No one is even supposed to know the nature of my magic. My mouth opens and closes a few times. Combine what he just said with what Echo told me earlier about them all being dead, and a true shiver of fear runs down my spine.
I focus, willing my magic to dosomething—really,anythingwill do right about now—but it completely ignores my command.
Which is ridiculous; it’s supposed to be available for use when I need it. Unfortunately, my magic has never been particularly good at cooperating. She’s like a spoiled cat thatoccasionallycomes when called.
My stomach rolls as I experience real fear for the first time in too long to remember. I’m in a room full of top-tier predators, and my magic isn’t coming to my aid. What the hell is wrong with this place?
“They all failed. We were told you’re quite intelligent. You understand the repercussions, don’t you?” Constantine asks, raising his eyebrows. They’re still compelling answers out of me, but I do think my magic is shielding me, at least a small amount.
That sounded like a thinly veiled threat, but I’m not going to play directly into his hand.
“The ward will fall within the year if I’m unsuccessful,” I tell him truthfully. “What caused the others to fail?” Now isn’t the time to betray Echo. Seeing what the council is willing to share seems like important information to have.
I’ll demand answers from Echo later and possibly convince him to help me escape this town.
“They’ve all been slaughtered.” Imogen’s face breaks out into a feral grin. “Of course, we have no idea why anyone would try to hurt them.”
“Right,” I agree. “That’s why you’ve issued me a guard?”
Constantine nods. “He’s more than your protection. Echo will be your vessel.”
“No.” I shake my head, trying to remain calm and respectful. My magic is still being temperamental, and that’s concerning. “I have no need for a vessel. I’m more than capable of successfully completing this job without using that archaic and, quite frankly, barbaric practice.”
Echo stands at my back. He gives my shoulder a warning squeeze.
“You will sever the sire bond between Imogen and Echo. Then you will tether him to you,” Warren instructs. My magic recoils at the thought, but it doesn’t fly out in a blaze of glory to defend me. Is there something in this room that has the ability to drastically affect my power? “Now!”
My body scrambles into motion as I push myself off of the chair.
Imogen looks furious.
“Now,” Constantine demands, glaring at her in return.
She rises and comes to stand next to me.
“If anything negative befalls me because of this...” Imogen gives me a dangerous smile. “I’ll rip your throat out.”
“I’ve never actually done this,” I say as my eyes fly up to Echo’s. “I understand how, but...”
“Get a move on,” Valaine calls. “I’m hungry.”
For the love of God, what I would give to be able to suck every drop of blood from their bodies.
Fucking compulsion.
Being a shadowborn witch isn’t anything all that special. I get a few shadow powers, but for the most part, they’re darker than I’m comfortable using. Any variety of witch can have shadows; it’s determined by where we’re born under the moon cycle, but certain abilities or affinities tend to stick to their own sides.
For example, seers and fertility witches tend to have lightbringer affinities. It’s not impossible for either to be shadowborn, but it is rare. It’s one of the things that makes me stand out as pretending to be a fertility witch, because they don’t normally come with shadows.
Blood witches are more likely to be shadowborn, but it’s not enough of a guarantee that it outs my magic.
All witches are some balance of light and dark. It’s impossible to tell where someone falls on the spectrum just because they have light or shadow abilities. Unlike the fae, who are born with their alignment already decided, either Seelie or Unseelie, a witch tends to ebb and flow into each side throughout their life.
If we do more light magic, then our soul becomes lighter.