Goddamn, this woman is gonna be the death of me but this is one hell of a way to go, as we go hot and heavy for a while. Before we end up back in bed naked, I gently pull away my hands, moving to her hair, pushing it outta her face.


Between the soundsshe makes and having my hands on her hot, tight little body, the tiny bit of working brain cells I have short-circuit. Somehow though, it does remind me of the situation we are currently involved in. Not to mention the little pain in the ass whining then growling to get our attention. When we both pull back grudgingly and look down at him, I can’t stop the chuckle that escapes my lips.

“Well, looks like the boy is ready to get busy from the moves he’s got going on.”

Lil’ shit has the corner of his bed in his mouth as his little hips are humping the bed furiously. I hear Celee snort right before she moves away from me and walks toward him, grabbing his bed, pulling it away from his mouth.

“Bad boy. No, don’t do that, it’s gross. Come on, baby, you’re too young for that.”

“Well, we gave him a bit of a show so he was trying to get some practice and get his groove on. Just a quick thought, might want to look into getting his balls snipped before he’s doing more than practicing. Now, you about ready? Oh, I spoke to Chains, it seems like two more of your father’s goons found their way to the Grimm Wolves clubhouse. Though doubt they’ll ever leave it breathin’ again.”

Her eyes get huge and she swallows repeatedly.

“Your club killed two men just for being Italian and from out of town?”

“No, they pulled them in and Chains ‘questioned’ them, finding out they were given orders to hunt, hurt you in ways I’ll never share with you, then kill you, in that order. Payment was half at the front and the rest when proof of death was received. So who do you think is barking orders in the De Luca organization? And why would they want you dead if you weren’t involved with your father’s business? Or is that you blowing smoke up my ass, just to get me to help you?”

I see her literally take a few very deep breaths as she closes those gorgeous blue eyes. When she opens them, she’s staring right at me, no not at me, through me. Her eyes are cold as fuck, not the shining blue of a few minutes ago when my mouth was on hers. Well, now I get what my brothers who have ol’ ladies mean when they say they can go from zero to crazy in two point five seconds. I’m witnessing it right now. When she squints her eyes it’s like she can read my mind because, I swear to Christ, there is smoke coming out of her ears Before she can shoot the fire I’m sure is in her nose, I slowly approach her, hands out, palms facing upward.

“Hang on a fuckin’ minute, Celee. If you had no part in your dad’s empire, then why are you being hunted like a rabid dog after it bit a small goddamn kid? No, think about it a quick minute, it makes no damn sense. I might not be the brightest nut in the can, but give me some credit. I do have a little something between my ears.”

Her head drops forward while her hands form fists. Well, fuck me, she better not swing at me ’cause I don’t hit women, that is as long as they don’t hit me. It’s a two-way street. Watched for too many years as my parents beat on each other and swore it wouldn’t happen to me. Usually, in fact, if folks around me are getting into it I generally just disappear. Can’t handle that shit, especially after the last time at home.

“Frank, again I’m sorry. You’re right. No, I didn’t work with or generally for my father. Though he did force me to clean up his money, so yeah, money laundering. The money he stashed all over the world is mind-blowing, if you only knew how much. I’m guessing that’s what all these folks following or trying to track me down want. From what I’ve heard, Shadow and her sisters did some major damage at that compound of my dad’s in Montana. But I’m thinking at least one of my brothers made it. Not sure what the extent of their injuries were since I wasn’t there. My cousin was and she barely got out without being captured. Before you ask, there are underground tunnels. My father was a smart man when it came to devious shit like that. If he wasn’t shot and killed they’d be after him, but now whoever hated him would also hate me. And because he was such a dick when he didn’t get his way, which with me was every single day since I’d become an adult. He made sure everyone knew I had the access and codes to all of his bank accounts and hidden money. That doesn’t matter now that he’s dead. Every moron and prick he ever was in contact with wants me to give them the accounts because they have dreams of rooms full of money and gold bars. Stupid assholes.”

“When was the last time you were in touch with your ol’ man, Celee? ’Cause if it was years ago, don’t get why everyone’s running around trying to catch your ass. You’re a grown woman who is entitled to a life of her own, no matter who her asshole father is.”

I watch her close her eyes for a second then open them, and the emotions and pain in them takes my breath away.

“Frank, my God, it’s been at least four or more years. And no, I had no clue he was involved with human trafficking and prostitution, but it doesn’t surprise me. Saying that, don’t think for a minute I was an innocent De Luca either. I might not have known exactly what his businesses were but, believe me, I knew he was an evil tyrant of a man. Like I told you before, he auctioned off my virginity at my sweet sixteen party after guarding me and it for years. After I got out of the hospital, I kept my head down and tried to hide small amounts of his money he gave me for clothes and school stuff so I could get away eventually. This was all I could do. When I had enough money, I could sneak away when the time was right, and I would be able to get the hell away from him.

“Somehow, he must have known I was up to something because that’s when he ordered me to work for him. My job was to handle some of his bank accounts. Also I had to work with his rotten accountant and make it look like everything he did was legal. So my laptop had all the fake shit while his deviant accountant kept the real records for my father. I didn’t get it, as it was weird. I was just shy of eighteen and my two asshole brothers were older, but I don’t think Dario, my dad, trusted them as far as he could throw either of them. When he gave me access to all his accounts in the States and overseas, including the Cayman Islands, first the amount of money he had shocked the life out of me. His threat of torture and then selling my ass to the worst sadist he could find scared the shit out of me. To this day, I never understood why he gave me that kind of power.

“So I guess I broke a ton of laws laundering his money and accounts. He never found out I was very carefully skimming tiny amounts off of the deposits. It took forever, but it allowed me to build a hefty rainy-day fund for myself. And I kept a secret file on my computer with the real records so I had something to protect myself.

“That was my plan, to continue building my fund, until he explained to me how he was going to marry me off to one of his friends; or as I refer to them as, one of my rapists. Dear old dad arranged this between the two of them. Said he was a favorite friend. And the guy who he picked for his little girl to marry was the oldest and most sadistic of the men who abused me that day. No way in hell was I going to let that old jagoff get his hands on me again. So I squirreled away as much money as I could, under a new identity, in banks all over the United States. I knew bad people too, who hated my father and could make a fake ID for me and were glad to fuck him over behind his back. Of course for a certain price. Then my opening came when one day my father thought I was on my way to the Cayman Islands to take care of his business. Instead, I took a flight to Idaho and disappeared. I’ve never used the name Celestina De Luca ever again. You actually are the first person I’ve shared that name with in years. Then I shared it with your friends in Texas.

“So am I innocent? In a manner of speaking, I guess so, but in other ways not at all. So where does this leave us, Frank? We’re wasting time but this needed to be hashed out. So with that said, ball is in your court now. Are we finishing this trip to your clubhouse or am I on my own?”

Looking at her, I think to myself, this is the question of the day for sure.


We’ve beenon the road for about three and a half hours and Frank has maybe said five words to me since we got in the car. Actually, I’m surprised he said that many. I think he’s pissed after I kind of put him on the spot. Well, son of a bitch, he told me his brother Chains killed two men because of me.

One of my biggest flaws is that I’m honest to a fault. I told him everything about my relationship or lack of with my father, what he made me do for him, his disgusting friends, and his business. He probably doesn’t believe I’m a good person and being honest. And he’s kind of right, though not in the way he’s thinking. This has me wondering about who he hangs around with that he has such a low level of trust for those in his life.

In Texas I met Irons, Joy, Bullet, and his girlfriend, Clementine, or as the club calls her, Spitfire. She was a breath of fresh air. I hope and pray she’s around when I get there because I’m nervous as hell the closer we get to his clubhouse. Especially, with the little bit Frank’s mentioned about Chains, Brick, and Fury. And those are just three of his brothers, though these three are the top badasses in his club who he looks up to, which is very easy to see. Sitting here, knowing it’s going to have to be me who breaks the silence, I do it because this quiet is driving me crazy. “Frank, come on, don’t be like this. You asked me a question and I was honest. I can’t help it if you don’t want to believe someone could be forced to live the way I did. There are monsters out there who manipulate, abuse, and force their children to either become like them or make them even worse. I was lucky, I managed to get out. If you tell me why you’re pissed we can talk it out and, hopefully, move on. For Christ’s sake,frate, I’m a nervous wreck. I’m afraid for my life and this right here isn’t making it any easier. I’ve put my trust in you and I barely know you. What does that say about me? Please don’t be mad at me, I can’t handle that right now.”

I look at him and his face is blank as hell. Well, I tried.Vaffanculo(fuck you), I’m not begging. If he wants to act like a spoiled brat then he can have a go at it. I shift in the seat so I’m looking out the window of the passenger door and close my eyes. Mainly so I don’t cry. With the motion of the car, eventually I fall asleep.

A sudden swerve has me jerking forward then back, banging against the seat. It abruptly wakes me up as my head smacks into the window.

“Ow, what the fuck, Frank, you fall asleep?”

I look his way to see he’s ghost white. Turning to look out the back window, I see a huge SUV following way too close. Oh shit, not again. Not sure where we are, but I face forward and keep my mouth shut. If he needs me to do something he will let me know.