I nod, biting my lip as I study his handsome face. I have the weird urge to pull my hand up to tease it through his beard.
I make a fist instead. It would be excellent to punch Echo in the balls right about now.
“Let’s handle feeding you using the other method,” Ridge says, preparing to walk past Echo.
“Let go of my tether,” Echo hisses.
Ridge’s entire body goes rigid. “What?” His eyes bounce between the two of us. The tension in the room ramps up to the point my skin prickles with unease. “You finally found someone stupid enough to break your sire bond with Imogen?”
My eyes bounce between the two men. Oh yeah, they definitely know each other, and these guys are not friends.
“I didn’t do anything.” Echo smirks. He didn’t do a damn thing to stop it, either. I’m definitely going to punch him in the balls when we’re no longer tethered. “The council ordered me to be her vessel.”
“You agreed?” Ridge asks, releasing my hand as he turns to face me.
“I tried to decline. Warren felt very...compelledto make sure it happened,” I say, glancing away. He suddenly feels as cold and distant as the fucking vampire, who’s still smirking. “I was given zero warning of what I was walking into when I came here, and now I’m stuck until I finish the job.”
“Played the long game and you won,” Ridge says to Echo. His massive hands shove Echo’s chest. “You finally broke the bond to your lunatic sire.”
I frown.
Ridge would have made a much better bodyguard. He’s not as shady as the vampire, and we agree on most things he’s said so far.
“No care or concern for how that affects the poor witch you’ve tied yourself to. Do you think Imogen will let her live? You stupid fuck,” Ridge growls, his eyes turning bright yellowy-green.
Standing around watching the two of them fight is getting me nowhere. If they’re going to go at it in this confined space, then I don’t want to be around to watch it play out.
I push out of the bathroom door and head to the counter to place my order.
I make it to the front and grab one of the menus with a grimace. The sound of fleeing customers fills the restaurant. Over that, Ridge and Echo can be heard fighting and snarling at each other.
“You should definitely bill them for the damages and pad it with bad attitude charges.” I toss a thumb toward the commotion. “That’s what my boss does when anyone fights in the club back home. They aren’t allowed back in until they’ve paid the bill in full.”
The older woman sighs, nodding to my menu. “Do you know what you’d like?”
* * *
“Does hanger always turn you into a petulant child?” Echo asks, taking a seat next to me on the couch.
“How many times a week do you get punched in the throat?” I volley.
“Twice today alone,” Ridge assures me as he takes a seat in the chair at my side.
My wards are working; I felt him the instant he tried to enter.
“I have to get to the peaks and start fortifying the ward,” I say. I’m not sure how much of that is the compulsion talking and how much is delusional hope that I’ll survive this town if I’m quick and efficient.
“You’re aware every other blood witch who touched the ward has been brutally murdered?” Ridge’s long blond hair fans around his face as he leans forward, like he’s imparting some secret information.
“Yeah, I heard all about it at the meeting.” I shove my takeout box on the coffee table. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like I’m going to be able to get out of here anytime soon.”
“More compulsion. I should have seen that coming. You’re not going up there alone with fucking Echocio Diamonte,” Ridge growls. His eyes glow with his wolf. “Better known as Echo, because all he knows how to do is echo the fucking council.”
I grimace at that. It’s a horrible nickname once you understand the meaning behind it.
“He literally can’t hurt me,” I gently remind Ridge. His body is coiled with tension, though I have no idea why. Perhaps he doesn’t want me to die until we’ve finished what we started earlier. That’s thoughtful. I wouldn’t mind a good sweaty fuck fest, either.
It would certainly improve the disaster my life has become over the last twenty-four hours.