My eyes catch the attorney’s eyes, who just shakes his head smiling my way as he pulls his wallet out and puts a twenty-dollar bill in my enforcer’s hand. Chains laughs diabolically.

“Whatcha need, Chains? Hey, Jackson, how’s shit? Where’s Winnie and your lil’ one? What’s her name again? Luna something?”

Chains laughs while Jackson tells me it’s Luna May. As I shoot the shit with Jackson, Chains is reviewing everything I’ve tagged regarding the brotherhood. When he gets to that Matthew guy, he looks over his arrest reports and he looks at me.

“He might be the loose cannon, Karma. He’s got issues with women and just look how Dingo’s ol’ lady and Shadow look. He might feel he deserves that, who the fuck knows why the man does what he does. Do you want me to put a call in to Fury? I know our VP said to limit our interactions with Brick to give our prez time to get used to his new home life. Watch ya think?’

I watch the emotions run across his face, which in turn shocks the shit outta me. Since I first prospected, Chains never showed a lick of anything. He was colder than a steak left in the freezer for months. And his eyes used to freak me out with how green they are. Not normal. When his head lifts and he stares back at me, I swear to Christ he can read my mind. Damn, I need some sleep.

“I’ll let Fury know. What you need to do is find everything out you can about this prick, Matthew. I have a feelin’ there’s a lot more out there about this jagoff. Tonight we did accomplish what we wanted. Celestina’s brother is beyond pissed and we now know the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood is also out and about hunting their prey. Fuck around with this for another hour or so, brother, then get some shut-eye. You look like total shit, Karma.”

“Thanks, Chains, glad to see you’re back to normal, brother. Think I’m coming down with something, so yeah, gonna do a couple more things then call it a night. We’ll meet up in the morning to go over if I caught anything.”

I watch as Chains and Jackson turn, it brings a smile to my face when Jackson puts his hand in the back pocket of Chains’s jeans, while our enforcer lays his head on his husband’s shoulder. Fuck, never thought I’d see that. Then I turn to my computer to get back to work.


The poundingin my head makes no goddamn sense. I didn’t even drink last night. Too busy fuckin’ my woman to exhaustion. She didn’t even do her usual of rolling off the bed to clean up before putting on at least her nightie or my T-shirt. My woman is not into being naked in bed, which I find cute.

Feeling Celestina stirring next to me, I jump up still, in just my boxer briefs, stomping to the locked door. Well shit, never know what could happen. Swinging it open, I almost shit myself when I see Fury standing there. When his eyes meet mine, know it ain’t good.

“Get your ol’ lady up and come on over to the main house, Dingo. We’ve got a situation.”

With that he turns and I can hear him knocking on the doors of the other brothers living here in the apartment. Our VP tells them the same thing he told me. Get your ol’ lady up and get to the main house. That’s what I’m gonna do. When I turn, Celee is already up pulling on her panties. She pads off to the bathroom so I give her a few minutes to take care of her business privately. She gets embarrassed if I walk in when she’s peeing so I give her some space. Me, I couldn't give a fuck, but guess that’s one of the differences between men and women.

Hearing the water turn on, I figure she’s brushing her teeth so I go into the separate area to empty my bladder. Then I go to the empty sink and wash my face and hands. I brush my teeth while watching Celee get ready. She’s brushed her hair and is in the process of trying to put her hair up with one hand. I get closer, grab the ponytail holder, and within a minute braid her hair. She turns smiling at me. Next she washes her face and puts lotion on it, then just a smidge of some kind of powder. She finishes off with a bit of lip shiner. That’s it.

When she turns to get dressed, I trap her between me and the sink.

“Morning, Celee. How’d ya sleep, sweetheart?”

Then I press a quick but hard kiss against her lips. I watch her eyes close as she leans into me, lifting up on her toes as she follows my mouth. That right there makes me smile.

“Come on, sexy, let’s get dressed, grab a few coffees to go, and head over to Fury and Abby’s.”

By the time we are ready it’s like a parade over to the main house. There is Bullet and Spitfire, Irons, Joy, and Everly, finally Tiny with his twin girls, Savannah and Adelaide. Though haven’t seen Susana, or as we all know her as Sweet Pea, one of our sweet butts from the club he keeps spending time with. She’s not been around for a while. Stallion and MacGuire and last, but not least, Celee, lil’ shit, and me.

We all make it to the second garage and walk through the open bays to the connecting door that leads to the great room. As soon as we enter, I can feel something is definitely off. Every one of us with ol’ ladies or kids with us puts them behind us. Abby, Talon, and Rogue are sitting on one of the sectionals, their dogs on the floor by their feet. What really sends a chill up my spine is the way they all look like they’ve seen a ghost.

Fury comes walking in with Shadow, Panther, and Avalanche behind him. Everyone is so somber; I’m wondering if something happened to Emmie or the babies. Our VP motions for us to sit. Well, the brothers, he asks Abby to take everyone else downstairs to the safe section of the basement. That right there has everyone’s head jerking up. Fury only had that side of the house done in case of an extreme emergency.

I pull Celee to me, which has lil’ shit trying to lick me to death. I kiss her softly while whispering it’s all gonna be okay. Once they’re gone, Fury sits down where Abby was, leans forward, and rubs his hands through his hair like he’s trying to gather his thoughts.

“All right, going to put it out there and we can figure it out. Fuck, Karma, get Brick on the Zoom call please, brother. We’ll wait, not going over this shit twice.”

We wait, as when Karma called Brick it was feeding time at the Jones household. It was kinda hokey and cute to see our prez running around, some kind of towel on his shoulder, because once Emmie got done breastfeeding each baby, he was on burp duty. Then he told us with three babies Emmie was struggling so they have to supplement her breast milk with formula. I look to Bullet mouthing, “TMI,” which he just smiles at.

Now the babies are down for a nap with the monitor in their bedroom. Brick is sitting at his kitchen table, cup of coffee in his hands. Emmie just walks in giving her man a kiss on top of his head. I hear her say she’s going to grab a quick shower while they’re down. Once she leaves, Brick looks into his phone.

“Fuck, sorry, brothers, to keep ya hangin’ on. This is our routine and there is no way in hell I’m gonna break it. So, Fury, what the fuck is goin’ on? From the tone in your voice and now the way you look, my gut tells me I ain’t gonna like it. So spill.”

“Yeah, Brick, not sure what, but something went down last night. When Abby let our dogs out this morning early, they both jumped the fence and headed down the fucking driveway. Not wanting to wake the boys up, Abby grabbed me and pulled me into our walk-in closet. What she told me gave me the creeps. So I threw on some clothes and with my guns and our dogs, who were covered in shit, walk down to the sealed gates.

“As I got close, couldn’t make out what I was actually seeing. But when I did, my stomach actually turned. Dingo, today you’ll have your hands full, brother. Not sure how, think they cut the power and alarm for the fence, along with our guard, Phil. Most of the Italians who were at that pizza place giving you and Celee/Shadow a hard time are currently hanging on my metal security fence. Oh, in pieces. So someone took the time to beat them within an inch of their lives, then disemboweled them before hanging those pieces up in the correct order per body. Well, except each man had his own dick shoved down his throat.”

Brick interrupts Fury, telling him fuck the schedule they are on their way. He wasn’t going to take any chances with his family. After he hangs up, Fury turns back to me.

“Dingo, there's only one left alive besides Celestina’s brother. Though using the word alive is really stretching it. I put a shout out to Chains before I called you, so both him and Jackson are trying to get that shit down before anyone else sees it. Only plus is that we live on so many acres. Bad thing is, my ol’ lady saw it and now wants to move from her dream house. It’s the threat that it was left at our home not the clubhouse, Chains, Winnie and Jackson’s, or even Brick’s or Beast’s. And they killed our night time guard. Fuck, Phil didn’t do anything to anyone, ever.”