The house is dark, and it smells exactly like Kash. His spicy scent is heavy in the air. Strangely enough, it was one of the things that drew me to him in the first place. Before his awful personality ruined all his appeal.

“Here, kitty kitty,” I call out, awkwardly sidestepping the coffee table. “Or come on, pup?” I’ve never actually been inside his place. It looks exactly like any other older house in Haven. I only know which one is his because he complained regularly about Tomas, the snow leopard on the right, being a terrible neighbor.

The kitchen is tidy without a dish or piece of silverware left in the sink.

How totally bizarre.

It’s unnatural to be that pristine.

Following the main hallway, I find three closed doors. I’m guessing one leads to the bathroom and the others to bedrooms.

“Okay, this is incredibly weird. I don’t even know why I’m here, but if there’s a hungry pet or something then it’s time for you to come out.” Goose bumps rise on my arms and my eyes fall to stare at my skin.

That feels like a questionable sign, at best. And a very bad sign, at worst.

I shake off the discomfort and try the door on the left. It’s a bathroom. It’s immediately evident that no animals are hiding in there, so I close the door before heading for the door farthest away. I’m a blood witch. I’m capable of protecting myself. Who the hell knows why my system is so on edge?

Light, smoky shadows form around my body as I shove open the door. I call out, making my best attempt at a soothing voice.

The house is deadly silent. I’d hear an animal moving to respond, or I think I would. I steel myself, heading inside the room and walking a circle around the queen-size bed. There are no pets. I don’t even remember seeing a water or food bowl in the kitchen.

Okay, I’m going to check the last room and promptly get out of here. I leave Kash’s bedroom door open, just in case I missed any pets that want saving, and move to the last door.

I am in no way mentally prepared for what I find as the door swings open.

“Oh, that slimy motherfucker,” I hiss as my eyes widen. A greenish-gold nose pushes to the bars of the cell built into Kash’s spare bedroom as serpentine eyes meet mine and my heart stalls. “Oh shit.” I stumble back as smoke spills from the wyvern’s nose.

* * *

I’m surprised I don’t piss myself. It doesn’t matter who you are—or what type of magic you have—dragonfire will burn straight through skin and bone.

The wyvern and I have a tentative understanding filled with distrust on both sides.

I’m not one-hundred percent sure he won’t skewer me with his talons or burn me into a kabob. He’s not sure I’m truly here on the up-and-up.

“You’re free to go.” I pull the door to the house closed behind me. I’m seriously impressed he managed to shimmy his way out of it. It looked like it would be impossible, but he figured it out.

The beast sits back on his haunches and blinks. It’s extremely unsettling.

“Why the hell would Kash send me here to see this?” I ask more to myself than anything.

Wyverns are shifters... I think.

The creature’s head tilts. It’s kind of alarming, because he looks like he’s trying to determine if he’d like to punish me for Kash’s crimes.

“Hey, asshole,” I snap, jabbing a finger at his snout. “I let you out. Just remember that.”

He bows his head low and huffs a breath before extending his wings and taking flight. It’s incredibly moving, watching his scales glint in the light as he stretches toward freedom.

Kash better be ready, because the next time I see him, I will be inflicting pure pain and suffering.

* * *

If my life has a motto lately, it’s probably something along the lines of “Welcome to the shit show.”

I spend the early afternoon making the drive to North Falls. Well, just outside of it. I’m not sure I’m mentally prepared to jump right into the fire, especially after the conversation I’m currently wrapping up with Octavia.

She called again to inform me the North Falls sanctuary ward is in worse shape than she initially mentioned. Oh, I’m sure there is some poor human woman about to give birth to a litter of half-elf babies, but I’m starting to think I was set up.