He lifts me easily and maneuvers me onto his back. He doesn’t squat in front of me so that I can climb up. No, he hefts me with little effort and spins me over his shoulder. His hands proprietarily grip my ass as he walks us several steps up to the table. He bends low in respect.
“Put me down,” I tell him.
He quickly follows my instructions.
“You’ll begin working on the ward today,” Warren says. “Start at the peaks. The ward is thinnest there, and several human hikers have mistakenly stumbled inside the barrier.”
“The surrounding areas have noticed a spike in missing and deceased adventurists.” Imogen’s face breaks into a cutting smile.
“Give her the list of closing commands.” Constantine smirks like he won something.
Warren glances down at a sheet of paper. “Do not leave North Falls. Do not speak of this meeting to anyone outside the sanctuary ward. If you run into trouble, you are to tell them you are doing work on behalf of the council and direct any problems to Echocio.”
My system jolts with each command. My hands clench with each additional instruction.
“You will not call for help or alert any friends or family to what happened here today. If you speak to anyone from Haven, you’re to tell them whatever they need to hear to let the matter drop. You will put them at ease and stay uncommitted when asked of your future plans to return home.”
I get a small pulse of excitement; the vaguer the terms, the easier it’ll be to twist the command. My magic buzzes lightly, but I’m pretty sure one of the council, or Garth, has the ability to mute magic. I’ve never seen a monster with that gift before, but that is the only thing that makes any sense.
“I’ll handle it,” I agree.
Compulsion is nearly impossible to fight. I’ve never had such an ancient vampire issue a compulsory command. It’s like an itching in my mind when I try to brainstorm ways around what he just instructed.
“We’ll let you get to it.” Constantine grins viciously. “Expect an invitation in two weeks’ time. Sooner, if you fail to meet expectations.”
Echo bows his head. I’m well versed in protocol, but my shock makes me slow to react. Imogen cuts her eyes to me, and I quickly dip my head in pretend reverence to their status.
They swiftly exit the room, and Garth appears at my side.
“They seem worse than they really are,” he says in his melodically sexual tone. “I’d love to show you around town when you have time.” He shoves his veiny hands into the front pocket of his jeans, and I remind myself that he’s on the opposite side of this war. Yeah, he’s ridiculously hot, but this is clearly a setup. God, this town is gross.
“Thank you for the offer.” I force a smile. I’m sure he’s been instructed to seduce me. I guess one council spy wasn’t enough? My magic playfully teases his skin. “Give me a chance to get settled in. It’s going to be a solid bit of time setting up the ward before I can focus on maintenance.”
“Understandable,” Garth says, rocking on the heels of his boots. “We’ll touch base soon.”
Echo growls low in his chest. The next thing I know, he’s lifting me and wrapping me around the front of his strong form. He moves faster than my eyes can track. Everything slides by in fuzzy images and hazy shapes. It’s several minutes later when I’m slammed against the wall just inside the door to the apartment where I’m staying.
“You know he’s a fucking plant from the council,” he says, staring straight into my eyes. He’s so close, his lips practically ghost over mine. “Do you want to die? Have you got an urge to cease to exist? Did I get stuck with the only suicidal blood witch to come to town so far?”
Blinking up at him, I try to refocus my eyes. Witches aren’t meant to zip around at vampire speeds. He’s lucky I didn’t puke all over him.
“He was tasked with trying to seduce me,” I say, rolling my eyes and giving his chest a little shove. He doesn’t release me. Instead, his cool forehead dips to rest against mine. “I get that.”
“We’re fucking doomed,” he mutters as his eyes slide shut.
“Yeah? Whose fault is that?” I snap. “You set me up so freaking bad. I did the best I could. If I’m confrontational, it will immediately set off red flags. I’d rather pretend to be agreeable until I understand what I’ve walked into.”
Echo sighs, nodding against my cheek. “I need to feed before you drain me dry. Do not leave my apartment.” He pulls me off the wall, setting me down on the couch as my mouth hangs open.
“This isyourapartment?”
“Didn’t you check the closet? You know what? I’m going to eat. Don’t leave.”
An uncomfortable prickle runs through me at the thought of Echo feeding from someone who isn’t me. My gut tightens with an unfamiliar pang. I liked the way he felt with his body pressed against mine as he held me against the wall. Something inside me doesn’t like the idea of him being that close to anyone else.
The tether pulls tight between us. His cool hands rest against my lower thighs as he leans close. My nose twitches with his fresh scent. He studies me with a look I can’t decipher. My chest rises and falls rapidly while his jaw grows tighter.
I’ve never been territorial over anyone, except Sam, and even that was a recent development.