Hearing boots hit the floor, we all turn just as Chains and Jackson walk in covered in blood and God knows what else. Immediately, Irons gets up, walking over to Chains, probably to help him. Lately, whenever shit like this needs to be done, Chains doesn’t put out a general call out to the prospects, he specifically asks for Irons.

Jackson looks around at all of us then at Fury. When our VP points downstairs, Jackson lets out a sigh. Then he walks toward the mudroom to do what, I have no idea. Irons and Chains are whispering then Irons takes off just as Beast, Doc, and Bad Dog come in. After Irons speaks, mainly to Beast, he turns and goes out.

The brothers who just got here are staring at Chains. He looks like a mass murderer. That’s what Stitch, Grace, Damien, Calum, lil’ Joey, and Esmeralda walk right into. Though not sure how, but at the same time Stitch pulls the women, Damien blocks Calum’s view of their Uncle Chains. Joey is a baby so all the women, the two boys, and the little girl in her momma’s arms head downstairs as Fury punches in a text, I’m assuming to Abby.

Jackson walks back in much cleaner. He leans down and talks into Chains’s ear, who nods then heads in the direction Jackson just came from. The controlled chaos is the way our club has always worked.

Hearing more noises, can’t make them out, we all come to our feet when Brick, along with Emmie and a three-carrier thing, walks in. It looks like a tray waiters use with the carriers sitting on it, one after the other. I can’t help it; I walk fast toward them to get a good look at the babies. Oh my God, they are gorgeous. And all are sleeping. My eyes go to Emmie, who looks fantastic except for the fear in her eyes. Fury walks up to her, pulling her in close.

“Thanks, Emmie, for doing this for me. Abby already set up the main floor suite for you and Brick. It has a huge dressing area where the babies can sleep. You tell us what you need and between all of us we’ll get that shit done. Now, come on, let me get you downstairs. Fuck, I mean shit, can you do stairs or do I need to carry you?”

Emmie looks shocked as her head snaps to Brick’s. He just nods so her eyes go back to Fury kinda shy.

“Wyatt, I can do stairs, just have to take my time. If three of the prospects can follow me down with Billy, Georgie, and Hazel, I’d be forever grateful. Mike won’t say a word but he’s past exhausted. Sit down please, Mike. Can someone get him a coffee and maybe throw in a shot of his Jack Daniels, please? Wyatt, you said Abby is downstairs. Are Grace and Kathy here too?”

As our VP takes our prez’s woman to the safe area, I pick up Hazel while Bullet grabs Billy and Tiny very carefully picks up Georgie. Looking at us, no one would even know we were badass, motherfucking brothers of the Grimm Wolves club. Before my feet even hit the last stair, I can see everyone making their way to us. I put up a hand and like synchronized swimmers they all stop while not saying a single word. I tilt my head and put my free finger to my mouth, saying hush.

Celee makes her way to the front. She grabs the carrier from my hand and walks over to the sectional, placing it down. She then leans in, unclipping Hazel, and gently picks her up, cradling the baby in her arms. That’s when it hits me that she’s gonna be it for me. From the moment I saw her on that dating site to when she was lying on that lounger in Texas, she has taken my breath away. I watch in awe as she gently moves from side to side, murmuring who knows what to that baby girl to keep her in sleepy land.

Glancing around, I see Spitfire has one of the boys. I’m not even sure when she got here, but Momma Molly has Georgie, with who I think is Beast’s mom, Odina, hovering close by. Can’t believe how much better that woman is doing. We all thought she was gonna die and look at her now.

This is my family, and why it’s hitting me right this second I have no idea. I take a step back to lean against the wall behind me. For all my time with the Grimm Wolves club, I never felt like I belonged as much as I do right this minute. The feeling is so good, no it’s fucking great. All the beatings and cruelty dealt to me by my dad haven’t gone away, but Fury is so right, as usual. It’s in the goddamn fuckin’ past, so why would I want to live there when I have the chance to live right here in the moment.

Feeling someone slide up next to me, somehow, I know it’s Fury. Especially when he puts a hand on my shoulder, squeezing.

“Brother, like I’ve told you before, I’m always here for you. We gotta deal with this shit quickly right now. Grab Celestina, if you can drag her away from the children and come back up. And, Dingo, let’s keep everyone else out of this, if possible. Just so you know, brother, shit has definitely hit the fan. We’ll be upstairs waiting.”


Sitting and waiting for Celestina,my mind is going in all directions. Chains caught me for a few seconds, told me to be prepared and that he might need my help. Then he left, leaving me hanging. Total asshole.

Panther and Avalanche disappeared about ten minutes ago when Irons texted them, asking them to give him a hand with a situation. My man leaned into me, asking if I was okay waiting by myself. That’s Panther, always worried about me. I’m his primary concern and for someone who had my type of life, that right there means the world.

Seeing Fury make his way back up, he gives me a nod before he looks around.

“If you’re looking for Brick, he went to the bathroom down the hall. Don’t take this as me talking outta turn, but your prez is at his breaking point. Fury, check him out when he gets back. His hands are shaking, seems a bit confused. I’m thinking that he’s sleep deprived and it’s finally peaking. Oh shit, here he comes, just a warning, my friend.”

We stand together as Brick walks toward us. Just looking at him you can see the exhaustion all around him. Fury waits until he’s right in front of us.

“All right, Brick, quick rundown. Someone left the mob hanging off my gate, literally. Oh, and they were dismembered, probably still alive when they did it. We have two still intact and breathing, barely. We are in the process of interrogating these two men. No, don’t go there, Mike. I want you to go down the hall and get some sleep. Don’t argue, brother, please, and don’t make this any harder than it is. It’ll be between the three of us. Just a few hours. Clear your head, Brick, that’s all I’m asking. Believe me, I get not sleeping because of babies crying, shitting, and eating. Remember, I got with Abby when the twins were tiny. Been there, done that, brother. I got this, promise. Now go, I’ll tell Abby to let Emmie know you’re down for a couple. I’m sure that will give her a bit of peace.”

“Brother, never have I been more grateful than I am at this moment to have you at my side. Fury, I can’t even think. My bad, should have reached out for help but felt like I needed to be the man and take care of my family. All I did was put them at risk. A couple of hours of sleep sounds damn good. Come get me sooner if you need to. Oh, Shadow, thanks for all of your help. And yeah, fuck, not something I ever dreamed would be coming from my goddamn mouth.”

Then he turns and stumbles down to the room Abby and Fury prepared for Brick and his family. No doubt he’ll be asleep before his head hits the pillow. Fury turns toward me as I hear someone walking up from downstairs.

“Shadow, I know you’ve been to hell and back from your connection to the De Luca family. Well, sister, sorry to say it’s not over yet. Once… oh, there she is. Celestina, I was just about to tell Shadow what’s going on. I need the two of you to come with me. Yeah, I’ll try to explain best I can. This is gonna affect both of you. Let’s walk, they’re waiting. And please, no questions, you’ll get your answers in less than five minutes.”

We follow Fury through one of the biggest garages I’ve ever seen filled with muscle cars and old vintage ones too, also two rows of motorcycles, best of the best. This motherfucker is loaded, I think to myself. We go out the back door and through the woods behind the house. Not sure why we didn’t just go out the back door, but who am I to question the VP of the Grimm Wolves.

Looking ahead, I see a building, not sure what it is but it’s the size of a single-car garage. The closer we get, the clearer I hear a familiar sound. I feel Celestina beside me stop walking and stand still.

“What’s the matter? It’ll be okay and you’re not alone, lil’ cuz. Come on, let’s get this shit done. You got this.”

To my utter surprise, she grabs my hand and I let her. Fuck, I’m gettin’ soft, for Christ’s sake. Even though I’ve been in this bitch of a life for over a decade, it don’t get any easier. Especially since I can smell death in the air.

Fury turns to us with the weirdest look on his face when he glances at Celestina. When he reaches for her other hand, I know this is gonna suck. Well, at least for her.

“This isn’t going to be easy so lean on both Shadow and me. Dingo will be here shortly, he had to grab something for me. Let’s go.”