“Thank God, I didn’t feel like cooking anyway. I want a Blizzard from Dairy Queen and two cheeseburgers with extra cheese and extra pickles from that place you always go. Oh, and some fries, please.”

“Sure, that’s all, no soup, salad, or onion rings?”

I can almost hear the wheels turning in her head. So patiently I wait.

“Bring home a Maxwell polish too with cheese sticks. Ranch too.”

“All right, leavin’ now, be home shortly. Love ya, Emmie.”

“I love you too, Mike.”

Just as I go to put the phone in my inside kutte pocket, someone pounds on my door.

“Yeah, come on in.”

Lookin’ up I see Chains, Fury, and Stitch. This ain’t good if all three are together and in my office.

“What’s up?”

“Brick, we might have a problem. Those two assholes from the gate, well, I got them hanging off the rafter, literally, and the shit they’ve told us I have Karma looking into. Dingo and the chick need to get here now. That crazy as fuck mafia family has issued orders to every single asshole in their ‘family’ looking for Celestina, and the bounty is enough to keep all of us and our kids safe and around doing absolutely nothing for the rest of our lives. Better let the kid know to keep his eyes open, and they should get on the road as early as possible. No lounging around ’cause this ain’t no goddamn vacation. Even though her coming home with Dingo is leading the mob directly to us, what the fuck else could he do? Right, Brick? It’s not like he can dump her and the mutt on the side of the road.”

Listening to Chains, I get it, but damn, we ain’t having any luck as each brother falls for his own special ol’ lady. I’m figuring this is gonna be another shitshow for sure.

“They breathin’, Chains? If so, get whatever you can and end them. Have the prospects very carefully get rid of any evidence. I’m sure as fuck you know what I mean, right, brother?”

Watching the look cross Chains’s face, even I tremble. I know how badass he is. With that smile and look in his crazy fuckin’ eyes, they tell me he’s going to be very creative with the way those two Italians take their last breaths. Not my problem, I’ve got a woman at home waiting on me to bring her some dinner to satisfy her cravings as she’s carrying my three babies. That thought brings a huge smile to my face and having the three in front of me stare like they’ve never seen me smile before. Really...what a bunch of assholes. I smile all the goddamn time.

Then without another word to anyone, I grab my shit and make my way to my office door, without even looking back. Once in the main room, I see Spitfire, Joy, and Winnie standing by the bar drinking pops, having what seems to be a very intense conversation. Well, until Spitfire sees me, then she clears her throat and the other two shut up immediately. I could walk over and see what’s going on or continue on my way home. I choose the latter. In the long run, might have been better if I stayed and found out what the hens were talking about. But I usually do everything the hard way, kinda like my club name.


I’m watchingCelee sleeping with that lil’ shit curled right into her neck as he smirks at me, I swear to Christ, if I could I would boop him on his nose. He knows what he’s doing, the asshole. Don’t care that he’s a dog, he’s where I want to be. I carefully and quietly get up and walk to the bathroom. When lil’ shit looks my way, I flip him off, shutting the door softly.

Taking care of my business, I grab the package of toiletries left for travelers. I brush my teeth, feeling better already. Looking at the shower, I figure a quick one won’t bother Celee, so I do just that using the body wash in that container on the wall to clean up. The thought of pounding one out comes to me but don’t want her to hear me so, instead, I pump some shampoo into my hands from the contraption on the wall. I rub it through my hair, thinking might be time to get a haircut.

Quickly finishing up, I grab a towel and dry off, then wrap it around my waist. Grabbing the boxers I slept in, I open the door to see lil’ shit right there, looking up at me. Well, fuck me, dude, gonna have to wait ’til I throw on some clothes. He follows me to my bag then sits watching me pick out new boxers, along with socks, jeans, and a grayish T-shirt. When I drop the towel, bending to get my boxers on, I hear a slow whistle from behind me.

“Well now, what a sight to wake up to, Frank. Thought they said sunny today but all I’m seeing is one fine-ass moon.”

I can’t help myself; I start laughing while finishing pulling my boxers up. Then I turn to see she’s pulled herself up to the headboard, blankets covering her up to her neck. She’s got a huge smile on her face. It hits me, damn, she is gorgeous, even if she’s just waking up.

“If I knew this is what was waiting for me, I’d have jumped out of bed at the crack of dawn. So who do I thank for my morning greeting?”

“Very funny, Celee, gotta get our asses on the road. I haven’t heard from Brick or Fury yet, but don’t want them to think I’m lounging around instead of bustin’ ass to get back home. Want to shake that fine ass and get ready? I’ll go grab some coffees. Do you want some breakfast?”

“Of course, I’ll have a large coffee, a small cranberry juice with a glass of ice, and a pastry.”

“Is that all, Princess?”

“Frank, do me a favor never call me that name again. I’d rather you call me a spoiled bitch than that. I’m going to get ready. Can you please take the puppy and let him go potty?”

I watch as she, well, kind of stomps to the bathroom, closing the door firmly. What the ever-lovin’ fuck? No way in hell. What the hell did she lock it for? Like I’d invade her goddamn privacy. Well, this morning isn’t starting out the way I thought it would.

Trying to catch lil’ shit is a joke. Every time I reach for him the lil’ fucker runs, waiting me to chase him. Finally tired of his goddamn game, I grab the comforter and when he runs, I throw it over him, catching him. Once I get a hold of his collar, I clip the leash on and we head out. Just as I reach the elevator, my phone starts vibrating. Yeah, I was trying to be a good guy so I put my phone to vibrate so it wouldn’t wake up ‘princess.’ Never again.


“Prospect, where the ever-lovin’ fuck are you? Takin’ a bubble bath while someone paints your toenails?”