I think for a second but decide they need to face the fire, no pun intended.

“They’re hiding behind my GTO. All I ask is don’t get any blood or body matter on any of my cars, Momma. Whatever else you do, Chains is on his way so he can get rid of the evidence.”

I say it loud enough I know the boys hear me, because they come flying out the door, tears running down their faces.

“Mom, we’re sorry. Please don’t let Uncle Chains get rid of us. We’ll do whatever punishment you think we deserve and won’t complain or bitch. I mean whine. Please, you know Uncle Chains can be vicious, mean, and he don’t like either of us anyway. Always says we’re the devil’s spawn.”

I can’t help it; I break out laughing as Abby cracks me in the back of the head. When I turn, she’s got a huge smile on her face.

“Come here, boys. Now.”

They hesitantly walk over to their mother, heads down.

“Look at me when I talk to you. Now, yeah, I’m a bit pissed with the bleach, toilet cleaner, and clothes thrown in your closets. But the fire… what the hell, boys? If you would have told me, probably would have been a little pissed, but this shit, you leave me in a house with burning towels? That’s how much you care about me, not to mention all of Wyatt’s and my stuff, along with yours? We don’t have a money tree, boys. Everything we have, both of us have worked very hard for. So you’re going to go in and clean both bedrooms and bathrooms, including the mess you made. Then I want you to clean the guest bathroom. After that I want your phones, video game thingies, and all other electronics. You’ve lost them for the weekend, if not longer. And if I hear one complaint, then you won’t ever get that shit back. Wyatt, anything you want to add?”

“Yeah, Momma, for the next month or for however long Celee is here, you will both be on puppy shit duty. That means every day I want you to rotate and pick up dog shit. If I see any in the side yard where lil’ shit goes we are going to have a problem. Got it?”

They both stare at me open-mouthed, until Rogue puts his foot in his.

“Why do we have to clean up after a dog that ain’t even ours? We don’t even clean up after our own, Mom does it.”

Abby clears her throat and he looks at her.

“I meanisn’tours.”

“Rogue, because you have no concept of anything because you’re spoiled rotten. Son, don’t roll your eyes when I’m standing right in front of you. For that you will also clean up after our dogs, help your mom with grocery shopping, and carry that shit in and help put it away. And will be responsible for putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Anything else you want to run your mouth off about?”

He glares at me, stink eye and everything, but keeps his mouth shut. Talon’s eyes are going to his brother then to me and back. I know how much it’s killing him not to stick up for his brother but glad he’s learning. Now to finish this shit up.

“Boys, if your mother and I didn’t care, we’d let you both do whatever the fuck you want. I know, Abby, but they’re older now, and swear worse than you and me together. For Christ’s sake, they hang out in a motorcycle club where guys’ every second word is a swear word. Time and place, boys. Now, do either of you have anything to add or say? We’ll listen as always, as you both know. In this house live four people and we talk shit out around here.”

Rogue looks at his brother then puts his head down.

“I’m sorry for being an idiot. Can’t talk for him, but I’ll do my punishment and here is my phone now. Didn’t think and I panicked, so my bad. I’ll start cleaning now.”

He turns and starts walking away when we hear loud pipes, which I know are Chains’s. Talon’s face goes white as a ghost and it dawns on me he thinks Chains is here because of them. Abby is smiling like a loon. He looks at both of us and starts running to the house, passing his brother on the way. Both of us break out laughing and that’s what Chains walks into.

“So hey, Abby, what the fuck is so funny and why are the boys running into the house when usually they are running out?”

Abby gives him an abbreviated story and his eyes go wide before he runs his hands through his hair.

“Fuck, I hope to Christ Luna May doesn’t get any ideas, though she’s been mouthy for a little kid. Not sure where she gets that from.”

Abby and I look at each other and she snorts, while I try without any success not to laugh. Chains gives us a weird look and I have to.

“Dude, you serious? She gets that from you.”

He grins ’cause he knew that already. I go and close the shit down I was trying to work on as Chains visits a bit with Abby. Then together we make our way to the prospects’ apartment just as I hear other bikes coming down the driveway.


Sittingin the great room of the apartment, my anxiety is getting the best of me. First, Frank was nowhere to be found again. Second, all the prospects either came out of their rooms or started showing up. Couches and chairs got moved or shoved as tables were set up, where they came from, I don’t have a friggin’ clue. The only women are Shadow and me.

Then Fury walks in with Chains, and the air in the room changes. All the prospects get quieter and seem to be watching what they are saying. Then Beast, Stitch, Bubba, and Karma walk in with Puma. As everyone starts to find their seats, it’s weird to see all the brothers who are members sitting, while the prospects seem to be hanging closer to the couches. Just as Fury gets ready to start, we hear boots hitting the floor. When we turn, Brick and Bad Dog make their way to the group. Fury is shaking his head at Brick.

“Dude, told ya I had this shit. Who’s with Emmie and the munchkins? Please tell me she’s not alone at home.”

“Fuck, Fury, think I’m an imbecile? Esmeralda, Joy, and Kathy are there with Slick. Why that fucker is there, no idea, but he can help with whatever the ol’ ladies need. Now, let’s get this shit done.”