Then he knocks and walks in the side door. I hear my cousin suck in a breath as she jerks back, trying to turn and run. Fury grabs her around the waist as she starts screaming. I just stare at the scene we walked into.

Chains is bare chested in a pair of torn-up jeans, no shoes or socks on. He’s covered in blood, which makes him look insane and dangerous. Avalanche also is without a shirt, but he’s in the process of beating some guy hanging off a hook. The guy is beaten almost to death. Something moves in the corner and Panther steps up, pulling Big Bird back. Then he leans down, picks up a bucket, and throws it on the dude.

“Fury, what the hell is going on and why are we here?”

Then I hear a voice I prayed I’d never hear again. That deep, raspy, whining voice. Celestina goes completely still. When her eyes meet mine, I now know why we are both here. Fury lets her go and she comes to stand next to me. He goes to the wall and hits a button as the men move outta the way. Fury pulls a box down and hits a button. Looking up, I see a chain-run pulley that is shuffling toward us. Something like the machine in a cleaners that holds the clothes.

With that thought I miss the first sight of him, but Celestina doesn’t. Her free hand goes to her mouth, just as I look up into the eyes of one of the De Luca I never wanted to see again. Fuck, guess it was true I didn’t kill this motherfucker. Talk about having nine lives, this prick certainly does. I’m in the shadows, ha no pun intended, so I don’t think he sees me at first, so I stay quiet.

“Well, well, little sister, seems like you’ve landed on your claws yet again. Dad was right about you, should have taken care of you a long time ago. Too bad the old man is dead and won’t see what’s going to happen to his precious Celestina. Though I know, dear sister, and in fact I was in on the plans, so I want to make sure that by the time they’re done you’re begging for your life. AWEEEEEEE!”

I never saw Dingo come in the back door, and he’s got a stun gun on Dario Jr.’s back. Jr.’s body is jerking all over as he lets out a whine that I feel in my soul.

“Dingo, brother, enough. Goddamn it, Dingo, enough. Panther, stop him.”

Watching the show; it dawns on me that Jr. has no idea today is the day he’ll take his last breath. Maybe by Chains’s hands or Dingo’s, maybe even Celestina’s. But I will have a part in ending that motherfucking bastard. This time for good, I swear to Christ. Fuck, I wish I didn’t have this makeup on and my skull was on display.

“Jr., now is the time to tell us what you know. If you do, maybe I can convince Chains over there to end your life quickly and as painless as possible. Otherwise, and I know you know, being the son of a man who had no soul, what can be done to you. Now just to show you, make sure to keep your eyes open, Jr.”

I also turn and see Irons standing next to the guy on a hook. By the time I see the mini chainsaw in his hand, he’s grabbed the unknown guy’s foot—who’s already barefoot—and cuts off a toe. The guy is drooling while he’s screaming so much that he’s losing his voice. In less than two minutes, he’s lost all five toes on his one foot. I feel the peace start to spread throughout my body. This feeling right now is what has always happened when I’m in my wet room. At the moment, it gives me some relief because since I hooked my star to Panther I’ve had some nerves and worries that I’d have to pass the torch, so to speak. The screech brings me back to the present to see Irons pouring salt on the mangled open flesh.Good follow-up for a prospect,my mind throws out there. He’s been training with Chains.

It happens in like a second. One minute Celestina is next to me, the next she’s moved and grabbed a knife off the table. Before she can plunge it into her brother’s chest, I’m behind her, twisting her arm behind her back.

“Nope, lil’ cousin, ya don’t want this on your conscience. Leave this to me and Chains, we got you.”

Her shoulders start to tremble and then she turns to me, eyes full.

“Please, Shadow, I need this. You have no idea what he did to me growing up. No, nothing sexual, but he beat and belittled me. Him and my other brother bullied me. I lived in terror my whole life.”

I hear Jr. laughing. I can’t help myself. I walk out of the corner and into the full light. When he sees me, he starts coughing and choking. I do nothing but watch him. After he stops, I walk up to him, grabbing his only ball, and squeeze.

“Find something funny, you little prick?”

“Who the fuck are you? Son of a bitch, you two bitches could be twins. Did dear old dad have another little twat with one of his whores? Maybe another one of those natives?”

I see it but can’t believe how fast my man can move. He has his hand around Jr.’s throat and he’s screaming. With one crack across the face, Jr. stops struggling when he must see something in Panther’s eyes. Before he passes out, he looks at the two of us, confused as hell.

Dingo comes out from the back with a bag of shit. Now he has my full attention until Fury steps in front of me.

“Game’s over, Shadow. Time to get back to real. Here’s the shit to wash your face. No, I get it and if you’re gonna be part of this, you have to be your normal self.”

Fury stops when we hear laughter. I see Big Bird bent over laughing hysterically, while both Dingo and Irons are struggling to hold it in. Even Panther is struggling. Only one who isn’t is Celestina. She just looks scared and confused.

“Deal, Fury, only if you get her outta here. She don’t need to be a part of this, no matter how much she thinks she does. Deal?”

He looks deeply into my eyes then motions for Dingo to hand me the bag. Looking in, I smile and then head toward the back where there is a laundry sink. This shit comes off a lot easier than when you put it on. As the shit starts to come off, I feel Shadow coming back. I mean, yeah, I know my name and who I am, but between all our drama back home in Montana and now all of this, it’s been crazy. And from what I’m getting from Raven, it’s still going on up there in Timber-Ghost, though this time it’s our VP.

Water is warm and I’ve had this shit on my face for a bit. Scrubbing kinda hard, I rinse and wash again. One more time and then stand up, grabbing the paper towel my man is standing there offering. When I see nothing comes off on the towel I look over to see Panther grinning that sexy as hell smile.

“What are you smiling about?”

“Welcome back, Nizhoni, I’ve missed you. Now is the time to make sure your past stays back there.”

That in itself tells me that the time has come. And I’m thankful I’ll be able to give Celestina her freedom finally. That’s worth everything.


Not sure whatgot into me but when that asshole started running his mouth off to Celee, I couldn’t help it. Wish I coulda ended him but I get it, Fury has to make sure he gets everything he needs before this jagoff is put to ground.