He starts out slow and gentle but quickly picks up speed. We fight together to reach the abyss. I know when he’s close because he starts panting my name…”Celee, Celee, oh God, Celee.” Then his fingers pinch my clit, and that’s it. My body completely tenses for a second or two, then I feel free. Everything seems to fly by at warp speed, until I hear Frank shout my name and lose his rhythm. He’s pounding, racing toward his orgasm, and I wrap him up, wanting him to know I got him.

Once spent, Frank rolls over, holding me close. I’m beyond satisfied and blown away. Again, how is this man not taken?

“Celee, you okay? Tell me if I was too rough, sweetheart, sometimes I get in my head during sex.”

“No, Frank, I’m good. Really good.”

He smiles at me and pulls me into him. I brace my bad arm against his body. Before long, his body relaxes and he starts to breathe deeply. I know he’s out.

Carefully, I manage to get out of the bed. On my way to the bathroom, I grab my nightie and a new pair of panties, putting both on. Reaching for a washrag, I place it under the faucet when warm. Walking back into the room, Frank hasn’t moved so I gently pull the condom off and place it on the side while I wipe him off. Taking the used condom and washrag back to the restroom, I throw the one out and rinse and place the other over the tub.

Moving back to bed, I hear lil' shit’s tail hitting the wall. He’s up and watching me. I walk over and grab him with my good arm, bringing him back to bed with me. Once he’s situated, I take a breath and slowly let it out. I do that a few more times and feel my body starting to relax again. Finally, I feel sleep overtaking me. The last thought I have is,this is one of the best nights of my life. I pray there will be many more like it in the future. And that I even have a future.

Our plan starts tomorrow. I hope to God this works and the good guys finally win over the bad ones. Fingers crossed.


After such a phenomenalnight and waking up to Celee’s lips wrapped around my dick, how it went from that to this bullshit, I can’t figure it out.

Shadow, Panther, and Fury are up my ass because I really don’t want to be seen with Shadow acting like Celee. It bugs the shit out of me. I know why, but don’t really feel like sharing my fucked-up history with them. As we are facing off against each other in Fury’s office, a soft knock comes at the door. Fury tells whoever to come on in.

Celee walks in, looking more beautiful than ever. Her eyes are sparkling and her lips are still a bit swollen from sucking me dry. Just the thought has my pants feeling a bit snug. She must see it because she gives me a pucker of her lips and winks. Damn, wish we could just spend the day in bed.

“Hey, what’s up?” Celee asks as she takes a seat next to me on the love seat.

Fury starts to explain and when he gets to the part about me not wanting to be seen with her cousin looking like her, Celee’s hand lands on my upper thigh. All eyes look at her hand then at both of us. Then she shocks the shit outta me.

“Would you mind if I had a private moment with Frank, please? Won’t take long, promise.”

Shadow glares but Fury and Panther nod and all three walk out, closing the door behind them.

“What’s wrong, Frank? Come on, tell me because this doesn’t make sense. It’s been part of the plan all along. Why change it now?”

Looking at her, it dawns on me that for the first time in my entire life, I’m falling for someone, and I don’t want to ruin it with this bullshit. Don’t want to touch another woman in any way. Not only because of this, but because of what my dad did back when I was a kid.

“You can tell me anything and it won’t change us.”

She grabs my hand with hers and waits, saying nothing.

“When I was a kid, my dad cheated on my mom so many times, lost count. And he was brazen about it, bringing his whores to our home when Mom was at work. We’d hear them rutting like animals. Most of the time my sisters had to clean up so Mom wouldn’t find out ’cause, yeah, he fucked them in the bed he shared with our mother. Then one time, I wasn’t there when he brought his new whore over. When I got home my sisters seemed weird, but fuck, at the time I thought all girls were weird.

“When the noises stopped and the headboard stopped banging into the wall, we all waited for them to leave. I was sitting on the front steps when the door banged shut behind me. I didn’t look, figured it was some tramp so was waiting for them to leave so I could get my homework done. When someone ran their fingers through my hair, I looked up and for a split second thought it was Mom, but then the perfume was wrong. I knew the perfume and the woman. It was my mom’s twin sister. From that minute, until the day she died of cancer, I hated her guts. As bad as this sounds, Celee, I was glad when I found out she got cancer. In my mind she deserved it. So just the thought of holding Shadow’s hand or faking a kiss, whatever, makes me want to puke. And it’s not Shadow, it’s because you two look like the same person. What happens, especially since last night, if I go to fake kiss her and then take it too far? Who do you think will kill me first, Shadow or Panther?”

She laughs softly then answers me.

“Totally, Shadow. Frank, think of it as a job. Be honest with them, set limits you can handle, but still make it look like your kissing, you know, fake it ’til you make it. Come on, please. I want this done so we can start our lives together.”

I rock back. Her words run through me like a live wire. Together. She wants to start our lives together. I’ve never had a woman want anything from me. Well, except the sweet butts wanting to be an ol’ lady or some waitress wanting bragging rights that she blew or fucked a Grimm Wolves brother. Nobody ever tried to get to know me, Frank, not Dingo.

I pull her close and just hold her for a minute. Then I nod and she goes to the door, telling them to come back in. As they wait patiently, I try to find the words and Panther helps me with the situation, though how I don’t know.

“Dingo, look at me. I’m a firm believer the past is just that, the past. The only way it can hurt you is when you bring it into your present. So whatever is weighing on your mind, remember that was then, this is now. And don’t let a person or people from your past have that much power over you. Brother, you’re your own man now. If anyone can do this, it’s you, Frank.”

Hearing that I feel empowered. Words from a man I barely know, but it seems like he has a read on me. I sit next to Celee and she grabs my hand with her good one. Then as hard as it is, I open up and explain why I’m having a hard time moving forward with our plan. I keep my eyes on Panther, not looking at Shadow or Fury. When I’m done, I lean back, trying to rest my body that has gone stiff with anxiety. My head is down, so I don’t see when Shadow gets up and walks toward me. When she sits down on the other side of me, it shocks the shit outta me. Then she grabs my hand, holding it, but I know it’s not Celee. It’s like holding on to something insignificant. A stranger.

“Dingo, you should have just told us. This I can handle. The problem is we don’t really know each other. So you shared some of your history, now I’ll share some of mine.”

She leans over giving Celee a squeeze on her leg, still looking her in the eyes.