“Here ya go, Bullet. Looks like you could use it. I’ll grab ya some coffee too.”

“Wow, thanks, brother, ’preciate it. Smells great. And yeah, I’m starving.”

He digs in as I start to put more bread in the toaster. I feel her before even knowing she’s in the room. Turning, I see her getting settled next to Bullet, grabbing a strawberry to munch on from the bowl I left on the island.

“Mornin’, sweetheart. Did you sleep good? That body pillow help at all?”

I spoke to Spitfire yesterday, telling her how much trouble Celee was having sleeping with how her wrist is bandaged and braced. She told me to get her a body pillow, so I did. She looks more rested, I think.

“Yes, Frank, surprisingly that pillow helped me sleep through the night. Well, that and the pain pill. Hi, Bullet, you look beat. Not feeling well?”

“Nope, Flame thought it’d be a great idea to babysit for Emmie and Brick so they could get a good night’s sleep. Emmie even pumped the milk so we could feed the rugrats that shit, I mean, well you know. Yeah, learned a bit too much about pumps, breast milk, and all kinds of other things I had no interest in. Oh, I was telling Dingo my ol’ lady thinks we are gonna have at least six kids. Crazy, isn’t it?”

I can see Celee has no clue what to say so she nods and just smiles. I butter her toast and after piling food on a plate, I place it in front of her. Then I grab her coffee, putting cream in it for her. When I go to put it in front of her, I can’t believe it, her plate’s almost empty. What the hell? When I look at Bullet’s his is full and they both start laughing.Oh, ha ha,I think to myself.

“What’s on your agenda for today, Celee?”

“Not much, Abby invited me over for lunch so I guess that. By the time I’m out of this thing and in a cast I’ll not be able to fit in my clothes. All each of you do is feed me.”

She’s laughing as she says it. Well, until the doorbell rings. We all look at it because no one rings our doorbell ’cause no one comes here. Not to mention Fury’s property has security and a guarded gate. And we all hang out together and live here so my hackles are up, as I can see so are Bullet’s. I motion for Celee to come around the island and to kneel behind it. Then Bullet and I go to the door, both armed. The doorbell goes off yet again, so I carefully, from the side, look out the eye peeper and almost shit my pants. Fuckin’ dark as fuck skull face is lookin’ back at me, icy-blue eyes so familiar, but colder, staring right at the peephole. Looking at Bullet, I mouth, “Shadow,” and he drops his head. We put our guns in our pants and I open the door.

“Motherfucker, took you long enough. What the fuck, you two hold hands and skip to open the door? Shit, get outta my way, here to see my little cuz. Nice job you Wolves did of keeping her safe. NOT. Come on, Panther, you too, Big Bird. Get your asses inside.”

Turning, I see both men slowly walking in, giving me the eye. Well, what the fuck? Celee and I have spoken to her lunatic cousin numerous times and explained everything has been straightened out.

When I hear the squeal, I push Bullet outta the way and head toward the kitchen. When I make it with the three other men on my heels, I skid to a stop. Celee is in Shadow’s arms and to my utter shock both have tears on their faces. Celee I understand, she leads with her heart, but Shadow? Didn’t know she had a heart. Looking around, I do my best to play host.

“Any of ya want coffee or maybe breakfast?”

Avalanche steps forward, smiling.

“I could use some coffee and breakfast, if you’re offering, Dingo.”

This seems to break the ice as everyone moves to the large table and I start to make more eggs, while Bullet pulls another slab of bacon out. Celee is eating her food with her one good hand, which I know is ice cold, so I go and grab it to warm it up. Shadow raises an eyebrow but Celee knocks her good elbow into her. Watching them, it’s actually eerie. Bullet says what’s on my mind.

“Can’t believe how much they look like each other. I’d never say it to Shadow, but wonder if Dario could be her father too.”

I shrug and concentrate on making breakfast. The rest we’ll deal with later. Well, until Shadow starts with her usual goofy bullshit with Avalanche.

“Damn, Big Bird, is that all you do is eat? I know you’re a huge-ass bird but, dude, you need to watch it or you’ll be too big to fly.”

She starts cackling while Celee tries to hide her giggle with a cough. Avalanche being Avalanche smirks and flips Shadow the bird. As I watch all the interaction, it dawns on me how much I’ve kept myself removed from the closeness some of these folks have. Even though Shadow and Avalanche seem to have a love/hate relationship, I’ve heard the stories about when Shadow had her thing and how Avalanche almost died for her.

I’d die for any Grimm Wolves brother, I think. Never been in that situation. Chains I know would do it for anyone of us, no hesitation. Sometimes I wonder if I’m meant to be a Wolf. I’m kinda close to the prospects but probably because we live and work together. Bullet has Spitfire, Tiny has his girls and sometimes Sweet Pea, one of the sweet butts. Doc has his dad to take care of and Irons has Joy and Everly. Velvet, Diesel, Stallion, and MacGuire I don’t know a lot about, and Slick—who knows what the fuck he is and why he’s here—though he’s been hooking up with one of the newer sweet butts.

Hearing my name, I look up to see like eight, no ten, eyes watching me intently. Shadow has a smirk on her face and Celee looks worried. The guys look like, ya know, guys.

“What, did I miss something? Why ya all lookin’ at me like I’ve got two heads, for Christ’s sake?”

Avalanche coughs while Bullet looks the other way. Panther barely shakes his head while Celee just stares. Great, it’s something Shadow asked me and now she’s gonna give me shit. But to my utter surprise, she tilts her head, watching me for a minute or two, then just drinks her coffee for a second.

“Dingo, I asked if you know when we can go over the new plan? I know Brick has his hands full of babies, but can we meet with Fury and Stitch sometime today? I’ve got some time to get this done, but we’ve got shit going down back in Timber-Ghost that I’ve eventually got to get back to. So let’s try to figure out the best way to finish this shit, so my lil cuz here can finally have a life and hopefully get laid. You up for that, prospect?”

Celee actually spit her food out across the island, while both Avalanche and Bullet start coughing then choking. The only one it didn’t affect was Panther. He just looks at Shadow, a slight smile on his face.

“Nizhoni, be nice. This is serious business and Celestina’s life is depending on how this works out. Unless she wants to change her looks and move to Montana.”

Celee bites her lip, looking at me.Is that even an option?I think to myself. Then to my surprise, I guess it is, as Celee replies to Panther.