a threat. It’s been acting wonky lately, but it’s never failed me in some way I couldn’t come back from.
The thunderbird is another shifter, but I believe they’re elven in nature. The magicals are truly incredible to see in person. The massive bird flies low in the clouds. Lightning pours into his wings in bluish-white streaks that would have devastating effects on any other creature.
“Nadia,” Echo growls from behind me. It very much sounds like a warning.
“We should go while he’s still busy.” I give a nod to the bigfoot. “Quickly, because he’s going to be really pissed.”
The fae picks me up and barrels off the side of the freaking mountain.
Okay, so he saved my life only to kill us both? That was a terrible plan.
“Brant,” he says, patting my back. He’s still got a damn arrow poking out of his arm. So, it’s not exactly comforting, but I appreciate the effort.
“Nadia,” I choke out. “I don’t want to die today, Brant.”
“Won’t,” he says in the weird shriek that is his voice. He runs, weaving in and out of trees. The forest seems to shake around us as he lumbers down the steep mountainside.
Branches and twigs scratch against my skin as we move. Turning my head, I glance to see where we’re headed.
I really wish I hadn’t.
He runs toward the edge of a steep drop-off and...jumps.
We’re in the air for several long seconds before the thunderbird catches us. He holds on to the bigfoot in a move that has to hurt. His talons are sharp and jagged, but if the bigfoot feels any pain, he doesn’t show it.
Air beats against my face as we fly, and I try to remind myself that his mate is in trouble. They won’t let me die, because they need me alive. My magic isn’t worried that they’re a threat. It was very clear about those demons and vampires. They intended to harm me.
We fly for several long minutes before beginning to descend. My stomach flip-flops as we plummet toward the ground. When we land, my teeth gnash together, and my brain feels like it rattles around my skull.
The ground shakes as the thunderbird touches down in the clearing about twenty feet in front of where he dropped us. Fae and elven magic works differently than how shifters transform from their animal form. One second, I’m looking at a giant bird, and the next, a giant puff of black smoke dissipates to reveal a slender man with black hair and glasses.
“Hurry.” He pivots and runs into the woods without waiting for us.
Brant, the bigfoot, takes off with me still in his arm. Fifty yards into the forest, the lights from a small house become visible. The closer we get, I can make out a collection of fae and elves standing around the cabin. They’re all tall and slender, a trait of both their kinds.
Brant runs for the door and the crowd parts. He sets me on my feet and transforms into his human form.
Okay, so that’s just bizarre.
In human form, he’s slender, with blondish-red hair.
I would not have accurately guessed him out of a lineup. That’s for damn sure. Well, not unless he had that arrow protruding from his forearm, which he definitely still does.
The cabin is lit with a warm yellowish glow that spills out the windows. It’s a modest home, and the thunderbird doesn’t hesitate before opening the door and heading inside.