At first didn’t know why Fury wanted me to grab that shit for Shadow, but watching her I’m II it. I can’t wait to see this bastard when he comes face-to-face with the fear-inducing Shadow.

Once she’s done, all of our Montana guests walk to the front where Chains is at. Celee is standing with Fury. Irons and I are backup and support. I have a feeling the party is about to start. Jr. must hear the Int because he’s trying to get a look at what’s coming, but he can’t. It seems like time stands still, until first Panther then Avalanche walk to the front, stopping at Fury’s side. I see Shadow stop for a second, right next to Jr. but she says nothing, just waits. Then it hits me, Irons points and I see the jagoff just pissed himself. Great,I think as I grab a small scoop of cat litter and flip it on the puddle. It works pretty quick. My attention goes back to Shadow. She pats Jr.’s arm then walks directly to Celestina.

It’s when she turns, the feel in the room changes. Shadow says not a word just continues to stare right ahead. Jr. jerks at first, then his body starts to tremble, a bit then goes into spasms. His bulging eyes following Shadow the entire time. She pulls Celestina closer and whispers for a quick second. Then Shadow puts Celee to the side and with her hands in fists, Shadow takes a few minutes to punch Jr. in the stomach. When she finishes and he’s gasping for air in between his grunts of pain, she leans into him, grabbing his hair, pulling his head up so she can look him in the eyes.

“You’re gonna wish I took both of your balls that night when we get done with you, motherfucker.”

Then she motions for Bullet and me to take him down while she goes and talks to Chains and Irons. When I’m done, I walk over to Celee, pulling her close.

“How ya doin,’ sweetheart? A good way to think of it is the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood has saved us a ton of time hunting down these motherfuckers. Not cool the way they literally left them hanging on Fury’s gate. Now, Celee, this is gonna go down a road I’m not sure you’re ready for. Between Chains and Shadow, this is probably heading to hell before they put your brother under. It ain’t gonna be pretty or quick. Want me to take you back? Hey, no judgment by anyone here, and right now none of the women know but Abby, and she won’t say a single word.”

She leans her head on my chest while her hands circle my sides. I move the two of us against the wall and out of the way. I need to know what she wants to do ’cause if she’s goin’ back, we need to move our asses. Then as usual, Celee surprises the hell outta me.

“Frank, as much as I don’t want to be here, this is the exact spot I need to be. I think my healing will start when all the players are either jailed or dead. So I’m going to stay. Oh my God, what are they doing? That shit has to hurt.”

When I look up, I see Jr. is now racked above everyone. And Irons is in charge of tightening the ropes every few minutes. Looks like they are finally getting ready to take this motherfucker out. Then the smell hits my nose. Shit, the torch is out. That’s when I hear her wretch for the first time. Leaning, I grab a bag and hand it to her.

“Frank, how are you able to watch this? My God, it’s horrible. And the stuff they do, it’s inhuman. How do they come up with it? And damn the sounds, thankfully, they put that rag or whatever in his mouth. What are they doing to him?” She points to the second guy, who looks to be passed out from pain.

That’s Chains’s way to work them slowly and methodically. Me, I’d put a bullet in their head and be done. Oh well, probably why he does what he does and I clean up after him. I glance at Irons and he nods, so I pull Celee outside for some fresh air ’cause in no time at all she will smell every bodily scent possible. Especially if Chains guts one of them. Then he pulls their intestines out, wrapping them around the person’s neck as they slowly die. Sick motherfucker.

“Frank, why are we out here and they are still doing the torture?”

“Celee, first, you needed a break and some fresh air. Second, it’s going to get intense and I’m checking to see where you’re at. Sweetheart, no one will think anything if you say that you’ve had enough and leave it in their hands. Also, you will see a side of your cousin that you’ve never seen, sweetheart.”

“Nope, I want to be the last face he sees before he goes to be with our father. After all he’s done to both Zeona and me, we owe that bastard plenty, Frank.”

All right, I’ve tried a few times, I can’t force her to leave unless Fury tells me otherwise. We stand outside, walking around the cabin, stretching our legs. Since I’m not normally with Chains when he’s in torture mode and now he’s working alongside Shadow, I can’t imagine what they will be doing when we go back in.

The side door opens and its Bullet rushing to a tree, puking his guts out. Yeah, that’s about right. Never thought he’d have the stomach to handle the downright torture of a human being. When he’s done, he walks toward us, face red, head down.

“Hey, brother. Bullet, look at me. Don’t lose any sleep about it. It is what it is. Chains has been doing it since he was younger than you. Remember what he did to rescue both Winnie and Jackson when they were kids in that foster home. He’s used to blood on his hands and guts and brain matter literally on him. Same with Shadow. They live that and continue to, it fulfills some crazy demented part of their souls.

“Fury, our VP, I don’t get how he can stand it in there, but maybe that’s why he’s Brick’s right hand. Bullet, we’re the newbies so do what you can and be honest if you can’t do it. Especially with Fury, he’s the most understanding brother we are lucky to be around. He’s got patience so if you can’t handle this, like I just told Celee, no one’s gonna think badly. Now here, got a mint, ’cause, brother, ya need it. What were they up to and what made ya heave?”

“Fuck, Dingo, they took the blowtorch and started burning that dude’s arm but from a distance. That didn’t bother me but when Chains grabbed some, I don’t know what it was, but he had some tool in his hand and started to skin the guy, and when he passed out, Irons zapped him in the balls. Don’t think that guy will be breathing when we get back in there. Fury already told me to leave him and all the gore there, so sorry, Celestina, so your brother can focus on it and know it’s coming. Some kind of mind fuck. Anyway, I’m taking a bit of a walk then I’ll be back.”

“Brother, don’t go too far, we don’t know who’s in these forests. Especially now, so gun in hand and head in the game.”

Celee and I watch Bullet walk away. I feel for the kid. When I turn, Fury is watching me, a slight grin on his face. Then he gives it to me straight, which literally guts me in a good way.

“Dingo, you did good, brother. Bullet is a bit of a soft heart when it comes to this kind of shit. You handled it with finesse and not sure the other prospects would have done that. Guess it’s time to let you know. Brick gave the go-ahead. Once this shit is done, you’ll be getting your patch and rocker. Welcome, brother, welcome home.”

With that he comes to me, grabbing me, and pulling me tight while he beats me on my back. He keeps me close for a minute then pushes me away while he brings Celee close.

“Darlin’, need to get your ass back in there if you’re doing this. He ain’t gonna last much longer. Take some advice from someone who knows. Hold no anger so you can be happy that he is suffering, but remember to put that in a cabinet you can lock and throw the key away. This is the final step in taking your life back.

“We already know from what they have said, the brotherhood is responsible for taking the De Luca mob down. They supposedly had a synchronized attack organized by one of their big honchos, so it seems like it was a success. Know it’s cleanup time and we are more than glad you’re able to stick it out. Now, it’s gonna go by fast as both Chains and Shadow have been at them. Now let’s go, kids. Take some clean air before you walk in. Breathe through your mouths when in there.”

Knowing once we enter it can never be forgotten, a small part of me wishes Celee wouldn’t be a part of this, but I can’t tell her not to be. Even if we were further along in our relationship, I’m not that guy. As soon as the door closes, Celee grabs my hand and I send up a request that this isn’t what becomes of my ol’ lady. I like her just the way she is, don’t want this shit to change or fuck with her.


My eyes flyopen as I feel like I can’t breathe. At first, I have no idea where I’m at. Then it dawns on me that I’m in bed, Frank beside me, though thank God he’s still sleeping and my thrashing didn’t wake him up.

My heart is pounding in my chest and I know sleep will not be happening anytime soon. I get up, first hit the bathroom to relieve my bladder then wash my face and hands. Concentrating on cold water to help with the slight headache, I brush my teeth to get rid of the acidy taste. Then I open the bedroom door and head to the kitchen to maybe grab a shot of something, Jack or Jose. Maybe it’ll help me sleep.

Rounding the corner, I come to a complete stop. Zeona is sitting at the island in the kitchen, head down, shoulders hunched, and shaking. No way. I move silently and quickly to her side. Right when I’m about to touch her, she jumps off the stool, twisting my good arm around my back, and shoves me against the island.