With that he’s gone. Both ambulances take off like the devil’s hounds are chasing them. Everyone looks shell-shocked for like two minutes, then we all start doing what our VP told us to. Back to the clubhouse, gate closed. Each and every one of us is making sure we’re armed to the fullest before we disperse to where we’re needed.

I call Abby and tell her exactly what Fury said and she tells me to be safe. Also, she tells me Celestina and lil’ shit are at the main house. She said not to forget she has Shadow, Panther, and Avalanche with her, so they’ll help with protecting the main house too.

Then I go about locking down the clubhouse, pulling down bars over the windows and padlocking the door downstairs, then activating the digital locks on all rooms, including the back area where bedrooms are at. Since we don’t have enough people to be in multiple places at the same time, gotta do whatever to keep this place safe.Stallion and MacGuire walk up to me.

“Dingo, want us to stay back and guard this place? Fury didn’t say anything but might be a good idea, your call though, brother. Seems like our VP put you in charge, so we’ll do whatever you tell us.”

They both look at me with wide eyes and I feel my heart rate sky rocketing. Haven’t felt like this since back in the day when my dad was drunk and we were trying to stay outta his way. I take a quick second and then do what I know Brick and Fury would want.

“Yeah, both of you stay here, but once the gate is locked and electrified, come back up into the clubhouse. Grab the assault rifles, along with some grenades, and that gas can shit. Whatever you do, don’t let anyone in here if you can help it. Kill if you have to, we’ll deal with the consequences after. Keep your satellite phones close by. Someone will be in touch. Thanks, brothers. Be fuckin’ safe.”

Between the three of us we get the building as secured as possible. We pull two of the club vans out in front, blocking the entrance with them. And in the back are two of our box trucks. After this is done, I head back to my house to make sure Celee is okay and safe.

Seems like the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood is making their move, and it’s separate from the mafia. This whole thing with Celee just got more complicated. Or we have to figure out how to use each side to maybe eliminate the other. Though those thoughts are way above my kutte and paycheck.


Listening to Abby,sounds like the shit is actually hitting the fan. I look at Panther and Avalanche then jerk my head to the outside screened area. I walk to the farthest spot then turn and wait for them to follow.

“I know there’s a plan, but it’s got to start now. With two of the Grimm Wolves down, it’s gonna thin out their ability to protect their innocents because they’ll have to split their protection to at least two, no three, different spots. The hospital, here, and Brick’s place. Panther, need your help, gonna try that shit Momma Diane bought to cover tattoos. Big Bird, try and keep everyone’s attention, be the goof you usually are. Ruffle your feathers, do a dance, whatever it takes.”

Avalanche’s face instantly looks pissed off.

“Skull anii', I’ve told you multiple times to quit calling me Big Bird. Keep it up and I don’t care if you’re sharing spit with my brother, I’ll show how much I’m not Big Bird. Now, go try and make yourself look normal, while I do my thing to keep the crowd from getting too crazy. How long is that shit gonna take? I feel we should be out on the streets keeping an eye on Brick. He’s a target, even if he isn’t, because his head ain’t in the game at all. And right there we have four innocents. Emmie and those three newborn babies.”

Listening to him, it hits me how right Avalanche is. Fuck, never gave it that much thought.

“Avalanche, you’re right. Reach out to Brick, see if it’s possible to move his family here. Whatever we need to do to make that happen, we’ll do. Come on, Panther, let’s get this done. Hey, Big Bird—oh shit—I mean, Avalanche, don’t tell Celestina what we’re doing, want to see if we truly look alike. And umm, hey, big dude, thanks for being here and helping protect my cousin.”

With that I start to walk away when I hear Avalanche ask my man if hell froze over. That has me laughing out loud. God, he’s so easy to fuck with. As I make my way to the suite or shit, Abby called it the something, wing. Whatever, trying to stay out of everyone’s way I make it to our section of the house.

Grabbing my backpack, I open it, pulling out the box Momma Diane ordered for me months ago. She said to try it, see if it works, and if I like what it can do. Then she backtracked saying no matter what, I’m beautiful. She doesn’t realize that’s the worst thing to say to me. One of the main reasons I did the face tattoo was to hide that beauty. Seeing Celestina is like looking in a mirror and seeing my face from my past.

Opening the box and tipping it so the bottles fall out, I grab the instructions so I can see how this is done. Each bottle is numbered. As I read, Panther makes his way into our room.

“Nizhoni, quite fucking with Avalanche’s head. He’s got enough going on up there, he don’t need all your petty shit. Yeah, I get he’s a huge pain in your ass. The two of you are like oil and water. Zoey, this situation is starting to come to a head. Let’s make sure we don’t lose anyone, including your little cousin Celestina. She’s in the middle, but at least now we know her brother is still in charge of pulling the strings, which definitely makes it more dangerous. He wants what he generally assumes is his. So, come on, sit down, I’ll try to do this. Not sure why everyone thinks it’s necessary, you could have worn a hat to shadow your face. Ha ha, no pun intended. Let me read the directions. Well, fuck, who can read this print? Let me use my phone flashlight, see if that helps.”

I’m watching my man, and yeah, that’s what he is. I’ve finally accepted that and more importantly him. There’s never a time he doesn’t jump right into whatever muck or shit I’ve jumped in or am trudging through. Without any questions. Like right now, he up and left his ranch to come with me. Big Bird too.

Suddenly, I’m not sure why I’m getting emotional. What the hell is happening to me? This ain’t me, more like how my bestie Goldilocks acts. Feeling eyes on me, I look up to see Panther watching me closely. He must see something he likes ’cause he blesses me with that beautiful smile of his. My God, he’s beyond gorgeous. I have no words or anything to say that isn’t asinine or being a bitch to hide my feelings. And he knows it, so he goes back to reading the directions.

Feels like Panther’s been at it for hours, but probably ain’t but one. When he steps back, wiping his hands on a towel, his eyes look directly at me, and I can see it in his face. The shit must have worked.

“Come on, Nizhoni, let’s go see what you think. Bathroom mirror is probably the best. Be prepared, okay?”

That’s all he says, so I get up and walk into the bathroom, but don’t turn on the lights yet. First, I take a deep breath then reach over and flip the switch.

“Holy fucking shit. No way.”

I’m looking at my face from what… ten plus years ago. And my God, Celestina and I could be twins, no doubt. I’m probably going to freak her out when I walk down there. The feeling starts in my chest then I feel it up my throat, and it ends up in my eyes. Before I can help it, my eyes overflow and tears start rolling down my face.

“Damn, Panther, will this shit ruin the face stuff? Is it waterproof?”

Panther doesn’t say a word but pulls me close, holding on to me tightly. And that’s when the waterworks start. I feel they’ve been stored up forever. And I can’t stop them. Jesus Christ, of all times for my shit to come to a head. I hear a knock on the door, but before I can pull myself together it opens, and I hear, “Oh fuck.”

“Goddamn it, Big Bird, don’t you wait for someone to tell you it’s okay to enter?”

With that I push off of Panther, wiping my face with the top of my shirt. When I turn around to give Big Bird more shit, his face is in shock. He kinda shifts backward against the wall next to the door.