I stagger closer, running a hand down his chest. He grins wickedly. “How about I won’t suck every single drop of blood out of your body through your eye sockets? Does that work for you?” I pat his T-shirt. “I’m waiting.”

“Damn,” one of the other wolves mutters.

“He’s the big guy over there,” the cocky one says, nodding closer to the tree line. “Black hair. Nasty scar on his right cheek. I don’t think you should mess with him. He’s a mean son of a bitch.”

My jaw slides side to side. “Yeah, I know.” I take off without a backward glance.

“Are you about to cause a scene, baby darkling?” Echo appears at my side. He makes a grab for my arm, but I shake him off. “I’m technically not supposed to intercede if you get yourself into major shit while on pack land.”

“Good, that’s actually a great idea. Don’t interfere.” My magic laces my last few words with my command. The tether between us pulls tight.

Echo growls.

I ignore his fury, taking the last few steps to the mountain of a wolf. “Are you Sabine’s father?” I stop dead in my tracks. My magic jets out, and swirly shadows envelop him.

“Who the fuck are you?” he growls.

“It seems you owe me quite a bit of blood.” My head tilts, studying the disgusting man.

“Oh, this is going to be great. I can just feel it. Are you that desperate to get yourself killed?” Echo groans. “I’m already starting to itch, so I’m going to relocate to just inside the tree line. Pack lands don’t have the same UV shield that covers the downtown area. I have no interest in burning to a crisp in the direct sunlight.” He continues muttering under his breath the entire way. I can’t see him, because he moves too fast, but my ears register him getting farther away.

I grimace a little.

I’m not a great tether.

I hadn’t even considered whether he’s one of those vampires that the sun can be a problem for. It was extremely overcast at the peaks yesterday.

My shadows still firmly encase Drake, but a number of them take off toward the woods. My forehead wrinkles as I frown after them. I don’t know what is wrong with my magic lately, but Drake isn’t going to end up the odd omega. His fate is definitely going to be more gruesome than that.

The wolf finally looks alarmed at the sight of my shadows swirling around his massive frame. He might be a big guy, but he’s a tiny little man at heart. No one with a dick ever needs to hit a woman with a fist.

Consensual rough sex is one thing, but that’s not what this is. A shiver of unease runs through my system at the thought. Thank God, since they’re related.

“Who the fuck are you?” Drake growls again as I prowl closer. “And what the hell are you doing?”

“We’ve already been over this,” I inform him, shoving dark hair away from my face as it whips in the wind.

Drake growls and his eyes glow, signaling his wolf. His entire body begins to contort like when a shifter shifts. My eyes widen as I step back. I infuse every bit of focus I’ve got into commanding my magic to stop him.

“Now would be a good time to cancel your command.” Echo sounds breathless. His anxiety and frustration radiate in my chest, thanks to that silly tether between our souls.

A low growl comes out of Drake as he lunges. A claw extends, and it seems to be pointing precariously close to my throat.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re doing to me, but you better stop before I rip out your fucking throat,” he snarls, staggering a bit.

My shoulders pull back. Okay, so my magic is doing something. It’s just a mystery what exactly that is. Good, he deserves it and more.

The wolf continues to transform. His face elongates, sprouting extra hair and longer teeth.

“Now would be an excellent time to call your demons or release me,” Echo snaps.

My eyes turn toward him. What demons?

Echo looks furious, but I’m still royally confused. Now isn’t the time for him to start talking nonsense.

“Look out,” Echo snarls, pointing at something.

My head snaps back just in time to see a fully formed wolf barreling toward me. His muscular shoulders flex as he lunges off the ground, using his back legs to propel himself at my chest.