Great, just my luck, should have known the way the morning has been going.

“Hey, Chains, I’m waiting on Celee to get ready so we can get back on the road. What’s up?”

“Well, we happened to have two Italians fall into our laps and after I got done with them, got some information for you, if you want to hear it, brother.”

My stomach drops at Chains’s words. What the fuck, now what?

“Yeah, brother, go ahead, tell me whatcha got.”

As Chains starts breaking down what he found out, I pull lil’ shit outside to do his duty. He must know something is wrong because he doesn’t dillydally at all. On the way back in, as a bunch of folks start to fuss over him, I lean down and pick him up, though dropping my phone.

“Prospect, what the fuck are you doin’, asshole?”

“Shit, sorry, Chains, dropped the phone, was picking lil’ shit up.”

“Who is lil’ shit, Dingo? Didn’t know Celestina had a kid. And, dude, not nice callin’ the boy lil’ shit.”

I laugh at Chains, well until he growls.

“Nope, brother, lil’ shit is the puppy we found when we handled those two assholes after Celee. She found the pup in the back seat. I’m taking a guess they were gonna use him for bait. She wouldn’t leave him there, even though I didn’t want to bring him along. Though he’s cute as shit.”

“So while the mob is after her, Celestina decides to add to the ‘fun’ a puppy she happens to find? Sounds like the kind of woman us Grimm Wolves men are drawn to. Difficult women, and if you tell Winnie I said that, your ass is mine, brother. Get back here in one piece and watch your back, brother. See ya later tonight at the clubhouse. Oh, since you’re livin’ in Fury and Abby’s apartment, might want to make sure they’re okay with a puppy, though they gotta couple of their own for those twins from hell. If not, I’m sure Jackson and Winnie wouldn’t mind a pup around. Probably will need to twist Luna May’s arm, but in the end it should be okay. We gotcha, brother.”

After I say goodbye to him, I start grabbing a tray and filling it with coffee, pastries, fruit, and a plate of eggs and bacon. Then I head back up to our room, lil’ shit smelling every few feet. With my hands full, I just have to let him sniff and pull on his leash.

Banging on the door with my elbow, I wait impatiently with the pup trying to pull me down the hallway.

“Coming, hang on one minute.”

“Move your ass, sweetheart, or your coffee is gonna be all over the door and floor.”

Before I can say another word, the door flies open with Celee standing there with a brush in one hand and, oh, she’s half naked. I feel my mouth drop open as I take her in. Bare feet, tight as fuck jeans, and a light blue bra that matches her eyes, which are outlined, and her lashes have some mascara on them.

“Close your mouth, Frank, I’m sure you’ve seen more than your share of naked women. Come on, I’m starving and I have to feed the puppy before we take off. I packed everything up except a plate of food for him.”

She pulls me in while wrapping a towel around her shoulders, then grabs her coffee and takes a long drink.

“Oh, the liquid of the gods. Thank you so much. Oh, sweets. Wait, let me put this plate down so he can eat as we do. Then we can let him potty number two before we leave.”

She grabs a huge, I don’t know, some chocolate pastry and starts shoving it in her mouth. She’s so different from other women I’ve been around, who barely eat a lettuce leaf. I can’t believe how she manages to eat that entire pastry in less than two minutes. When she grabs the fruity looking one, she sits down at the small table and the noises coming out of her make me hard as a rock. Fuck, not again. Driving with a hard-on ain’t fun.

Not wanting to embarrass myself, I turn and take a seat on the one bed, sipping my coffee. She looks at me then the plate of eggs and bacon.

“That’s for you, right? Well, come sit and eat your breakfast, Frank, we got to get moving. Wait, what’s wrong? Why are you all the way over there? Come on, no secrets, remember?”

I walk over and sit on the chair across from her, my eyes staring into the blue abyss that are hers.

“Well, sweetheart, if those noises keep comin’ from that perfect as fuck mouth of yours, we are gonna be getting on the road much later than we expected. I can only take so much. Opening the door half-naked, not to mention my head still is spinning from hearin’ all the sounds you make after sleeping in this room with you. Celee, your nighttime moans drove me batshit crazy. My God, Celee, please tell me you’re playin’ with me. You can’t be that innocent, can you?”

She tilts her head as I watch her face. It’s like I can see her digesting my words. When it hits her, she starts to turn a faint pink blush and her eyes go down. The truth is right in front of my eyes and hits me in the face. She is that innocent. How the fuck does the daughter of a mobster not have the mouth of a truck driver and the experience of a downtown whore? Before I can ask her, she blows my mind even further.

“Well, all I can tell you, Frank, is if I’m too much trouble, just tell me so the pup and I will find another way. Or I can go to Timber Ghost, Montana and hang out with my cousin, Shadow. I’m not kissing anyone’s ass ever again, especially a cocky disrespectful jerk. Make up your mind now so I can see which way I’m going to go. And you were right before, what a fucked-up start to a new day, especially when someone is in a foul mood without telling the person they are traveling with why. While you decide, I’m going to finish getting dressed since it’s such a distraction to your thirteen-year-old brain and dick.”

With that, she turns and walks back into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Why the hell are women always pissed off enough at me to literally almost take a door off its hinges to let me know that. I mean, didn’t think I disrespected Celee at all. I do see a bit of her cousin Shadow in those icy-blue eyes when she gets pissed off. That had my balls running, no crawling, back up into my body and the hardness immediately disappearing from my dick like the helium when a balloon is popped. Yeah, Shadow has that effect. Panther has to be a brave fuckin’ saint.

Sitting down, I start on my lukewarm eggs and bacon while drinking my coffee. The lil’ asshole has the audacity to sit right in front of me begging and whining. Figuring he’s hungry, I get up and put some more kibble in a bowl then add some of my eggs and bacon. Fuck, before the bowl was fully on the floor his little head is down deep in it eating greedily. Once I know he’s good; I sit back down. Just as I’m digging into my food, the bathroom door swings open and this time Celee has a tight, blueish T-shirt tucked into her jeans.

With purpose she walks right up to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. When she looks into my eyes, I’m not sure what that look from her is. As I try to figure it out, Celee leans even farther into me and licks her lips before hers land right on mine. The shock has my mouth opening and she takes full advantage, though hesitantly. That’s when my fried brain reengages and my hands land on her luscious ass, pulling her body even closer. When I take control of the kiss, her soft moan has my cock once again filling up.