Frank immediately starts howling with laughter as do all the prospects. Brick drops his head while Fury just smiles my way. Afraid to look at Chains, I sneak a peek to see he’s looking my way, and I see a sparkle in his eyes. Great, at least no one wants to kill me in this room. There’s enough out there in the world who would gut me in a second or two.

“Celee, sweetheart, you keep surprising me. Thanks for sticking up for my brothers. Chains can be a prick, especially to Bullet, not sure he has forgiven him for fucking up awhile back. Means a lot, you having our backs.”

“Frank, how could I not? You guys are risking your lives for me. If we can make this work, I should be able to get on with my life, whatever that will be. I’m hoping it includes you in more ways than always just getting me out of trouble.”

“About that, we need to talk, sweetheart. Maybe tonight?”

I nod, totally afraid of what this ‘talk’ is about. But I’ve dealt with bullshit and more my entire life. I’ll handle whatever this turns out to be, though I’m getting used to having Frank in my life. I want to pursue this further but he has his own demons, so together we should be a great fucked-up pair.Guess I’d fit in around here, I’m thinking.


I can’t remember,since I became a prospect for the Grimm Wolves club, when anyone—and I mean anyone— has ever spoken up for us prospects. I mean, some of these assholes would beat off, come all over their bedroom walls in the dorm part of our clubhouse, then call whichever one of us was on call to come clean it up, while laughing the entire time. Or to test us, to see if we had the stomach to be brothers, after Chains would finish his ‘work’ in his wet room, he’d do a shout-out for a prospect to clean his mess and get rid of the remaining body or parts. I’ve done many of these callouts and have never shirked my duties as a prospect.

Celee is the first person to speak up for us like we matter and should each have an equal say in some things. Now, it’s much later in the day. After our impromptu meeting in the apartment, I had to take off to do my shift so Celee and lil’ shit hung out with Abby and the boys with their dogs. Though the boys were weirdly subdued.

When I got to the clubhouse, Fury pulled me aside and told me he was glad Celee did what she did. Then he shocked the shit outta me when he said he hoped I knew he was always around if I needed to talk or get anything off my chest. What the fuck was that about? I mean, out of all the brothers Fury is the one I respect the most. He’s got his shit tight in the club but also outside. I don’t know his story, but do know he comes from old money and he don’t speak to his family. Well, he has on a few occasions when the club was in dire straits. Like when Chains was kidnapped and he wanted to make sure the club had unlimited funds, in case whoever took our brother came in with a ransom request, we’d have it, no matter what. And fuck, he’s bangin’ Abby. I mean she’s every prospects’ MILF for sure. That property and mansion they live in and how they made the loft above the huge, nine-car second garage and turned it into an apartment so all of us would have a nice place to live for a reasonable rent. Fury is one in a million, and I hope those twins realize how goddamn lucky they are.

Now that I’m done at work, I pull my phone out, texting Celee to see if she wants something to eat so I can pick it up on the way back to the apartment. Just as I start, the alarm goes off from the gate. When I go to look at the camera behind the large bar, I hear boots running down the hall. Looking, it’s Karma with his pad in his hands and he’s talking into, I guess, his earbud.

“Motherfucker, don’t open that gate, kid. I don’t care what they do, you’re armed. We’re on our way. Hang on.”

He looks at me and, without a word, I’m following him out the door as he runs full-out toward the gate, grabbing his Glock at his side. Reaching behind me, I grab my SIG, not sure what the fuck we’re running into. And I don’t have my bulletproof vest on ’cause not expecting this kind of shit to go down.

Then when I can see the gate in the distance, I hear it. Pop-pop-pop. Gunfire. Karma actually drops his pad and moves off to the left, pointing for me to go right. That’s when I hear it. Sounds like an injured animal. Or person. FUCK!!! The screeching of tires and the smell of burning rubber is heard in the sudden silence.

We hit the gate at the same time. Diesel is on his knees, his hands pressing in on Slick’s chest or shoulder. His hands are covered in blood. Karma hits the inside button and the gate starts to close. I run into the guards shed and grab the huge medical bag. By the time I get back to Slick, I see Fury hammering it down toward us.

He actually slides in and immediately is in medic form. He’s yelling for shit I have no idea what it is, so Karma and Chains push me outta the way, telling me to call 9-1-1. I see Fury rip Slick’s T-shirt and see there are two entry holes, one in his upper shoulder, the other about five inches lower. Fury screams for Chains to lift Slick’s head and Karma to raise his feet.

More boots to the ground are heading our way. Then in the distance I hear sirens. Bad Dog and Puma get up close and personal, all-hands-on-deck. I go down the driveway to flag the ambulance in. Diesel is standing with me shaking. When I look at him, he’s white as a ghost. He’s our newest prospect, well actually, Slick is our newest but Diesel is right above him.

“Diesel, you good, man?”

“Not sure, brother, it happened so fucking fast. Think I gotta sit down, Dingo. Dizzy as hell and nauseated.”

Squinting my eyes, I don’t see it at first but then I do; there’s blood running down his side right under his vest. Motherfucker, he’s been shot too.

“Need some help! Diesel’s been shot too. Shit, he’s goin’ down. A hand here, motherfuckers!”

I grab him as he starts to fade then, as gently as possible, lower him down, opening his bulletproof vest to see where he is hit. On his side I see a hole, and when I roll him, don’t see an exit so I check the other side and nope, nothing. Means the bullet is still inside, which can cause a shit ton of damage. Fury is at my side, hands full of Slick’s blood and some gauze.

“Goddamn, how’d we miss he was hit? Dingo, open that gauze for me, brother. Diesel, kid, motherfucker, stay awake. Talk to me, sing a song, say the alphabet, goddamn it! Don’t give a shit, just don’t fall asleep. Hear me, boy?”

As quick as I rip the box of gauze pads open, I guess Fury is packing Diesel with it. When he presses on his gut, Diesel lets out a loud scream.

“All right, Diesel, look at me. You ain’t dying but not gonna lie, this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker. Do you have family or someone we should call for you?”

I watch Diesel shake his head no. That pisses me off.

“Yeah, Diesel, you have people. Every single one of us Grimm Wolves brothers and then all the ol’ ladies and kids. So don’t give up, kid. We got you, Diesel. Hear me? Nod if you hear me.”

Barely but I see him do it. He slowly nods. When I look up, Fury is watching me closely, a weird look on his face. Then he looks down, keeping pressure on the gauze as the ambulance pulls up. He starts giving the paramedics Diesel’s stats as they look at him in his kutte, VP right there on his chest.

“Don’t have time, guys, but I was training to be a surgeon, so trust me, he needs care stat. Then a transfer to the hospital so they can get him into surgery to remove the bullet.”

As they assess Diesel and start to move him to a gurney, another ambulance comes in hot behind the first one that’s already here. They run to Slick and before I can blink, both brothers are being pulled into the rigs. Fury looks to Chains, who nods and jumps in with Slick while Fury jumps in the back with Diesel.

“Dingo, call Brick then every brother. Tell them what happened. Call my ol’ lady, tell her to start the phone chain and get everyone heading over to our place. Once everyone is in place, lock it down, and tell her everyone should go downstairs if possible. I’ll be in touch. Send two prospects to Brick and Emmie’s for protection. Esmeralda is there and she’s trained, so that should at least give them some kind of a front. Brick can’t be moving Emmie to our place yet, I don’t think. We need to avoid that as much as possible. Get your ass back to the apartment, don’t let Celestina out of your vision. Do it now, Dingo!”