I smile ’cause didn’t think Dingo would be able to handle this whole situation. For me it’s weird to be out in public and not have people stare or point fingers my way. Not that I’d ever regret my tattoo. It is now a part of me. Just gives me a different perspective, I guess. Without it on display, I kind of feel naked to the world. It’s going to be hard to ignore Panther if he shows up at the pizza parlor. So I stop and reach up on my tippy-toes.

“Dingo, text Panther, tell him to stay away from me. Not sure I’ll be able to hold it together otherwise.”

He gives me a slight nod, reaching into his back pocket, pulling his phone out. While he does as I asked, I shift my eyes around—and yeah, holy fuck—there’s three assholes over there and that bunch of four men don’t look like all the others. So two groups of men who don’t fit with the rest. That makes me grin. Ohhh, this is getting to be fun. Can’t wait.

It’s now after pizza and beer. These idiots are a blast and I can’t remember having this much fun in forever. With my club we are always running to save the next victim/survivor, or shut down a human trafficking circuit, so fun is usually either pushed to the back or we enjoy it in very small amounts at a time.

Suddenly, I hear raised voices, then a commotion at the front of the parlor. Some of the prospects get up and go to look, leaving me and Dingo sitting at the table by ourselves. I know the plan is to leave us hanging, but damn, that’s exactly how it feels. Then I hear Chains’s voice.

“Look, motherfucker, you’re in our town now. If I tell ya to jump, ya ask how high. Now tell me why I’ve found ya spying on one of my brothers and his ol’ lady? Shut up, you asshole, wasn’t talkin’ to you, talkin’ to the big man over there.”

We get up and move to the front window. I literally fall back against Dingo. Thank God, he is standing behind me because I’m looking into a pair of eyes filled with such hatred, I feel that empty emotion I’ve always felt when I was around Dario. Yeah, this is one of his spawn children. Looks to be the one I tried to castrate back at that compound. Just a few seconds in his sights and it hits me, my lil’ cousin had it just as bad as me, just in a different way. And she had to deal with not only two asshole brothers but a father from hell.

The asshole in question walks toward the window and taps on it to get my attention, or as he thinks… his sister’s attention. When I look his way, he gives me one of the snarkiest smiles I’ve ever seen, right before he raises his hand, pointing it like a gun, and pulling the trigger. Not sure why but I step back, just as Dingo reaches behind him and actually pulls his gun. Then in a raised voice lets loose.

“Motherfucker, you threatening my ol’ lady? I’ll put a bullet ’tween your eyes, put you outta your goddamn misery. Don’t even look at her again, ya hear me? Not sure why you’re in our town, but get your business done and get. Don’t push the Grimm Wolves to make your stay permanent, if you get what I’m sayin’.”

He says something to the idiots standing next to him, which enrages Chains. He reaches under his kutte and with one of his guns in hand bitch slaps Celestina’s brother across the face. Right there in public. Wiping the blood from his face, the De Luca sibling looks at each one of us and snarls.

“When I’m done, none of you will be breathing and that bitch will be given to that old fuck who’s been waiting to marry her worthless ass. I’ll be in touch. And you, maniac, touch me again and I’ll have my men shove your hands up your own ass. Celestina, I’ll be in touch, dear sister of mine.”

With that the group of men make their way down the street to waiting SUVs idling at the curb. We watch them take off. Once gone, Chains walks to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I can feel the bile coming up fast, but he leans in with barely a whisper.

“Shadow, don’t fall out of character now. You know your cuz would be upset so here, let me lend you a shoulder. Come on, be that tenderhearted woman you’ll never be. Ow, that hurt! No slamming elbows into my gut, for Christ’s sake.”

Smiling saccharine sweet, I lean in, placing my head on his chest while my hand grabs his side, twisting as hard as I can. He jumps back and grabs his side.

“You devil woman from hell. Swear to Christ, if I could get away with it…oh well, fuck it.”

Not sure why he stopped until I look around and see a few townsfolk stopping to watch our show. Dingo comes close, pulling me in while he slaps Chains a bit harder than necessary on the shoulder. Chains’s mouths to Dingo, “Later, prospect,” which has a shiver go through Dingo’s entire body. After he recovers, my‘ol’ man’pulls me back into the restaurant to finish our dinner.

With everything that just went down, no one on that sidewalk caught a glimpse of the other group of men watching and waiting. Though the shiver down my back shocks me, as usually that doesn’t happen to me. For Christ’s sake, I’m Shadow, enforcer of the Devil’s Handmaidens motorcycle club. I put the fear of God in men and women, not the other way around.


My eyes are burning,but I don’t want to stop reviewing all the tapes because all it takes is one thing to fuck a plan to shit. Brick and Fury told me to keep an eye out, but they also warned me if I intake too much Red Bull and all those energy drinks in my fridge that my ass will be out in the open.

It is by the grace of God that when Celestina’s brother and goons jumped into the SUVs and took off, I saw the glint of a gun off to the side, down the alleyway. I concentrated on the area and was able to make out the four, no maybe, five men in that dark alley. When the younger De Luca took off, I watched them casually walk to a huge Navigator, jump in, and follow the same pathway of our nemesis.

Now I’ve been trying to place facial recognitions but it’s not working. Most in the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood are very careful in their dirty deeds not to get caught, fingerprinted, or have a mug shot taken. The lower members, kinda like our prospects, might get nabbed, but generally even they are careful. The racist fuckers have so much support high up the ladder that they have sort of a force field around them.

What I’m trying to do is remove that shield. Once I can do that, then we will have unlimited access to all of the members of that group. Then maybe I’ll be able to get into their financials and start fucking with them. I’ve sent an email to both Raven and Freak in Montana to see if they can give me some help.

Needing to take a minute, I stand and stretch. Damn, my back is killing me. Gonna need a new and better office chair ’cause I’ve worn this bitch out. First, I text Grace to make sure Calum is doing okay by her. My boy is autistic and has issues around kids, though can’t call Damien a normal child. Calum seems to adore the older boy so we’ve been experimenting with sleepovers, which thank God is at Stitch’s house tonight so I can work.

I take a walk to the attached bathroom to take care of business while I’m up. Then I wash my hands and throw ice-cold water on my face. After about three or four splashes, I start to feel normal again. I don’t want to take any chances of fucking up with the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood.

Shadow, Panther, and Avalanche shared late last night, after all the planning shit was over, how they keep running up against this bunch of asshole racists. Guess a couple of the sisters in the Devil’s Handmaidens have been sort of involved, or maybe a better way to say it is they were dragged in without their consent. Most recent is Vixen who, shit, from what Shadow said, had no idea all that shit had happened to her back in the day. That she was hooked on drugs is shocking ’cause she barely drinks when we’ve all been together. And that she has two kids, twins actually, damn.

Though listening to her story, she deserves only happiness goin’ forward for sure. Fury told all of us when we started never to judge a book by its cover. At the time he was talking about Chains and how he was even more of a maniac than he appeared to be.

I wipe my face, run my fingers through my hair, and head back to my desk area. Before getting there, I grab a party size Chex Mix ’cause my stomach is empty or feels like it. As I sit, one of my programs stops dead on a face. Well, here we go, took long enough. Seems like that ugly as fuck guy from before, who was lookin’ to get under Chains skin. Asshole didn’t realize before that could happen, my brother Chains would boil him alive and pull his layers of skin off, feeding that shit to him before putting a bullet between his eyes. I’ve seen him do just that and worse.

Hello, Matthew Smythsens. See you’ve served time for well, go figure: rape, domestic violence, and murder. Though all the witnesses either disappeared or took back their accusations and testimony. He’s been with the brotherhood since he was only thirteen, his mother joined. By the time he hit fifteen, he was already in a ton of trouble because of his affiliation with the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. They use all their underage men to do the worst crimes because generally and, especially up in Montana, nothing happens. So involved in fuckin’ around on the computer, I literally jump, grab my gun, and almost piss myself when someone silently comes up behind me, putting hands on my shoulders.

When I turn, it’s to see Chains with a huge smirk on his face with his husband Jackson at his side. These two never cease to amaze me how in tune they are to each other. Guess that comes from growing up together in that fucked-up foster home.

“What happened, Karma? Thought I trained ya to always be prepared. Jackson, you owe me twenty.”